티스토리 뷰



RosyPark 2021. 2. 26. 20:26


[인사말] Hello Eva. Nice to meet you.

[이름/나이] I'm Youjeong Park. You can just call me Rosy.  I'm 28 years old.

[결혼여부] I'm not marreid yet and living with my family in Seoul which is the capital city of Korea.

There are 4 people in my family; father, mother, younger brother and me.

[학교/직장] I've been working for a IT company for 3 years.

[오픽을 보는 이유] I need to prepare for a promotion next year and that's why I'm taking this OPIC test today.

So I hope to get a good score.

[성격] As for my personality, I'm very sociable and outgoing. So I have a lot of friends and like to

meet up with them from time to time.

[취미/여가활동] In my free time, I like to exercise or listen to music.

Sometimes, I watch movies with some of my friends.

[마무리] Well, that's all about me. Nice to meet you Eva. Thank you.



The advent of the new technology has been coming to our life.

The seismic disaster occurred in Japan.

After a few days of seismic activity, the volcanic eruption started.

The shelling(=포격) caused thousands of civilian casualties

Older electricity mains required reinforcement to meet increased demand.

I have heard about it, but I don't have other details.

Our society has to invest in our infrastructure.

I disagree that they will auction the refuge of wildlife in the Artic.

They want to sell it because maybe their economy got affected by the pandemic.

 I want to read the article about Trump impeached for the second time.

I did not sip/drink yet my coffee.

The incendiary grenades given to the soldiers. 

They are undoubtedly guilty. 

I got an indictment of allegations in collections.

Donald trump didn't concede Biden's power.

You never know what might eventuate.

There is no basis to Searle's motion to impeach the verdict.

Trump idiot tweet eventuates the fight over the republican and democratic people.

She/he doesn't have a qualification to deal with his country.

The incitement action is enough for democracy.

The American people started an insurrection to Donald trump.

This amounted to an incitement to commit murder.

His earnings are said to amount to £300,000 per annum. (그의 소득은 연간 30만 파운드에 달한다고 한다.) 

Her answer amounted to a complete refusal. (그녀의 대답은 완전히 거절하는 것이나 마찬가지였다.) 

The insurrection was savagely put down.

I'm going to find out exactly what transpired.

The extreme cold, I felt as I entered the room. 

Our president wasn't sworn in.

 I have a duty to uphold the law.

 I swear in front of many people.

There are many hurdles to overcome.

Working in administration is an honor to me.

She has to subdue in order to fight with him.

I felt strangely subdued as I drove home.

 I haven't mentioned it to William yet.

 She was full of good intentions.

His intimate intention is like grandfatherly.

The plea of impeachment about him is sincere.

Comity has something to do with childhood.

The reason why Trump administration failed is that there is no conviction.

She takes pride in stating her political convictions.

He wanted to mitigate misery in the world.

He is solely responsible for any debts the company may incur.

The position is generously rewarded and benefits include a mortgage subsidy.

The strikers returned to work having won some concessions. 

It says what I am trying to say and to do.

It is funny words which are very fast to speak.

I met my family and celebrated Christmas with them.

Megafauna is the large animal such as dinosaurs and elephants. 

I will read the article and listen to my pronunciation.

As our activities grew, the task became more daunting

It is important to have a vaccine, especially it has pandemic or coronavirus.

We recommend influenza immunization for all employees.

Vaccination against yellow fever is essential.

The gendarmerie force the people to have a compliance.

The parliament has authority over the armed forces.

I haven't gone there in New York.

I came to visit my grandmother.

Lots of foreigners really like our country.

 I want to put up a business related to cosmetics.

That is the sentence that I really want to say.

Although our situation is chaotic but we will find solutions to the problems.

Mr. Tan has accusations of bribery.

 I went to Honolulu, Hawaii and found beautiful coral reefs.

 The name of the robot who found the massive coral reef is Subastian.

The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action. (그의 목소리에 담긴 다급함에 화들짝 놀라 그들이 행동에 나섰다) 

Prewar levels of production were surpassed in 1929.

Biden is the oldest presidential-elect in the history of US.

I don't know him, but I already heard his name. 

Many people died in the World War II because of the sepsis.

The medical effectiveness is ultimately controversial. 

His acting career spanned 55 years.  

My son is being bullied at school.

Family photos spanning five generations were stolen (다섯 세대에 걸치는 가족 사진이 도난당했다.) 

Their marriage was a mistake, if you ask me. (내 개인적인 생각으로는 그들의 결혼이 실수였던 것 같아)

We were able to triage our patients very quickly. 

The task before us is a daunting one우리 앞에 놓인 과제는 벅찬 것이다. 

You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet. 당신 지갑을 되찾으려면 경찰서에 가야할 것이다.  

The site for the airport will be reclaimed from the swamp.  공항 부지는 습지를 매립하여 만들 것이다.  

He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror. 

For a case in point, consider the Pacific-12, which was thrown into upheaval after Stanford's triumph over Oregon

The police have failed to apprehend him경찰은 그를 검거하는 데 실패했다 

If we get any more information, I'll make sure to relay it to you.

Economic disparities between different regions of the country.

Her room was stark and bereft of color.

 I am confused if what is the correct pronunciation of 2022.

There is widespread discrimination against doctors of Asian 

The lady was aggrieved by his behavior.  

He felt aggrieved at not being chosen for the team  

He is suing the TV network for slander.

I'll be keeping an eye out for further transgressions.

Many people died in the World War II because of the sepsis.

I was thrown into upheaval that related the law of enforcement yesterday. 

I shouted to my mom defiantly.




The casualty brought by the earthquake results in reinforcement infrastructure.

-> 원래 내가 brought by 를 안쓰고 by라고 씀. 쌤이 brought by라고 고쳐줌

I feel sad and pity to them, especially to those children.

Our country always affected by the american country.

-> Our country always got affected by the American country.

 Our country was under Japan 100 years ago.

-> Our country was under Japan's leadership 100 years ago.

He didn't follow America's way for the incoming and outgoing presidents to greet each other at the White House.

-> He didn't follow America's custom for the incoming and outgoing presidents to greet each other at the White House.

In our generation to move swiftly in case of low problem.
->  In our generation, to move swiftly in case of some instances.

All presidents of the United States, he is one that I really don't like. 

-> In all presidents of the United States, he is the one that I really don't like.

The Apple product solely sold by Apple store.

-> The Apple product solely sold by the Apple store.

The pain killer to mitigate my pain.

-> The pain killer to mitigate my agony.

Why is it they are using another words if they can use police. 

-> Why is it they are using other words, if they can use police.

I want to read the article and have an argument about it.

-> I want to read the article and have a discussion about it.

We didnt prepared very well about the vaccine.

-> We didn't prepare very well about the vaccine.

My mom always called me, it is almost two or three since we haven't met each other.

-> My mom always called me, it was almost two or three months since we haven't met each other

Excavation of new historical site is driving research for archeological. 

->  Excavation of the new historical site is driving research for archeology.

I haven't take my lunch today.

->  I haven't taken my lunch today.

The pictograph would greatly facilitate access to the communication 

-> The pictograph would greatly facilitate access to communication.

My brother remind me of sloth in Australia.

-> My brother reminds me of sloth in Australia. 

Of course I heard immunization has way to protect covid 19 all over the world. 

-> Of course I heard vaccination has a way to protect covid 19 all over the world.

 I have difficulties for today's words.

-> I have difficulties in understanding the words today.

I am disappoint to myself.

->  I am disappointed to myself.

 It is not normal to hear husky voice.

->  It is not normal to hear a husky voice.

I studied English since when I was young.

->  I have studied English since when I was young.

 Many people died because of coronavirus, and Trump doesn't care for.

->  Many people died because of coronavirus, and Trump doesn't even care for his people.

Their politic side extend to make their side coherently.

-> Their political side extends to make their opinion coherently.

Because of homeworks I am very grueling.

-> Because of homeworks it feels very grueling.

He is an interviewer, popular in United States.

-> He is an interviewer, popular in the United States.

The bad weather added complication to our journey. Men and women should be regularly screen for the stroke.

-> The bad weather added complication to our journey. Men and women should have regular check up to prevent from the stroke.

My days of studying English span 20 years.

-> My days of studying English span for 20 years. 

Efficacy of corona medicine is amazing. The lady was aggrieved by disparity of annual income.

-> The efficacy of corona vaccine is amazing. The lady was aggrieved by the disparity of annual income.

There is discriminatory gender problem in america.

-> There is a discriminatory gender problem in America.

I am always bereft of making sentences in this article.

-> I am always bereft of making sentences in this article.

She entreat him to let herself go.

-> She entreats him to let her go.

The ruling party love to divide the bloc.

-> The ruling party loves to divide the bloc.

My friend went here to Seoul and we ate in restaurant and talk about our high school activities.

-> My friend went here to Seoul, we ate in a restaurant and reminisced  about our high school memory.

An autonomous nation have the ability to solve its domestic affairs.

->  An autonomous nation has the ability to solve its domestic affairs

Our nation dissent abortion.

->Our nation dissents abortion.

 She felt aggrieved not eating chicken.

-> She felt aggrieved  of not eating chicken.

That movie glorify violence.

-> That movie glorifies violence.

The bad weather added complication to our journey.

->The bad weather added complication to our journey.

Men and women should be regularly screen for the stroke.

-> Men and women should have regular check up to prevent from the stroke.

I didnt listen your call this morning.

->I didn't hear your call earlier.

I am the highest score in OPIC test and I didn't expect it. 

-> I have got the highest score on OPIC test and I didn't expect it.

She doesnt want to barricade herself inside her world.

-> She doesn't want to barricade herself in her world.




Advent = arrival/appearance

Seismic =  tectonic/quaky/ tremorous

Casualty = victim/fatality/mortality

Reinforcement = augmentation/increase/boosting

Triaged = sorting/prioritizationㅇ

Inoperable  = untreatable/incurable ( 수술로 치료할 수 없는) 

Intervene = intercede/step in/mediate (상황 개선을 돕기 위해) 개입하다

Invade = conquer/occupy/capture (군사적으로) 침입[침략]하다, 쳐들어가다[오다]

Refuge = shelter/sanctuary/protection 피난처, 도피처 

* a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.

-> He was forced to take refuge in the French embassy.

Refugee = fugitive/displaced person/outcast 난민, 망명자 

-> Tens of thousands of refugees fled their homes. 

Incendiary = combustible/flammable 불을 지르기 위한 

*  (of a device or attack) designed to cause fires.

Collections =  gather

Indictment =  charge/accusation/allegation 고발장 기소장 

Eventuate =  happen/occur 

Incitement  (폭력적·불법적인 일의) 선동[조장]

Insurrection = rebellion/revolt/revolution 반란 사태 

* a violent uprising against an authority or government. 

Extreme = utmost/greatest

Transpire = happen/arise

Subdued = sad/lifeless/quiet

Swiftly = quickly/fast

Plea = appeal/request
Comity  = courtesy/civility/good manners

Conviction = belief/opinion/view

Irreparable = irreversible/irremediable/unrepairable

Acre = estate/property

Solely = Only/uniquely/alone

Mitigate = Alleviate/reduce/lessen 

Concession  = Adjustment 양보[양해] 

* A thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a thing conceded.

Subsidy = Contribution/assistance 

* A sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive

Compliance = Acceptance/agreement/obedience (법·명령 등의) 준수, (명령 등에) 따름

* The action or fact of complying with a wish or command.

Controversial =  Contentious/at issue/debatable 

* Giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement.

Momentous = Important/significant

Logistical = engineering/machination/manipulation 

Research = investigation/experimentation/testing

Ample = enough/sufficient/abundant

Almost = nearly/just about

Dangerous = menacing/threatening 

Excavation = unearthing/digging 

Daunting =  Intimidating/frightening / 벅찬, 주눅이 들게 하는 

Uncertainty = Unpredictability/unreliability 

Frieze = cornice/entablature 

Shrub = bush

Vaccination = shots/inoculation/immunization

Immunization  =  vaccine/booster

Disappoint = let down/fail 

Productive = fruitful/rich 

Visit = Stay with/drop by

Inconsiderate = Thoughtless/insensitive

Foreigner = Nonnative/tourist

Business = Trading/commerce

Live = exist/breathe 

Live =  actual/unedited 

Grim =  Stern/aloof  엄숙한, 단호한 

Accusation = Allegation 

Surpass = Excel/outshine/beat

Galvanize = Impel/motivate/arouse 충격 요법을 쓰다

grueling = 녹초로 만드는, 엄한

Complication = difficulty/problem/issue 

Renown = fame/prominence 

warm up to = 좋아하게 되다 

Disparity = imbalance/inequality

Bereft =  lacking/without/short of

Inoculate =  inject/vaccinate

Deliberate = conscious/intentional

Bereft = lacking/short of


efficacy = effectivness 

Slander = defamation/character assassination  모략, 중상, 비방; (말로 하는) 명예 훼손죄

Transgression = offense/crime/sin 위반, 범죄; (종교·도덕적) 죄

Renown =  fame/prominence/celebrity

Apprehend =  catch/capture  체포하다 




<Mispronounced/Encountered Words>

Bomb [ bom ] 
Rubble [ ruhb-uhl]
Etc.[ et-ce-te-ra ]

Tremor [ trem-er ]
Croatia [ kroh-ey-shuh ]

Intervene [ in-ter-veen ]
Uncivil [ uhn-siv-uhl ]

Seismic [ sahyz-mik ]
Reckless [ rek-lis ]

Refuge [ˈrefjuːdʒ]  피신처, 도피처 

refugee [refjuˈdʒiː] 난민 망명자 

Moment [ moh-muhnt ]
Capitol [ kap-i-tl ]

Incendiary  [ɪn|sendieri]

Undoubtedly [ʌ̀ndáutidli]

Power [ pou-er ]
Indictment  [ in-dahyt-muhnt ]

Indict [ɪnˈdaɪt]

Intervene [ in-ter-veen ]
Uncivil [ uhn-siv-uhl ]

Relentless [ ri-lent-lis ]
Qualification [ kwol-uh-fi-key-shuhn ]

Democracy [ dih-mok-ruh-see ]
Communicate [ kuh-myoo-ni-keyt ]

Refusal [ ri-fyoo-zuhl ]
Pillars [ pil-ers ]

Navigate [ nav-i-geyt ]
Uphold [ uhp-hohld ]

Subdued [ suhb-dood ]
Transpire [ tran-spahyuhr ]
Administration [ ad-min-uh-strey-shuhn ]

Plea [ plee ]
Swiftly [ swift-lee ]

Inaugural [ in-aw-gyer-uhl ]
Grandfatherly [ gran-fah-ther-lee ]

disarmament [dɪs|ɑːrməmənt]

Comity [ kom-i-tee ] 예의 
Failed [ feyld ]

Auction [ awk-shuhn ]
Bureau [ byoor-oh ]

irreparable  [ɪˈrepərəbl] 

Suffering [ suhf-er-ing ]
Adverb [ ad-vurb ]

incur  [ɪnˈkɜː(r)] 

Firm [ furm ]
Strike [ strahyk ]

Compliance [ kuhm-plahy-uhns ]
Municipal [ myoo-nis-uh-puhl ]

Immunize [ im-yuh-nahyz ]
Scarcity [ skair-si-tee ]

Conservative [ kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv ]
Officer [ aw-fuh-ser ]

Celebrate [ sel-uh-breyt ]
Capital [ kap-i-tl ]

Camelid [ kam-uh-lid ]
Mammal [ mam-uhl ]

Presence [ prez-uhns ]
Rely [ ri-lahy ]

Ochre [ oh-ker ]
Sloth [ slawth ]

Effective [ ih-fek-tiv ]
Momentous [ moh-men-tuhs ]

Police [ puh-lees ]
Image [ im-ij ]

Forget [ fer-get ]
Important [ im-pawr-tnt]

Inconsiderate [ in-kuhn-sid-er-it ]
Husky [ huhs-kee ]

Perfectly [ pur-fikt-lee ]
Communicate [ kuh-myoo-ni-keyt ]

Live /liv/
Live /līv/

Coherent [ koh-heer-uhnt ]
Inflict [ in-flikt ]

Massive [ mas-iv ]
Debilitate [dɪˈbɪlɪteɪt] (국가·기관 등을) 약화시키다 

Result [ ri-zuhlt ]
Police  [ puh-lees ]

Quintuple [ kwin-too-puhl ]
Stroke [ strohk ]
Sepsis [ sep-sis ] 염증, 패혈증
Gig [ gig ]

Prostate [ pros-teyt ]
Toll [ tohl ]
Tall [ tawl ]
Stroke [ strohk ]

Effectiveness [ ih-fek-tiv, ee-fek‐nis ]
Complex [ kom-pleks ]

menacing [ˈmenəsɪŋ] 위협적인, 해를 끼칠 듯한 (=threatening)

ob·lit·er·ate [ əˈblɪtəreɪt ] 

Guise [ gahyz ]
Prosecutor [ pros-i-kyoo-ter ]
Discriminatory [ dih-skrim-uh-nuh-tawr-ee

Bloc [ blok ]
Inadvertent [ in-uhd-vur-tnt ]
Bearer [ bair-er ]

Certificate [ noun ser-tif-i-kit; verb ser-tif-i-keyt ]

Against [ uh-genst ]
Abroad [ uh-brawd ]
Rely [ ri-lahy ]

Reminisce [ˌremɪˈnɪs]

Glorify [ glawr-uh-fahy ]
Popular [ pop-yuh-ler ]
Suing [ soo-uhng ]

Upheaval [ uhp-hee-vuhl ]
Apprehend [ ap-ri-hend ]
Highest [ hai-uhst 

Explore [ ik-splawr ]
Law [ law ]
Low [ loh ]



subjugate : 예속시키다 / 지배하에 두다 - Saddamism attempted to subjugate the world. 사담 후세인 주의는 세상을 정복하려고 시도했다. - The government forces launched a major operation to subjugate bandits

- The English people had used their violent power to subjugate Ireland. 영국인들은 폭력을 사용해서 아일랜드를 복속시켰다.





fran·tic frantic 정신없이 서두는[하는] 

-  frantic dash/search/struggle  

dislodge (억지로 치거나 해서) 제자리를 벗어나게 만들다 

The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the President

For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure

 내재하는 (=intrinsic

 postulated a 500-year lifespan for a plastic container. 

postulate the inherent goodness of man

인간은 원래 선하다고 상정하다. 

Most eschatologists postulate that God and the otherworld are existent.



<설국열차 2화> 

1. (분실하거나 빼앗긴 물건 등을) 되찾다, 돌려달라고 핟

You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet. 

당신 지갑을 되찾으려면 경찰서에 가야할 것이다. 


2. (늪지 등을) 매립하다, (황무지 등을) 개간하다.

The site for the airport will be reclaimed from the swamp. 

공항 부지는 습지를 매립하여 만들 것이다. 

gibber = Speak rapidly and unintelligibly, typically through fear or shock. 

-  to speak quickly in a way that cannot be understood, usually when you are very frightened or confused:


stalk = (식물의) 즐기

-flowers on long stalks 기다란 줄기에 핀 꽃 

apocalypse 1.(세계의) 파멸 2.(성서에 묘사된) 세상의 종말 3.대재앙

muddle 헝끌어트리다
ingenuity (인지뉴이티) 기발한 재주, 재간, 독창성
- if you can just muddle through, show a little ingenuity 

Standing fast in the face of doubt, its what a leader has to do. 

It's going to be a shitshow getting Snowpiercer over that mountain. 

- shitshow : 혼란스럽거나 엉망진창인 상채 
Now they're craving fresh like never before. 
A scar to remind you how far you're willing to go. 
All it does is remind me that Melanie flipped the tables on us. 
= If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good. (=wonderful)

But I assure you it's much more dangerous than it sounds. 
This high point here is as close as we can get to the station .   

miss her window = opportunity
- Malanie will miss her window to jump ship and die saving the world. 

I would like permission to to come aboard with Ben to pull equipment 

frisk - 몸수색을 하다  
- I'll meet you at the border and frisk you myself. 

- Wilford's gonna squeeze us for these supplies 

Helping drag us into the Rockies on a suicide mission? 

have something to do with ~와 뭔가 관련이 있다. 



rig in

- It's kind of incredible that the Chinese government felt the need to change what was already an electoral system heavily rigged in favour of the pro-Beijing camp. 



- What must have spooked the Communist Party was the drubbing handed to them at the hands of pro-democracy candidates at the most recent district council elections - with those advocating democratic reform taking control of all but one municipality. 



- After the coming electoral "rebuild" is ushered in - and it will be, given that it has been introduced to the rubber-stamp National People's Congress process - there won't be even the pretence of democratic elections in Hong Kong. 



- China's top law-making body has unveiled plans to ensure only "patriots" can govern Hong Kong, as Beijing tightens its grip on the city with changes to the electoral system. 


tighten grip on  ~에 대한 통제를 강화하다, ~의 장악을 강화하다 

- It’s the biggest ever acquisition in South Korea and will help Hite tighten its grip on the market for local drink soju 

- 이번 인수가 한국에서는 사상 최대 규모였으며 하이트가 국내 소주시장에서의 입지를 확고히 하는데 도움이 될 것입니다. 



crush dissent

- Critics say Beijing is crushing dissent and removing the "one country, two systems" agreement it made with the U.K. 


obiliterate (흔적을) 없애다[지우다]

- The hurricane virtually obliterated this small coastal town.




<출처> - www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2BqWuBqYjE

relay information

- give my regards to the Czar,  Czar에게 안부 전해주게,

   I will relay the message

- She relayed the good news. 그녀가 좋은 소직을 전해젔어

- Could you relay my disappointment to the Board of directors at shocking share price performance of Aviva?

- Could you relay my disappointment to~?

- If we get any more information, you'll be the first to know.

- I'm comfortable relaying this kind of information over the phone.

Because he didn't wanna relay that kind of information over the phone. 


straightforward: 간단한, 쉬운, 복잡하지 않은  = easy to understand or simple

self-explanatory : (설명이 따로 필요 없을 정도로) 이해하기 쉬운

- It is pretty self-explanatory

- But it's kind of self-explanatory. 


interpretation: 해석

- There was no room for interpretation. 다른 해석의 여부가 없었어

- Yes? or no? very direct? leaving no room for interpretation and just straight and to this point. 

- It is open to interpretation. 해석하기에 다른 것 같아요


incompetent (업무/과제 등에 있어) 무능한, 기술이 부족한

- He is incompetent. 그는 무능해

- This is the most incompetent, worthless report I've ever read in my life. 

Playing incompetent is so exhausting. 

특정분야에서 못한다면? It's not forte/strong suit

Connecting with people is not her strong suit.

Brevity isn't my strong suit. I'm working on it. 



stumble onto ~를 우연히 만나다 



I'm really proud of how far it has come actually. 



- It is a magnificent piece of history with thousands of individual pictographs miraculously preserved from around 11,800 to 12,600 years ago.



- The discovery is truly a historical one for granting us a glimpse into the lives of the earliest people to inhabit western Amazonia. 

- He caught a glimpse of her face.


overhang (… 위로) 돌출하다[쑥 나오다]





shed light on = To reveal information or details about something; to clarify or help people understand something.

- The paintings shed light on how the early communities of that area coexisted with ice age magafauna. 


extrapolate = to predict by projecting past experience or known data

- It can be extrapolated from the unearthed bones and plant remains that their diets consisted like pacas and capybaras, as well as piranhas and alligators from the nearby river.



spearhead =선봉에 서다, 진두지휘하다. 

- He is spearheading a campaign for a new stadium in the town. 

- The researchers who spearheaded the project, known as LastJourney, aim to work out when humans first came to occupy the Amazon and how their framing and hunting affected the biodiversity of the region. 













deter 단념시키다

  • Public health experts have differed on how many people need to use this type of app to make a difference, but Palm Beach County officials say the low numbers don’t deter them. -> 공중 보건 전문가들은 얼마나 많은 사람들이 이러한 유형의 앱을 사용하여 차이를 만들어야하는지에 대해 달랐지만 팜 비치 카운티 관리들은 숫자가 적다고해서 그들을 막을 수 없다고 말합니다
  • But don't let working from home deter you from pursuing your career goals. --> 그러나 재택 근무가 경력 목표를 추구하는 것을 방해하지 않도록하십시오.
  • These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack.
  • High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.


controversial bits =  논란이 되는 부분

The provision that amendment No. 14 would strike out is one of the most controversial bits of the whole Bill

--> 수정헌법 14번이 철회할 조항은 전체 법안에서 가장 논란이 되는 부분들 중 하나이다. 



law enforcement = the activity of making certain that the laws of an area are obeyed:

  • His early career was in law enforcement.
  • The organization has worked with law enforcement agencies across the world to improve global internet security.


logistical nightmare

= A military situation for which it is difficult to plan or organize the logistics.





If enaced as planned, the U.K. would be the first G7 country to decarbonize road transport 



solely -> 오로지, 단독으로

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stated that the United Kingdom will end the sales of new cars that run solely on fossil fuels by 2030. 


bring forward = to make something known  공표하다, 제출하다, 앞당기다 / 제시하다, ~을 앞에 데려오다, 보이다

- The target date was revised in February to 2035, and then it was further brought forward to 2030 recently.

- Several accusations have been brought forward. 


take effect  효력을 발휘하다, 효과가 나타나다. 

- The economic reforms will take a long time to take effect.

- The plans for a ban on the sale so petrol and diesel cars were first made public in 2017 and were originally set to take effect in 2040. 



- Getting a lot of sleep and drinking plenty of fluids can mitigate the effects of the flu. 

- It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island. 


Concession ( 상황을 개선하기 위한) 양보 , 양해

- The extremely ambitious deadline was somewhat mitigated by a concession granted to carmakers, extending the cut-off date for the sale of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to 2035.

- Both sides involved in the conflict made some concessions in yesterday's talks. 

- He stated firmly that no concession will be made to terrorists. 





Did you get on time for your exam today? 제시간에 시험치러 갔니? 

My body feels stiff from not going swimming or working out. 요즘 수영도 못가고 운동을 안했더니 몸이 찌뿌둥해 

I don't see any remorse in you. 

How many age gap do you have with your sibling?

I want to eat some instant food but I am taking a step away cause it's too late at night. 




My coworker is petulant because her name has been wrongly pronounced.

The reason why the Korean war occurred was a polarized situation over the world.  

separate = unconnected, detached 

the medical profession = 의료계 / the pharmaceutical industry = 제약업계 

The k-sunshine Act will increase transparency in the pharmaceutical industry.  한국판 선샤인 액트는 의약품 산업의 투명성을 높여줄 것이다. 

AMD has staged an amazing turnaround over the past several years, fueled by new products and improved profitability. 



disclose (특히 비밀이던것을) 밝히다 / (눈에 안보이던 것을) 드러내다. 

- to give somebody information about something, especially something that was previously secret

(1) The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.

(2) The report discloses that human error was to blame for the accident.

(3) It was disclosed that two women were being interviewed by the police.

(4) I cannot disclose what we discussed.


concoct = to make something, especially food or drink, by mixing different things

(1) The soup was concocted from up to a dozen different kinds of fish.


curb =  to control or limit something, especially something bad

(1) This legislation will drastically curb the power of local authorities.

(2) New measures should curb the speed of cars travelling through the village.

(3) a range of policies aimed at curbing inflation


aim at = to produce something for a particular purpose or a particular group of people

(1) The new budget aims at providing extra support for the unemployed.

(2) The new photo editing software is being aimed at mobile application developers.


roll out = to make a new product, service, or system available for the first time

(1) A media campaign is expected to roll out early next year.

(2) The company plans to roll out the scheme across Europe in the coming months. 



(1) More evidence is needed on how safe and effective this vaccine is, and the regulators need to be, More evidence is needed on ...


Surge to a record high = jump to a record high

(1) AMD stock surged to a record high after the company's second quarters earning report. 


pullback (물가, 가치 등의 하락)

 - A pullback is a pause or moderate drop in a stock or commodities pricing chart from recent peaks that occur within a continuing uptrend. 


take the reins = To take or assume control (of something). 통솔하다/ 지휘하다 

(1) After the CEO announced that she had been diagnosed with dementia, her daughter gradually began taking the reins of the company.

(2) I don't know why people are so utterly terrified of letting the federal government take the rein when it comes to things like healthcare.


tout = to advertise, talk about, or praise something or someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something

(1) AMD touted major performance improvements for gaining, video editing, computer aided design and software compiling with the new chips

(2) He is being widely touted as the next leader of the party. 그는 당의 다음 지도자로 널리 선전되고 있습니다.


preliminary = relating to owning something, or relating to or like an owner: 예비의

(1)  just assumed he owned the place - he had a proprietary air about him.







This is going to be amazing for you.

I have been dreaming of moving to Paris forever.

If you like it, you can pitch it later for your last hurrah. hurrah -> 만세

And just to explore the idea, here's a spreadsheet I made for the next year. 

Weeks when might be able to come to Paris, times I can come back to Chicago, taking into consideration vacation and sick days. 



- She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling

- Let's lie down staring up at the ceiling.



- A political situation that hinders economic growth

- These killings have seriously hindered progress towards peace.

- Bulky clothes tend to hinder movement. 

- Factor which might help or hinder a child's progress at school


The American people feel unrest because of COVID-19 pandemic.

I want to go back to a normal situation without this covid-19. 

Hilary Clinton failed in the election because of the electoral system of the U.S. 

They are planning for electoral reform.

The books were stacked from floor to ceiling .

He has debilitating cancer that makes him worse. 

The price of the New York estate will have implications for the people. 

- have implications for ~ 에 영향을 미치다. 

Teem with  = full of

- Every garden is teeming with wildlife. 

I really admire his own seascape that fits my interest. 

My parent's dream is to take a vessel to travel around the world. 

He hopes one day to surpass the world record. 

- Prewar levels of production were surpassed in 1929. 

Prominent = well-known, important notable

- She was a prominent member of the city council. 

Acidification = sour/acidulate

- The acidification of Artics seas threatens organisms. 











We just had an interview on the Zack Sang Show.


If you could have any musical ability, what would it be? 

I wish I could be able to listen to a song and be able to find the chords for it and just play it on the spot.


A few of my members went to her concert, I guess things went along pretty well.


He's very sure about what he wants, what kind of image he wants to portray. He kind of keeps me calm.


'Cause I get nervous sometimes and he always like "you know you're doing fine" 







  • In recent years, 
  • Only some weeks ago, 
  • ~ on Oct.20 .
  • ~ on Sunday .
  • ~ over 120years.
  • ~ the late 1800s.



  • Sharp contrast —> 현저한 대조 
  • It is a sharp contrast from the debilitating conditions of many of its kind in both the Great Barrier Reef and around the globe. 
  • debilitating —> 쇠약하게 하는  


Wrap investigation 


Sharp constrast - 현저한 대조 

presidential 대통령의 

- He is a sure bet for the presidential nominations. 


wrapped up in somebody/something : ~에 열중하다 

- I think she's too wrapped up in this case—she needs some time off.

- I've been so wrapped up in her lately that it feels like I'm losing a part of myself.



  • Smirk 히죽히죽(능글맞게) 웃다 
    • US President Donald Tump and Russian President Vladimir Putin were in high spirits, smirking and jovial, when they appeared in front of the press corps at the annual G20 summit in Osaka, Japan in 2019. 
  • Wrap (포장지 등으로) 싸다, 포장하다. 
  • Allege (증거없이) 혐의를 제기하다. 
    • It was their first meeting since then-special counsel Robert Mueller wrapped his investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Quip 재담하다. 
    • As journalist assembled for a photo op, setting up cameras, Trump quipped: “Get rid of them. Fake news is a great term, isn’t it? “
  • Rhetorical 수사적인, 과장이 심한 
  • Autocrats 독재자 
  • Sledgehammer 큰망치 
    • Trump has effectively handed autocrats a rhetorical sledgehammer with which to bash away at one of its most fundamental pillars : freedom of the press 
  • Catchphrase 캐치프레이즈 —> 유명문구, 선전구호 
  • Embolden 대담하게 만들다. 
  • Authoritarian 권위주의적인 
  • impunity 처벌을 받지 않음 
    • His favorite catchphrase, “fake news”, has emboldened authoritarian and democratic leaders alike to restrict the media in their own countries and target perceived critics with a growing sense of impunity.
  • Greenlit
    • Meanwhile, some of those same leaders have greenlit the deliberate spread of real disinformation. 
  • Specter 유령, 먕령 
    • But the specter of disinformation and foreign electoral interference, which has loomed large over the 2020 presidential race, is perhaps not as pernicious as the language now coming out the White House itself. 
  • Tout (사람들을 설득하기 위해) 장점을 내세우다. 
    • Less than two weeks out from the election, Trump has touted unfounded narratives and conspiracy theories casting doubt over mail-in voting and the November results. 
  • Mitigate 완화시키다. 경감시키다 (= allevitate) 
  • Malign (공개적으로) 비방하다 = slander 
    • Unless we mitigate our own political polarization, our own internal issues, we will continue to be an easy target for any malign actor. 
  • Stamp out ~을 근절하다 
    • The police tried to stamp out prostitution in this area. 
  • Denigrate 폄하하다 = belittle 
  • discredit 존경심을 떨어뜨리다 
  • falsehoods 거짓말 
    • Trump has used the phrase “fake news” nearly 900 times in tweets aimed to denigrate the media, insult particular news outlets, discredit supposed leaks and leakers, and allege falsehoods. 
  • Confer 상의하다
    • He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision. 
  • Crack down on
    • This can have serious consequences in less democratic contexts, where the term “fake news” has been co-opted by governments to crack down on dissent. 
  • Harass
    • Patricia Compos Mello, who has been harassed for her reporting on alleged corruption in Brazil, told Pence the President Jair Bolsonaro had mirrored Trump’s rhetoric and attacks on the press. 
  • Enact in (법을) 제정하다, 상연하다, 일어나다 / 벌어지다 
    • They seemed unaware of the drama being enacted a few feet away from the. 
    • 그들은 자신들로부터 몇마일 떨어진 곳에서 벌어지고 있는 극적인 일에 대해 모르는 같았다. 

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