티스토리 뷰

[매일10분 영어뉴스] 기후 회의 참석을 위해 글래스고로 이동 예정인 G20 정상 (2021. 11. 01)



[매일10분 영어뉴스] Vax를 올해의 단어로 선정한 옥스퍼드 영어사전 출판사 (2021. 11. 02)




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 전염병 감염 발생으로 의회 내에서 마스크 착용을 재개하는 영국 (2021. 11. 03)




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 2023년까지 기후 변화 목표 달성을 요구 받게 될 영국 대기업 (2021. 11. 04)



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 전직 장관의 정직과 관련 정부와 여당을 비난하는 노동당 부대표 (2021. 11. 05)




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 기후회의 참가국들의 협력을 촉구한 보리스 존슨 영국총리 (2021. 11. 08)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 작년 3월 전염병 이후 처음으로 미국 여행 제한이 해제된 영국 (2021. 11. 09)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 불필요한 2만여 개의 공중전화 박스 를 정리 중인 영국 통신 (2021. 11. 10)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 동의없이 위치 정보를 수집한 구글에 대한 집단소송을 기각한 대법원 (2021. 11. 11)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 새로운 감독을 선임한 프레미어 리그 축구팀 아스톤 빌라 (2021. 11. 12)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 새로운 글로벌 협정의 합의와 함께 하루 늦게 막을 내린 COP26 (2021. 11. 15)

[매일10분 영어뉴스] 백신 미접종자를 대상으로 이동 제한 조치를 발동한 오스트리아 (2021. 11. 16)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 월드컵 축구 예선 산마리노를 대파한 잉글랜드 축구 대표팀 (2021. 11. 17)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 내년 1월부터 영국 고객의 Visa신용카드 결제를 받지 않을 아마존 (2021. 11. 18)

[매일10분 영어뉴스] 내년, 미국부터 개인기기의 자가수리를 허용할 예정인 Apple (2021. 11. 19)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 성적 부진을 이유로 감독을 해임한 프레미어 리그 축구팀 맨유 (2021. 11. 22)

[매일10분 영어뉴스] 배를 타고 입국하는 이민자의 수가 작년에 비해 급증한 영국 (2021. 11. 23)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 90년 이라크의 쿠웨이트 침공에 연관된 진실을 뒤늦게 밝힌 영국정부 (2021. 11. 24)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 지구를 소행성으로부터 보호하기 위해 로켓을 쏘아 올린 NASA (2021. 11. 25)



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 배를 타고 이동하는 이민자 단속 강화에 합의한 영국과 프랑스 (2021. 11. 26)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 백신 접종과 관계없이 여행객들의 Covid 검사를 의무화할 영국 (2021. 12. 06)

Travel sector has attacked the return of pre-departure COVID tests for passengers to the UK as a hammer blow for the industry., From Tuesday morning, international travellers will have to take either a PCR or a lateral flow test within 48 hours of setting off regardless of their vaccination status. 


pre-departure(출발전의) = setoff 출발 


* attack (공격하다): to use violence to try to hurt or kill; to use weapons, such as guns and bombs against an enemy in war, etc;  to go forward in a game in order to try to score goals or points; to criticise somebody/something severely(강하게 비난하다) 

- The police have been attacked for failing to take immediate action. 경찰은 즉각적인 조치를 취하는데 실패한데 대해서 강력한 비난을 받았다. 


* passenger: a person who is travelling in a car, bus, train, plane, or ship and who is not driving it or working on it(승객)

- The boat was carrying more than 100 passengers.  보트는 백명이상의 승객을 태우고 있습니다.


* hammer blow: a powerful hit with a hammer(망치로 치기); a sudden shock that harms somebody/something or is very disappointing(급작스런 충격)

- The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry. 


* set off: to begin a journey(출발하다); to make a bomb, etc. explode (폭발시키다); to make an alarm start ringing(알람을 울리게 하다)

- We set off for London just after ten.

- Opening this door will set off the alarm. 



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 변종과 관련 나이지리아를 여행 금지 국가 명단에 올린 영국 (2021. 12. 07)

[매일10분 영어뉴스] 변종과 관련 나이지리아를 여행 금지 국가 명단에 올린 영국 (2021. 12. 07)

The Nigerian High Commissioner in London has expressed anger over Britain's decision to put his country on the travel red list in an attempt to control the spread of the Omicron variant of Coronavirus. Only British and Irish nationals can now travel from Nigeria to the UK and they have to quarantine in a hotel. The Prime Minister has insisted the UK was right to take decisive action. 


- ~ has expressed anger over ~ =>  over : 광범위한 사안에 대해 


* High Commissioner : a person who is sent by one Commonwealth country to live in another, to protect the interests of their own country(영연방의 고등 판무관); a person who is head of an important international project(국제적인 프로젝트 책임자) 


* attempt :  an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult, often with no success(시도); an act of trying to kill somebody(살해시도); an effort to do better than something, such as a very good performance in sport(기록에 대한 시도, 도전) 

- I passed my driving test at the first attempt.


* spread : an increase in the amount or number of something(증가, 퍼짐); a soft food that you put on bread(빵위에 발라 먹는것); the area that something exists in or happens in (범위, 범주) 

- The treaty has proved rather effective at limiting the spread of nuclear weapons. 

- They offered me some crackers with cheese spread. 


* quarantine:  a period of time when an animal or a person that has or may have a disease is kept away from others in order to prevent the disease from spreading(격리기간)

- the dog was kept in quarantine for six months. 


* decisive: very important for the final result of a particular situation(결정적인); able to decide something quickly and with confidence(단호한) 

- she has played a decisive role in the peace negotiations. 





[매일10분 영어뉴스] 에든버러 동물원에 2년 더 임대되어 머물게 될 중국 판다 (2021. 12. 08)

[매일10분 영어뉴스] 에든버러 동물원에 2년 더 임대되어 머물게 될 중국 판다 (2021. 12. 08)

Edinburgh zoo has confirmed that its giant pandas will stay in Scotland for another two years. It was thought Yang Guang and Tian Tian would need to return to China because of financial pressures caused by the pandemic. Alexandra Mackenzie reports. The two pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang arrived in Scotland 10 years ago. 


* panda: a large black and white animal like a bear that lives in China and is very rare(팬더) 

* financial : connected with money and finance (재무, 금융에 관련된) 

- The current financial crisis is global. 




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 물고기의 소리를 녹음해 산호초의 복구를 확인한 과학자들 (2021. 12. 09)

Scientists in Indonesia say they've captured the sound of fish living in a coral reef for the first time. By eavesdropping on the fish using underwater microphones, the researchers say they've been able to prove that the reef is coming back to like after 10 years of restoration. 


* capture : to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or shut them in a space that they cannot escape from (생포하다, 포획하다); to take control of a place, building, etc. using force(장악하다); to photograph, film, record, paint, etc. somebody/something (담다) 

- The song captures the spirit of those times. 그 노래는 시대정신을 잘 담고 있다. 


* coral : a hard substance that is red, pink or white in colour, and that forms on the bottom of the sea from the bones of very small creatures. Coral is often used in jewellery.  (산호)

- coral reefs/islands. 산호초 


* reef : a long line of rocks or sand near the surface of the sea(암초) ; a part of a sail that can be tied or rolled up to make the sail smaller in a strong wind(축범부) 


* eavesdrop: to listen secretly to what other people are saying(엿듣다) 

- We caught him eavesdropping outside the window. 우리는 그가 창문바깥에서 몰래 듣는걸 잡았습니다. 


 * restoration: the work of repairing and cleaning an old building, a painting, etc. so that its condition is as good as it originally was(복원, 복구) 

- The palace is closed for restoration. 왕궁은 복원을 위해 폐쇄했습니다. 





[매일10분 영어뉴스] 둘째 아이를 건강하게 출산한 보리스 존슨 영국 총리 부부 (2021. 12. 10)


Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie have announced the birth of their second child. A spokeswoman for the couple said a healthy baby girl was born at a London hospital earlier today and both mother and baby were doing very well. It's understood that Mr.Johnson was present throughout the birth.


at a London hospital earlier today => 장소 / 시간 

It's understood that ~ 라고 알려져있습니다.

- It's understood that Mr Johnson was present throughout the birth. 존슨 총리는 출산 내내 함께 있엇던 것으로 알려졌습니다. 


* spokeswoman: a woman who speaks for a group or an organization(여자대변인) spokesperson

- A spokeswoman for the government denied the rumours. 


* throughout: in or into every part of something(전반에 걸쳐); during the whole period of time of something(~내내)

- The house was painted white throughout. 

- The museum is open daily throughout the year. 


* birth: the time when a baby is born(출생, 출산); the beginning of a new situation, idea, place, etc (시작, 출범)

- It was a difficult birth. 

- This declaration marked the birth of a new society in South Africa. 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 핵개발 제한 협정과 관련 이란에게 경고할 예정인 G7 외무장관 (2021. 12. 13)

G7 foreign ministers are expected to warn Iran today that time is running out to rescue the nuclear deal it's agreed with the international community. US negotiators are heading back to Vienna where talks continue to revive the deal lifting sanctions on Iran in return for curbs on its nuclear programme. 

* run out : if a supply of something runs out, it is used up or finished (소진하다); if an agreement or document runs out, it no longer has any legal force(효력이 다하다)

- Time is running out for the trapped miners.

- Could you get some milk? We seem to have run out. 


* rescue : to save somebody/something from a dangerous or harmful situation(살리다, 구출하다)

- You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.


* head :  to move in a particular direction(~를 향해 움직이다); to lead or be in charge of something(책임지다, 이끌다); to hit a football with your head(축구, 머리로 받다)

- We headed north.

- The committee will be headed by her. 

- Walsh headed the ball into an empty goal.


* sanction : an official order tthat limits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do something, such as obeying international law(제재)

- The economic sactions have been lifted. 


* in return for : as a way of thanking somebody or paying them for something they have done(대가로, 답례로)

- Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? 

- If I do this for you, what do I get in return? 


* curb : something that controls and puts limits on something(통제, 제한); the edge of the raised path at the side of a road, usually made of long pieces of stone(연석)

-  Many companies have imposed curbs on smoking in the workplace. 




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 오미크론 감염 첫 사망자 발생으로 추가 접종을 강조한 영국 총리 (2021. 12. 14)



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 선수단에 감염발생으로 프리미어 리그 경기가 연기된 Man United (2021. 12. 15)





[매일10분 영어뉴스] 현금 인출을 위해 협력과 공동 서비스를 제공하려는 영국 주요 은행 (2021. 12. 16)




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 윈저성에서의 크리스마스 행사에 대한 결정을 앞두고 있는 영국 여왕 (2021. 12. 17)


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 중국의 통제 강화 이후 처음으로 치루어지는 홍콩 총선 (2021. 12. 20)

People in Hong Kong are voting in the first elections there since China tightened its control over the territory by changing its political system. The early indications are that turnout is substantially lower than two years ago when pro democracy groups won a landslide victory. Our correspondent in Hong Kong Danny Vincent says there are big differences in how the election is being conducted. 

-tighten : to hold or fix something more securely in position(고정하다)
- He tightened his lips.
- redden :  to become red; to make something red 
- The sky was reddenning. 하늘이 붉어지고 있었습니다.
- Her arms had been reddened by the sun.
- blacken : 검게하다 

- territory : the number of people who attend a particular event(참석자수); the number of people who vote in a particular election(투표자수)
    - This year’s festival attracted a record turnout.
    - High / low/ poor turnout 투표율 
-  landslide(=landfall) : a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff(산사태); an election in which one person or party gets very many more votes than the other people or parties(압도적 득표, 승리)
    - The house was buried beneath a landslide.
    - She was expected to win by a landslide.
- conduct :  to organize and /or do a particular activity(실행하다); to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music(지휘하다); to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through it(통과시키다);  
    - copper conducts electricity well.
    - Semiconductor : a solid substance that conducts electricity in particular conditions. 




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 항체 형성이 수십 배로 늘어난 Moderna 추가 백신 (2021. 12. 21)

Moderna says initial data suggests it COVID booster vaccine significantly increase antibodies(which is) capable of counteracting the Omicron variant. The company says the half dose recommended by the Joint Committee on vaccination and immunisation raises antibody levels 37-fold while a full dose has more than double that impact.

- antibody : a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease, or as a reaction when certain substances are put into the body(항체)
- antigen(항원) : a substance that enters the body and starts a process that can cause disease. 
- Counteract  :  to do something to reduce or prevent the bad or harmful effects of something(대응하다, 상쇄시키다)
    - These exercies aim to counteract the effects or stress and tension .
- -fold : multiplied by(~배가 되다)
    - to increase tenfold
- impact : the powerful effect that something has on somebody/something(효과, 영향); the act of one objet hitting another(충격)
    - The project’s impact on the environment should be minimal 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 크리스마스를 앞두고 제한 조치의 도입을 고민하는 영국 정부 (2021. 12. 22)

현재로서는 크리스마스 전에 영국에서 새로운 COVID 규제가 법제화 될 수 있을 것 같지 않지만, 총리와 내각은 핵심 질문에 대해 아무것도 결정하지 못하고 있습니다. 조치가 필요한지? 그 조치는 얼마나 빨리, 어느 정도여야 하는지? 

While its seems unlikely now that new COVID restrictions could be enactive in England before Christmas, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet have yet to decide on any of the key questions. Are measures required? How soon and how severe should they be? 
- enactive : enacting or having the power to enact(법제화의 효력을 가진)
    - enact :  to pass a law(법제화 되다)
    - act : a law that has been passed by a parliament(의회를 통과한 법률) 
- cabinet (usually the Cabinet) a group of senior members of a government that is responsible for advising and deciding on government policy(내각); a piece of furniture with doors, drawers and /or shelves, that is used for storing or showing things(캐비닛) 
    - the shadow Cabinet(그림자 내각) 
- key : most important; essential(중요한, 필수적인)
- severe :  extremely bad or serious(아주 나쁜, 심각한)
    - The fire has caused severe damage to the building.

While it seems unlikely = it does not seem likely 
In England before Christmas 장소 -> 시간 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 세계 최초로 4차 백신 접종을 제공할 예정인 이스라엘 (2021. 12. 23)

이스라엘은 오늘 밤 Omicron 에 대한 우려때문에 60세 이상의 사람들에게 네번째 COVID-19 백신을 제공할 것이라고 발표했습니다. Nattali Bennett 이스라엘 총리는 이스라엘 국민들이 세계 최초로 세번째 백신을 접종했으며, 이제는 이스라엘이 네번째 백신 또한 계속해서 선도하고 있다고 말했습니다. 

Israel has tonight said it will offer a fourth dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to people over the age of 60 because of concerns about Omicron. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said people in Israel were the first in the world to receive the third dose of a vaccine and the country was not continuing to pioneer with a fourth dose as well. 

* offer : to say that you are willing to give something to somebody(제공할 의사를 말하다); to say that you are willing to do something for somebody(의사를 표시하다); to make something available for sale or use(제공하다)
    * I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered me. 
* dose : an amount of a medicine or a drug that is taken once, or regularly over a period of time(1회 복용량, 주사량)
    * Take a single dose at bedtime to help you sleep 
* Pioneer : when somebody pioneers something, they are one of the first people to do, discover or use something new(탐구하다, 선도하다)
    * A new techinique pioneered by surgeons in a London hospital.
* As well (as somebody/something) : in addition to somebody/ something; too (뿐만 아니라, 또한)
    * Are they coming as well? 
    * They sell books as well as newspapers.  



[매일10분 영어뉴스] Delta보다 병원 치료가 필요할 것으로 보이지 않는 Omicron (2021. 12. 24)

이스라엘은 오늘 밤 Omicron 에 대한 우려때문에 60세 이상의 사람들에게 네번째 COVID-19 백신을 제공할 것이라고 발표했습니다. Nattali Bennett 이스라엘 총리는 이스라엘 국민들이 세계 최초로 세번째 백신을 접종했으며, 이제는 이스라엘이 네번째 백신 또한 계속해서 선도하고 있다고 말했습니다. 

Israel has tonight said it will offer a fourth dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to people over the age of 60 because of concerns about Omicron. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said people in Israel were the first in the world to receive the third dose of a vaccine and the country was not continuing to pioneer with a fourth dose as well. 

* offer : to say that you are willing to give something to somebody(제공할 의사를 말하다); to say that you are willing to do something for somebody(의사를 표시하다); to make something available for sale or use(제공하다)
    * I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered me. 
* dose : an amount of a medicine or a drug that is taken once, or regularly over a period of time(1회 복용량, 주사량)
    * Take a single dose at bedtime to help you sleep 
* Pioneer : when somebody pioneers something, they are one of the first people to do, discover or use something new(탐구하다, 선도하다)
    * A new techinique pioneered by surgeons in a London hospital.
* As well (as somebody/something) : in addition to somebody/ something; too (뿐만 아니라, 또한)
    * Are they coming as well? 
    * They sell books as well as newspapers.  


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 향년 90세의 일기로 별세한 남아공화국 Desmond Tutu 대주교 (2021. 12. 27)

The Anglican archbishop of Cape Town Desmond Tutu who played a leading role in the fight against apartheid in South Africa has died. He was 90 years old. He campaigned tirelessly against white minority rule for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The archbishop subsequently headed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which aim to offer justice to the victims of apartheid. 


* Anglican: of or connected with the Church of England or another Church connected with it in a different country 

- the Anglican Church: 영국 성공회 교회 


* Archibishop: a bishop of the highest rank, responsible for all the churches in a large area(대주교) 

- He was made Archbishop of Millan


* apartheid [ə|pɑːrtaɪt; ə│pɑːrteɪt] : the former political system in South Africa in which only white people had full political rights and other people, especially black people, were forced to live away from white people, go to separate schools, etc(남아공 인종차별 정책)


* tirelessly: in a way that involves putting a lot of hard work and energy into something over a long period of time(끊임없이) 타이얼리슬리 ~~~ 

- He has worked tirelessly for peace. 


* head : to lead or be in charge of something(이끌다, 채



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 7일 간의 추모 이후 설날에 대주교의 장례식을 치를 남아공화국 (2021. 12. 28)

Seven days of events are taking place in South Africa to honor Desmond Tutu following his death at the age of 90. Archbishop Tutu was a key figure in the movement to end apartheid in the country and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. His funeral will be held on New Year's Day.

* following his death : 그의 죽음을 기리다. 

* take place:  to happen, especially after previously being arranged or planned(일어나다, 거행되다) 

- we may never discover what took place that night. 

* honour: to do something that shows great respect for somebody/something(존경을 표하다); to give public praise, an award or a title to somebody for something they have done(칭송하다); to do what you have agreed or promised to do(약속을 지키다) 

- They have failed to honour the peace agreement.

* figure: a number representing a particular amount, especially one given in official information(수치);  a person of the type mentioned(사람); the shape of a person seen from a distance or not clearly(형상);  a statue of a person or an animal(동상);  a pattern or series of movements performed on ice(모양) 

* apartheid [ə|pɑːrtaɪt; ə│pɑːrteɪt] : the former political system in South Africa in which only white people had full political rights and other people, especially black people, were forced to live away from white people, go to separate schools, etc(남아공 인종차별 정책)

* funeral: a ceremony, often a religious one, for burying or cremating a dead person(장례식); 

- Hundreds of people attended the funeral.

- Burial (매장) & cremation (화장)

- key figure: 핵심인물 

- play a leading role : 중요한 역할을 했다.



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 판결문을 발표하는데 사용되는 서체를 바꾼 영국 대법원 (2021. 12. 29)

UK's highest court is having its judgments questioned in what's turned out to be an unexpectedly controversial decision. A number of legal observers are upset with the Supreme Court for changing the typeface it uses for publishing its rulings. Until October, the Supreme Court published its findings on its website using the Times New Roman typeface but two months ago, the Supreme Court switched to Calibri.




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 우주정거장과 인공위성을 둘러싼 갈등의 조짐을 보이는 미국과 중국 (2021. 12. 30)

A diplomatic row is brewing between China and the US after Beijing claimed its new space station was almost hit by two satellites operated by Elon Musk's company SpaceX. The Chinese government has accused Washington of ignoring its international treaty obligations to keep space safe. 

중국이 자국의 새 우주 정거장이 Elon Musk의 회사인 스페이스X가 운영하는 두개의 위성과 부딪힐 뻔했다고 주장하면서 중국과 미국 사이에 외교적 갈등의 조짐을 보이고 있습니다. 중국 정부는 미국이 우주를 안전하게 지키기 위한 국제 조약의 의무를 무시하고 있다고 비난했습니다. 


* accuse : 비난하다; 고발하다; accuse A of B 



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 은행의 실수로 예상치 않은 보너스를 수 만명의 개인과 기업들 (2021. 12. 31)

On Christmas Day, tens of thousands of individuals and businesses received an unexpected bonus when Santander incorrectly dupliacated some payments crediting around 130 million pounds to accounts by mistake. 



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