티스토리 뷰


BBC English

RosyPark 2019. 9. 5. 17:41


Exercise helps the brain: BBC News Review



very famous and well known


• Michael Jackson was a legendary figure in pop music.

• You haven't seen Citizen Kane!? It's absolutely legendary!


person with highly detailed knowledge about a subject


• Dan's a comic book geek. Ask him anything and he'll know the answer.

• You're such a geek! No one else knows half of the stuff you do!

the Godfather of (something)

a man who developed an influential idea, often in the arts


• James Brown was the 'Godfather of Soul'. Michael Jackson studied his moves!

• Lewis Hamilton says Fangio was the 'Godfather of Formula 1'.


mentally quick and intelligent


Michelle is such a sharp girl. She’s always top of the class.

Da Vinci was a genius. At the time, no one’s mind was sharper.

keep (something) at bay

< 을 가까이 못 오게 하다, 저지하다>

prevent (something) from happening


The police line kept the rioters at bay

Neil takes echinacea(에키네이져-) to keep colds at bay

Keep him at bay if he comes too near to you 그가 너에게 너무 가까이 다가오면 그를 저지하여라.


<일정기간의 일 활동> limited periods of time spent doing an activity


He did a stint abroad early in his career. 그는 경력 초반에 해외 근무를 했다.

John had a stint working as a teacher.

The city experienced long stints of crime, which the police eventually ended.


a large group of people travelling together


• There is a caravan of people moving towards the border.

• The group is travelling in caravan for safety.


makes a strong or serious promise


• The Prime Minister vows to reduce taxes over the next four years.

• I made a vow that I would stop eating meat. Now I'm a vegetarian!


uncontrollable excitement; extreme emotional reaction


• There was hysteria when the pop star took to the stage.

• When Neil fell over, we laughed hysterically.


a way of organizing people at different levels, for example workers in a company


There is a rigid hierarchy in the company

그 회사에는 매우 엄격한 계급 제도가 있다.

flock of chickens

a group of chickens


In 1951, H5N1 avian influenza was detected in a flock of chickens in Scotland.

1951년에 스코틀랜드에서 H5N1 influenza가 발견되었습니다.


the amount of work done


They say sleeping on the jobs helps increase productivity.

근무중 낮잠이 생산성 향상에 도움이 된다고 한다.


stopped something happening; stopped someone doing something


She suppressed the police report to save his reputation

그녀는 그의 명성에 금이 가지 않게 하려고, 그 경찰 보고서를 은폐했다.


forced on


Relatives imposed upon us when they stayed for a whole week.

친척들은 머무르면서 한주 내내 우리를 귀찮게 했다.

pecking order

a phrase to describe levels of importance in an organization – 서열


There is a reason why we have a pecking order in a hospital

우리가 병원에서 서열을 따지는 데는 이유가 있다.


a small amount of something, usually a liquid


I like my tea with a dash of milk.

My gin with a dash of tonic, and my soup with a dash of salt.


< 마니아> someone who is very interested in or enthusiastic about a subject


Amir tells me you’re quite Aficionado.

no balls no babies

위험을 감수해야지 좋은 비즈니스 결과를 얻는다.

be (only) to be expected

(아주) 정상이다.

A little tiredness after taking these drugs is to be expected.

이 약을 먹은 뒤 약간 피로감이 드는 것은 정상이다.




a diet based on eating mostly plant-based food and only occasionally eating meat 

채식주의 식사를 하지만 경우에 따라서는 육류나 생선도 먹는 사람

Flexitarians (semivegetarians) primarily follow a plant - based diet but occasionallyeat small amounts of meat , poultry or fish 

플렉시테리언 (반채식주의자)들은 주로 야채를 기반으로 한 식단을 따르지만 때때로는 소량의 고기, 가금류 또는 생선을 먹기도 한다.


doing something for ethical reasons means doing it as a moral choice because you believe it is the right thing to do


The trade association promotes ethical business practices.

무역협회는 윤리적인 비즈니스 업무 태도를 장려한다

a combination of measures

a number of different actions 


Only a combination of measures will be successful

수단들의 조합만이 성공적일 것이다.


impressive and out of the ordinary 


It never seems to stand in the way of her ambitious plans.

그녀의 야심찬 계획에는 전혀 걸림돌이 없는 듯하다.

survey the literature




a luxury

a food that we really like but we only have it rarely because it’s expensive, rare and/or bad for our health






feeling of great happiness


• As the winning goal was scored, shouts of euphoria erupted around the stadium.

• I was euphoric the day my son was born. I've never been so happy in my life.

goes into meltdown

goes out of control


•He goes into meltdown every time we mention a mistake he's made.

•The website went into meltdown within minutes. Too many people wanted tickets.

usher in

(here) cause an activity or process to start


•The next generation smartphone will usher in great changes for everyone.

•The new anti-discrimination laws ushered in an era of fairness and equality for all.




A mistake often caused by carelessness


•She made an interview blunder by telling everyone about the secret product launch

•Dan blundered into the door while he was on his phone.


Temporarily lost due to forgetting where it was put


•I’ve mislaid my phone somewhere in this room. Can you help?

•Did you really mislay my passport, or did you lost it?


A number of tasks that should have been done by now


•Sorry, I can’t chat. There’s a backlog of emails I’ve got to clear.

•We’re going to be working all night if we’re going to dent this backlog.

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Allows a secret to be known


- Information leaks due to carelessness when sending emails containing sensitive data

- The spy knew there was a leak somewhere – she just had to find it


Imperfection or fault


-The company’s financial difficulty has resulted from a flaw in the payment system.





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Refuse to take part in something as a protest


The USSR boycotted the 1984 Olympics

Many sports teams boycotted south Africa during apartheid.


Allowed by the law


She’s the legitimate owner of the property

He is a legitimate candidate for the job.

Lash out





Rid (someone) of an unwanted feeling. Memory, or condition

Physically remove (something) completely


-Bob had helped purge Martha of the terrible guild that had haunted her

- Sufferers eat normally in summer but overeat and purge during winter.


Get bigger


The crowds swelled when the gates were opened.

Someone hit him and his nose is swelling.

Turkish lira fall: who's responsible?: BBC News Review



perfect example of something


•After a textbook pass from Rob, Dan scored a textbook goal!

•The suspect was set free after a textbook legal defence made by her lawyer.


feelings of nervousness or anxiety


•Everyone gets jitters before an exam. Don't worry. You'll do well.

•He's nervous. Speaking in public gives him the jitters. I'll make him a cup of tea.


made more important than it should be


•Reports are talking about large numbers of people, but I think they are overblown.

•She's got such an overblown ego! She thinks she's the best at everything!

BBC News Review: Study into women's drinking habits



drinking more than another person


Who do you think will be silently strong when out-drinking?

술자리에서 조용히 강할 거 같은 사람?

wine o'clock

(humorous) an appropriate time of day to start drinking wine


와인 마시기를 시작하기에 알맞는 시간

knocking back

drinking something quickly or in large amounts, particularly alcohol


I ' m going to knock back this beer

난 이 맥주를 원샷 할 거야. 


person who drinks a lot of alcohol 술꾼/ 술집


 술을 입에도 대지 않는


Hes strictly teetotal / 그는 술은 절대 입에도 대지 않는다

BBC News Review: Samsung smartphone problem


a burning issue

an important and urgent problem, often one that people have strong opinions about


Japan ’ s dubious colonial claim to Dokdo, Korea ’ s eastern most islets, has been a burning issue for many years between Korea and Japan 

한국의 가장 동쪽의 섬 독도에 대한 일본 식민시대 때의 미심쩍은 주장이 오랫동안 한국과 일본 사이에 논란이 많은 쟁점이 되어왔다.




They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market.

그들은 시장에서의 현 위치를 확보하기 위해 대단히 수상쩍은 몇몇 기업 행위를 벌였다.

burn a hole in (someone's accounts)

cause them to spend lots of money


 My friend can ' t seem to save anything . Money burns a hole in her pocket

나의 친구는 전혀 저금을 할 수 있을 것 같지 않다. 그녀는 돈이 있으면 금세 써 버리고 만다.

come/be under fire

be criticised or held responsible


The health minister has come under fire from all sides.

보건부 장관이 사방에서 맹비난을 받게 되었다.

sedentary occupation

activity which involves little movement 좌식위주 일


Today ’s average American also burns 260 fewer calories each day due to increased automation, technology , and sedentary occupations .

오늘의 평균 미국인은 또한 자동화, 과학기술, 좌식 위주의 직업이 늘어나서 260 칼로리를 덜 소모한다.

keep you up at night

prevent you from sleeping


They keep you up at night , anxious worrying 

들이 너를 불안하게 걱정하며 잠 못들게 했잖아

screen time limits

imposed maximum duration for use of digital devices


This application helps parents to set screen-time limits on devices.

 이 응용 프로그램은 부모가 단말기에 스크린 시간 제한을 설정하는 것을 돕는다

Seductive vegetables boost sales by 25%: BBC News Review



Tempting and attractive; enticing.


The idea of retiring to the south of France is highly seductive

프랑스 남부 지방으로 은퇴 생활을 하러 간다는 생각은 대단히 유혹적이다.


allowing you to do something when you shouldn’t


Neil can be an indulgent father

Everyone indulges now and again. Relax and have a piece of cake.


(특히 좋지 않다고 여겨지는 것을)마음껏 하다


 They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping. 

그들은 본격적인 쇼핑을 좀 마음껏 하려고 시내로 갔다.


pleasant but immoral(<->decent) 타락한, 퇴폐적인


Dan only gets decadent at parties!

The last days of Rome are a historical example of decadence.


brighter, more colourful and more attractive


Dan’s shirt was jazzier than Neils’s

This room could be jazzier. Let’s jazz it up with some yellow and orange. 

Bedroom DJ is finally famous: News Review


hit the big time

대성공을 거두다.


The new design hit the big time. / 새로운 디자인은 대성공을 거뒀다.

a slot

a scheduled period of time


• My band has a regular slot at the club. We play at seven o'clock every Tuesday.

• We have secured a prime slot for the new show. Six o'clock on Saturday evening!

gets a (...) break

receives favourable treatment 행운을 얻다


• Keep sending your job applications, Persistent people always get a break! • International superstar Leona Lewis got her big break on a TV talent show.

a pop

an opportunity


• We gave the intern a pop at presenting when the regular host was sick.

• I couldn't fix my bicycle so I asked my dad to have a pop at it.



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