티스토리 뷰




Pompeo says Hong Kong is no longer autonomous from China, jeopardizing billions of dollars in trade

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he certified to Congress Wednesday that Hong Kong no longer enjoys a high degree of autonomy from China -- a decision that could result in the loss of Hong Kong's special trading status with the US and threaten its stand




Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he certified to Congress Wednesday that Hong Kong no longer enjoys a high degree of autonomy from China
* certify (특히 서면으로) 증명하다
ex1) I certified to Congress today that Hong Kong does not continue to warrant treatment under United States laws in the same manner as U.S. laws were applied to Hong Kong before July 1997

ex2) He handed her a piece of paper certifying that he was in good health.

그녀가 건강하다는 것을 증명하는 종이 한장을 그가 그녀에게 건냈다. 

President Donald Trump and Congress will decide what actions to take as a result of the certification which comes at a time of increased tensions with Beijing as the two countries trade barbs over the coronavirus pandemic.
* trade barbs : 신랄한 말을 주고 받다

-  The candidates traded barbs during the debate. 그 후보자들은 논쟁 중에 신랄한 말을 주고 받았다. 

Ending a special trading relationship that has existed for decades would carry costs for American business, rattle an already fragile global economy and hurt Hong Kong more than China, experts warn.
* rattle 달가닥 소리를 내다.

- Everytime a bus went past, the windows rattled. 버스가 지나갈 때마다 창문들이 덜거덕 거렸다. 


* rattle off 그녀는 미국의 모든 대통령 이름을 줄줄히 말할 수 있다. 

- She can rattle off the names of all the presidents of the US. 

Pompeo's decision comes after Beijing introduced controversial national security legislation for Hong Kong -- legislation that he again denounced in Wednesday's statement as a "disastrous decision.
* legislation

1. (의회에서 통과되는) 제정법 
2. 법률의 제정, 입법행위 Legistraion will be difficult and will take time, 법률 제정은 힘이 들고 시간이 걸린다. 


* legislation와 사용되는 단어 

- The police think that such legislation would be unworkable.

- Anyone has the right to initiate legislation.

- The government is pushing through legislation to ban smoking in all public places.

- Congress approved legislation which outlawed the sale of the drug.
- Governor Bradbery signed legislation for $2 million in municipal relief.

- Member states may not adopt legislation contrary to EU law.

- Religious interests may try to block this legislation.

- Companies have until December 31 to comply with the new legislation.


The proposed law has prompted protests in Hong Kong and has been denounced internationally, with observers warning it could curtail many of the fundamental political freedoms and civil liberties guaranteed in the agreement handing the city over from British to Chinese rule in 1997.
* prompt protest 항의를 촉발하다. 

* curtail 축소[삭감/단축]시키다

- Spending on books has been severely curtailed 도서 구입비가 대폭 삭감되었다.

* denounce - 비난하다, 비판하다 

denounce a person as a traitor 남을 배반자라고 비반하다.

denounce a person to the police as a thief 남을 도둑이라고 경찰에 고발하다. 

But the sources say discussions are still ongoing as to how far the executive action will go, and to anticipate that further action will be taken in addition to what is expected to be rolled out Friday
* roll out (새로운 정치 캠페인을) 시작하다

- The new model is to be rolled out in July. 


* how far (거리, 정도가) 어디까지, 어느 범위까지 

- Excuse me, how far is it to City Hall from here? 

실례합니다, 여기서 시청까지 얼마나 되죠?

Ultimately if Hong Kong becomes less operative as a place to do business, it could also hurt China somewhat
* operative 

That's worrisome for for Hong Kong's reputation as being transparent and open and lacking corruption and criminality when it comes to financial interactions
* criminality 

The Trump campaign had decided to deflect action from its bungling of the coronavirus pandemic to blaming China
* bungle

One Country, Two Systems' model and therefore Hong Kong is not to benefit anymore from the separate tariff entity system would be perceived as bashing China and would fit into his reelection plan, but it is so terrible to the people of Hong Kong
* bashing

Under the 1997 handover agreement between the UK and China, Hong Kong's Basic Law was meant to ensure the territory's high degree of autonomy, with an independent executive, legislative and judicial system and control over its financial system, human rights and freedoms
* judicial

But in the last two decades, China has taken steady steps to infringe on Hong Kong's autonomy, culminating in the new proposed security law that bypasses the territory's legislature
* infringe on
* bypass

Leading Hong Kong activists like Martin Lee and Jimmy Lai were hauled into court
* haul into

* haul a person into court : 법정으로 ~을 소환하다. 

China has tried to enforce legal and psychological obedience in Hong Kong, pushing from 2012 for education to instill "patriotism" in Hong Kong's children
* push from 

In 2019, a proposed law allowing criminals to be extradited to China brought thousands of protestors into Hong Kong's streets, afraid that the territory's special status was being steadily corroded.

* corrode


* extradite 타동사 [VN] (범죄인을 그 관할국에) 인도하다

ex) The British government attempted to extradite the suspects from Belgium. 







She was tricked as a teen into prostitution. A decade on, she has no work and faces starvation

Nodi was 14 years old when she says she was sold into one of the world's biggest brothels. A decade later and with Bangladesh under coronavirus lockdown, she now is facing a new problem: hunger.



Nodi was 14 years old when she says she was deceived and sold into one of the world's biggest brothels.
* brothel : 매매춘을 하는집, 사창가의 집 

In late March, Bangladesh imposed a nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19, which has infected more than 36,000 people in the country, including more than 520 who died, John Hopkins University figures show.
* impose (새로운, 법률 등을 ) 도입하다
ex) A new tax was imposed on fuel. 유류에 새로운 세금이 도입되었다. 

 Since 2000, prostitution has been legal in Bangladesh, but it is regarded by many as immoral.
* prostitution : 매춘, 성매매 

Nearly 1,500 women and girls are packed inside the 12-acre site, which resembles an overcrowded slum, with densely packed alleyways lined with corrugated iron shacks, small shops and open sewers.
* corrugate : 물결 모양으로 주름잡다
* alleyway :  골목길, 좁은길 

Usually, around 3,000 men visit the brothel every day, many of them truck drivers or day laborers who stop off at Daulatdia due to its prime location next to a train station and a ferry terminal on the Padma River, a major channel running from the Ganges.
* stop off : 잠시 들르다 

Each sex worker in the brothel has to pay daily rent to the madams, who act as a go-between for more than a dozen landlords which own this area of land. 
* go-between 중개자
ex) I will act as a go-between.
내가 중매인 역할을 하겠다.

No-one would come unless they had been tortured or abused
* torture : 고문하다 
ex) Many of the refugees have suffered torture.
그 난민들 중 많은 이들이 고문을 당했다.

Most of the underage girls they rescue are aged 12-16, Goswami adds.
* underage : 미성년자의 

Our law enforcement agencies are vigilant and they act immediately on any such culpable crimes
* culpable : 과실이, 비난받을만한
The accident was the result of his culpable negligence
그 사고는 태만죄의 결과였다.

During a charity aid delivery at the brothel on May 14, hundreds of women jostled in the rain as they tried to secure one of the bags of rice being handed out.
* jostle : 거칠게 떠밀다 

their desperation occasionally turning to frustration as tempers frayed in the crowd
* fray : 신경이 날카로워지다
ex) As the debate went on, tempers began to fray. 





South Korea's economy just recorded its most severe contraction since the 2008 financial crisis as the coronavirus pandemic weighed on consumer demand and exports. 
- weigh on : (무거운 짐이 되어) 압박하다, 괴롭히다. (=cause to worry.)

South Korea's economy just recorded its most severe contraction since the 2008 financial crisis as the coronavirus pandemic weighed on consumer demand and exports. 

Even general investment is likely to fall because of the mounting uncertainty, he said. Investment ticked up slightly in the first quarter.
* mount uncertainty : 불확실성을 증가시키다.

Before the virus hit, South Korea's exports-reliant economy had already grappled with a trade dispute with Japan and declining shipments to China.
* grapple with : ~을 해결하려고 노력하다
- The new government has yet to grapple with the problem of air pollution.



But South Korea's economy will still take a hard hit as the rest of the world deals with the pandemic, according to Alex Holmes, Asia economist for Capital Economics. 
* take a hard hit : 큰 타격을 입다






South Korea's economy just recorded its worst contraction since the Great Recession because of the coronavirus pandemic

South Korea's economy just recorded its most severe contraction since the 2008 financial crisis as the coronavirus pandemic weighed on consumer demand and exports. And the worst may not be over.







On March 13, Charles and his wife announced they were canceling their spring tour due to the escalating coronavirus pandemic
= On March 13, Charles and his wife announced they were canceling their spring tour due to the increasing coronavirus pandemic

When fully running, the hospital will have a capacity for between 4,000 and 5,000 beds.
= Since there is an environment that the hospital does not have full capacity, It will make capacity more than 4,000 beds.  


A further 932 people have died from coronavirus in Spain, the country's health ministry said on Friday, bringing the country's death toll closer to Italy's word-high total.

= The country's health ministry mention on Friday and bring the data of the country's death toll closer to Italy's word-high total.


The Ministry's data shows there are now 76,262 active cases in Spain, an increase of 2,770 from Thursday - but also the smallest daily rise since March 20. 

= The Ministry's data reports the number of cases 76,262 


A total of 6,416 people have been admitted to intensive care units since the pandemic began, but the rate of new infections has slowed dramatically compared to the dire situation the country was facing in the middle of March.


* the rate of new infections

* slow dramatically 

* have been admitted 



Merkel went into quarantine two weeks ago after she came into contact with a doctor who later tested positive to coronavirus.

* go into quarantine

* come into contact with


Although Tomas Harvey never got a test for Covid-19 before he died, an NHS Trust confirmed to CNN that he had picked up the virus

* pick up the virus = virus에 감염되다 

* get a test for Covid-19 => for ~에 대해 





- https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/03/uk/prince-charles-videolink-intl-scli-gbr/index.html

- https://edition.cnn.com/world/live-news/coronavirus-pandemic-04-03-20-intl/h_4f4aac1f92a6b93fa21dbeea8321987b


Spain reports another vast death toll, with 932 new fatalities

The novel coronavirus pandemic continues to impact countries worldwide, particularly in Europe and the US.




Thousands of Caracas residents banged pots and pands in protest
= 수 천명의 카르카스 주민들이 항의 표시로 냄비를 시끄럽데 두드렸다.

Four weeks into a nation wide lockdown, very few Italians are still singing from their balconies or banging pots and pans in solidarity

* in protest
* in solidarity

The lockdown, which was originally scheduled to end Friday, April 3, has now been extended to beyond Easter, and Italians from north to south are nearing a breaking point just as the draconian measures have begun to show sings of stopping the spread of Covid-19

* has now been extended to 
* near a breaking point 

More than 10,000 health care workers in the northern provinces have been infected with the virus, according to the Italian Doctor's Federation, as a lack of proper protective gear made contagion inside healthcare facilities a contributor to the rampant speed.
= 이탈리아에 따르면 북부 지역의 10,000 명 이상의 의료 종사자가 바이러스에 감염된 것으로 나타 났으며, 적절한 보호 장비가 없기 때문에 의료 시설 내부의 전염병이 만연한 속도에 기여했다고합니다.

* contagion : (접촉) 전염

With a huge part of the southern population working in the so-called "black economy" off the books, a whole segment of people lost jobs for which they cannot legally claim unemployment benefits. 
= The most of people who are working in the so-called "black economy" can not legally claim unemployment benefits. 

for which 
* This segment of society, for which there is no public accounting, are th most desperate and the most likely to reach breaking point first.

the most
* the most desperate 
* the most likely to reach breaking point first. 

those 잘쓰기
- Almost every grocery store in Italy has a cart at the front where people who can still afford groceries are encouraged to donate items for those who cannot.
- On a recent post by the National Revolution group, anonymous vigilantes call for everyone to gather in the streets of Palermo to protest that rents, mortgages and other utility bills have not been suspended for those who work in the black economy and who cannot prove they've lost their jobs. 

We know that a lot of this need was being hidden, so it was our initiative to support everyone.
* initiative  : 계획; 진취성; 

Orlando is concerned that his city governement will not have the means to compete with a far greater source of help for the needy.
* far : 강조 
* for the needy : 가난한 사람들을 위한 Thousands of Caracas residents banged pots and pands in protest 
= 수 천명의 카르카스 주민들이 항의 표시로 냄비를 시끄럽데 두드렸다. 

Four weeks into a nation wide lockdown, very few Italians are still singing from their balconies or banging pots and pans in solidarity 

* in protest 
* in solidarity 

The lockdown, which was originally scheduled to end Friday, April 3, has now been extended to beyond Easter, and Italians from north to south are nearing a breaking point just as the draconian measures have begun to show sings of stopping the spread of Covid-19 

* has now been extended to  
* near a breaking point  

More than 10,000 health care workers in the northern provinces have been infected with the virus, according to the Italian Doctor's Federation, as a lack of proper protective gear made contagion inside healthcare facilities a contributor to the rampant speed. 
= 이탈리아에 따르면 북부 지역의 10,000 명 이상의 의료 종사자가 바이러스에 감염된 것으로 나타 났으며, 적절한 보호 장비가 없기 때문에 의료 시설 내부의 전염병이 만연한 속도에 기여했다고합니다. 

* contagion : (접촉) 전염 

With a huge part of the southern population working in the so-called "black economy" off the books, a whole segment of people lost jobs for which they cannot legally claim unemployment benefits.  
= The most of people who are working in the so-called "black economy" can not legally claim unemployment benefits.  

for which  
* This segment of society, for which there is no public accounting, are th most desperate and the most likely to reach breaking point first. 

the most 
* the most desperate  
* the most likely to reach breaking point first.  

those 잘쓰기 
- Almost every grocery store in Italy has a cart at the front where people who can still afford groceries are encouraged to donate items for those who cannot. 
- On a recent post by the National Revolution group, anonymous vigilantes call for everyone to gather in the streets of Palermo to protest that rents, mortgages and other utility bills have not been suspended for those who work in the black economy and who cannot prove they've lost their jobs.  

We know that a lot of this need was being hidden, so it was our initiative to support everyone. 
* initiative  : 계획; 진취성;  

Orlando is concerned that his city governement will not have the means to compete with a far greater source of help for the needy. 
* far : 강조  
* for the needy : 가난한 사람들을 위한 







Salary men in suits crammed into trains during the rush-hour commute are staple scenes in Tokyo. 
* cram into

Up until a few weeks ago, 52-year-old Hideya Tokiyoshi, who traveled into the capital from neighboring Saitama prefecture for work each day, was among them.
* neighboring 
* prefecture

자택근무를 하다  = work from home. 

It's a similar story across Japan, where about 80% of companies do not have the ability to let their employees work remotely, according to 2019 government data. 

Underpinning this is Japan's notorious hard-work culture.
- Underpin = (주장 등) 뒷받침하다.

as ~때문에
=> I'm anxious as the number of cases keeps going up in Tokyo and I want to stay at home

fall back on : ~까지 후퇴하다
= Even if the boss told us to close the shop and stay at home, we would have nothing to fall back on.






Even in a pandemic, the Japanese likely won't stay home until Abe makes them

Japanese workers fear the social repercussions of working from home -- even if they want to.







- Every fiften minutes or so, a dark hearse pull up in front of the crematorium of Madrid's sprawling La Almudena cemetery. 

* hearse : 영구차 ex) Moments later, a hearse pulls up to the crematorium. 
* crematorium : 화장터 
* sprawl : 제멋대로 퍼져나가다가, 넓은 지역에 걸치다.

- Father Edduar douses the sealed casket with holy water before a pair of staff emerge to load it onto a gurney and roll it inside.
* douse : (물을 뿌려 불을) 끄다; (무엇에 액체를 흠뻑) 붓다 

- Some people stream the brief curb-side service on their phones for extend family and frends to share in the moment. 
* stream : 줄줄이 이어지다 . 

- Cemeteries says they're burying two or three times as many bodies as usual. 
*Cemeteries 공동묘지 

- A few minutes later, her casket is taken inside on a gurney. 
* casket : 장식함 
* gurney : 바퀴 달린 들것

The tears rolling down his face are partly obscured by his mask.
* obscure : 어렵게 하다, 모호하게 하다

- Spain has been hit harder by the coronavirus pandemic than almost any other country on earth.
- He contracted the virus himself at a family lunch a few weeks ago. His brother and his mom got it too — all three were eventually hospitalized 







Taksim Square's flocks of resident pigeons, normally waddling around with full bellies thanks to cups of grains that children toss at them, swoop unhindered straight at the heads of the few passers-by, mostly policemen and media.
* waddle around : 뒤뚱뒤뚱 걷다 
* sweep : 쓸다 
* unhindered : 아무 방해, 제약을 받지 않는   

It feels more like a scene from Alfre Hitchcock's horror thriller "The Birds" than one of Istanbul's most crowded squares, normally teeming with Turks and tourists alike. 
*teem with  : ~로 풍부하다 

The curfew was announced just two hours before it was to go into effect -- causing a buying panic in some areas as people flocked to grocery stores and bakeries with little regard for social distancing measures.
* curfew : 통행금지령 

They have also been delaying intubation by using high-frequency oxygen for a longer period of time, which he says has yielded better results.
* intubation  :삽관법 

He said the risk of the side effects outweighs any benefit that using hydroxychloroquine may have.
* outweigh : ~보다 대단하다 

This is why there isn't enough evidence to approve these drugs on a mass scale. 

* mass scale : 대규모로 


But, in the 1500s, playing cards were manufactured on a mass scale and ordinary people could have access to them.

= 그러나 1500년대에 카드놀이는 대규모로 생산이 되어 일반인들도 카드놀이를 할 수 있었다.

Rather than having their patients lying face up, they are keeping many in the prone, ie face down, position
* prone : ~하기 쉬운 

* in the prone position : 바로 누운(엎드린) 위치로.


- https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/17/europe/turkey-coronavirus-lockdown-response-intl/index.html


With weekend lockdowns and age-specific restrictions, Turkey takes a different coronavirus approach

Taksim Square's flocks of resident pigeons, normally waddling around with full bellies thanks to cups of grains that children toss at them, swoop unhindered straight at the heads of the few passers-by, mostly policemen and media.





Trooping the Colour, the traditional parade held annually in mid-June to mark the official celebration of the Queen's birthday, has also been canceled.
* Troop the colors : 군기 분열식을 하다 
- The birthday celebration for the monarch is called "Trooping the Color."

The Queen, who is the head of the United Kingdom's armed forces, gets a chance to review her army during the military parade. 
* gets a chance
- Now, she gets a chance to hold the egg in her chest. 

Last year, more than 200 horses, 400 musicians and 1,400 officers took part in the parade.
* take part in : ~에 참여하다 
-  and dealers from across the state will take part in the exposition. 




Queen Elizabeth cancels birthday plans and traditional gun salutes due to the coronavirus

For the first time in 68 years, Queen Elizabeth II will not be marking her birthday with the traditional royal gun salute.



President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden are unleashing the first shots over China and the coronavirus pandemic that could turn into a critical showdown in November's election.
* presumptive :  추정상의 
* nominee  : 후보 

But he is also exposed by his repeated flattery of President Xi Jinping's management of the virus.
* flattery  : 아첨 

 So, as he often does, the President is adopting attack as his best form of defense, slamming Biden for what he claims is a long record of appeasing Beijing.
* slam
* appease

But the former vice president is hitting back with an extremely stark digital ad that claims "Trump rolled over for the Chinese. He took their word for it."
* stark : 삭막한, 냉혹한 
* roll over : (쉽게 패배해서) 나가 떨어지다 
- We can't expect them to just roll over for us. 그들이 우리를 위해서 그냥 나가떨어져 줄거라고 기대할 수는 없어 

The attack previews a searing accusation likely to dominate the fall -- directly blaming millions of lost jobs and tens of thousands of US deaths on Trump, who the ad says left America "unprepared and unprotected."
* sear (강한 통증 등이 불길처럼) 후끈 치밀다, 화끈거리게 하다 (
* accusation :혐의, 비난, 고소 

It is a sign of the disjointed, globalized times that a virus that first emerged in a city in central China unknown to most Americans could potentially define a US presidential election.
* disjointed : 연결이 안되는 

But the President's struggle to find an exit from the worst domestic crisis since World War II -- exacerbated by a series of missteps bound up in his dealings with Beijing -- will likely decide his fate in November.
* be bound up in something : ~로 너무 바쁘다
- He's too bound up in his work to have much time for his children. 그는 일이 너무 바빠서 아이들을 위한 시간을 많이 못낸다.  

The President has since tried to heap blame on China and the WHO as criticism escalated that he disastrously underplayed the threat from the virus.
* heap blame : 비난을 퍼붓다 

And since we found out about that, I'm not happy," Trump said on Sunday, repeatedly touting what he calls his China travel ban brought into force at the end of January.
* tout : 장점을 내세우다 

The pact did not lift most tariffs hurting US consumers but did improve some access to US produce and banks in Chinese markets. 
* pact : (사람·단체·국가 간의, 특히 서로 돕기로 하는) 약속[협정/조약]

Unlike many of Trump's political attacks, his critique of China does bear some relation to the truth and attracts some bipartisan support.
* bear : 참다, 견디다 
* bipartisan : 양당의 

A pro-Trump super PAC, America First Action, is blasting "Beijing Biden" in a $10 million ad across swing states Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
* blast : If something is blasted into a particular place or state, an explosion causes it to be in that place or state. If a hole is blasted in something, it is created by an explosion.
- A terrible accident in which his left arm was blasted off by some kind of bomb.



Trump and Biden launch battle over China that could define 2020 election

President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden are unleashing the first shots over China and the coronavirus pandemic that could turn into a critical showdown in November's election.





Villagers living up a remote 800-meter (2,624-foot) clifftop in southwest China that became famous for the precarious ladders connecting it to the world have been moved to a new urban housing estate.
*precarious : 불안정한, 위태로운 
- He earned a precarious living as an artist

This week, however, 84 households of Atule'er left the ladders behind for good, resettling in apartment blocks closer to the town center of Zhaojue county, 75 kilometers (46 miles) away, China's state-run news agency Xinhua reported.
* households : 가계 

Before the coronavirus hit, the Chinese government had pledged to lift all of its 1.4 billion people out of poverty by 2020.
* pledge  (정식으로) 약속[맹세]하다
- Japan has pledged $100 million in humanitarian aid. 




For 200 years, villagers lived 2,600 feet up a cliff. Now they're in a housing estate

Villagers living up a remote 800-meter (2,624-foot) clifftop in southwest China that became famous for the precarious ladders connecting it to the world have been moved to a new urban housing estate.




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