티스토리 뷰

[매일10분 영어뉴스] 화재로 소실이 될 뻔 했던 JK 롤링이 해리 포터를 쓸 때 사용한 탁자(2021. 10. 01)

A piece of literary history has been saved in Edinburgh. A cafe table used by JK Rowling when she was writing some of the early Harry Potter books has been rescued after a fire. Sally Johnson has the story. Fire is nothing new when it comes to Harry Potter. However, fans are more likely to think of dragons during the Triwizard Cup, rather than a wodden table from a cafe in Edinburgh. 


* literary: connected with literature (문학과 관련된); liking literature very much (문학을 좋아하는)

- It was Chaucer who really turned English into a literary language. 

- literary man 


* rescue :  to save somebody/something from a dangerous a harmful situation(구조하다); 

- The woman was rescued from her burning home by firefighters. 


* when it comes to : when it is a question of something(~에 관한 것이라면) 

- When it comes to getting things done, he's useless.



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 전염병 이후 처음으로 4만 여명이 실제 주로를 달릴 런던 마라톤(2021. 10. 04)

The London Marathon will welcome back more than 40,000 runners to its traditional route this morning. Last year's event was replaced with a virtual run because of Coronavirus restrictions. Although there will still be safety precautions in place, the organizers hope today's race will showcase the true spirit of the marathon, bringing runners together once again. Here is Laura Scott. 


* Last year -> 시간의 경우에는 소유격으로 표현할 수 있음 

--> Last year's event , Today's race 


* marathon:  a long-running race of about 42 kilometers or 26 miles (마라톤); an activity or a piece of work that lasts a long time and requires a lot of effort, concentration, etc (장시간 소요되는일) 

- The interview was a real marathon. 


* virtual: made to appear to exist by the use of computer software, for example on the internet(가상의); almost or very nearly the thing described so that any slight difference is not important (거의 유사한) 

- You can also take a virtual tour of the museum.


* in place / into place : in the correct position (제자리에 있는); ready for something(준비가 된) 

- Carefully lay each slab in place.

- The receiver had already clicked into place. 


* showcase : to present somebody's abilities or the good qualities of something in an attractive way(소개하다, 전시하다, 뽐내다);

- Jack found a film role that showcased all his talents. 



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 런던과 남동부 지역의 기름 부족 해소를 위해 운전병을 투입한 영국 (2021. 10. 05)

Around 100 military drivers are now being deployed to help deliver fuel from refineries to forecourts. Around 200 personnel have been brought in to help ease the supply issues that have seen chaotic scenes at petrol stations for more than a week. Retailers say the situation remains serious in London and the Southeast. 


* refinery:  a factory where a substance such as oil is refined (정유소) 

- He works at the town's oil refinery.

- sugar refinery (설탕 정제소) 


* forecourt:  a large open space in front of a building, for example a petrol station or hotel, often used for parking cars on (앞마당, 현관) 

- I locked the bike in the forecourt of the Hilton Hotel. 


* personnel:  the people who work for an organization or one of the armed forced (직원, 군인) 

- There is a severe shortage of skilled personnel. 

- sales/ technical/medical/security/military ~ personnel 


* chaotic: without any order(무질서한); in a completely confused state(완전한 혼돈의 상태)

- The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour. 


* retailer: a person or business that sells goods to the public (소매업자) 

- Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales.


* the Southest : 영국의 남동부쪽 

* around / roughly/  about .. 약 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 페이스북 등 전세계 서비스 중단으로 사과한 마크 주커버그 (2021. 10. 06)

The boss of Facebook, Mark Zuckerbergs has apologized after its services (including Whats App and Instagram) went down around the world for around six hours yesterday. The company ways its system have been restored, and it's working to understand what happened. 


* boss : a person who is in charge of other people at wor and tells them what to do(매니저); a person who is in charge of a large organization(대표) 

- I'll ask my boss if I can have the day off. 


* go down: 내려가다

- The price of oil is going down.

- If a ship goes down, it disappears below the water.

- When the sun or moon goes down, it disappears below the horizon. 

- If food or drink will go down, it is easy to swallow. 

- The system is going down in ten minutes. 

- Italy went down to Brazil by three goals to one. 


* restore : to bring back a situation or feeling that exited before(복구하다, 회복하다); to repair a building, work of art, piece of furniture, etc. so that it looks as good as it did originally(복원하다);

- Order was quickly restored after the riots. 

- Her job is restoring old paintings. 






[매일10분 영어뉴스] 스코틀랜드 경매를 통해 백만 파운드에 팔린 16세기 이태리 접시 (2021. 10. 07)

A rare 16th century Italian dish is sold at auction for more than £1m. The maiolica pottery work, depicting the biblical story of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, was part of a collection from a country residence in the Scottish borders. It had been expected to fetch up to £120,000.



* pottery: pots, dishes, etc. made with clay that are baked in an oven, especially when they are made by hand(도자기); the clay that some dishes and pots are made of (흙);  a place where clay pots and dishes are made (도자기를 굽는 곳) 

- It meant he missed weekly pottery classes. 


* depict: to show an image of somebody or something in a picture (묘사하다)

- a painting depicting the Virgin and Child 


* biblical: connected with the Bible(성경과 관련된); in the Bible(성경에 있는); very great; on a large scale (규모가 큰) 

- The point of a biblical story is always a theological point. 


* fetch :  to go to where somebody/something is and bring them/it back(가져오다); to be sold for a particular price (특정한 가격에 팔리다) 

- The painting is expected to fetch $10,000 at auction. 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 2021년 노벨 문학상을 수상한 영국 거주 탄자니아 출신 작가 (2021. 10. 08)

A British-based author from Tanzania has won this year's Nobel Prize for Literature. Abdulrazak Gurnah was praised for his novels, exploring the effects of colonialism and the fate of refugees. He says he's thrilled the award went to an African writer. 

* explore : to travel to or around an area or a country in order to learn about it(탐구하다); to examine a subject completely or carefully in order to find out more about it (조사하다) 

- The city is best explored on foot. 그 도시는 발로 뛰어다녀야지 제대로 탐구가 될 수 있습니다. 

* colonialism :  the practive by which a powerful country controls another country or other countries (식민지배) 

- The history of tabacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery. 담배재배 역사는 식빈지배와 노예제와 관련이 있다. 

* fate : the things, especially bad things, that will happen or have happended to somebody/something(운명, 숙명); the power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be stopped or changed(운)

- The fate of the three men is unknown. 

- Fate was kind to me that day. 운이 좋았습니다. 

* refugee : a person who has been forced to leave their country or home, because there is a war or for political, religious, or social reasons.(난민) 

- There has been a steady flow of refugrees from the war zone. 

* thrilled : very excited and pleased (흥분되는)

- Are you pleased? I'm thrilled. 

- He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing them again. 

* Nobel Prize for Literature 노벨문학상 

* 같은 단어의 중복을 피하기 위해서 같은 의미이지만 다른 단어 사용 --> author / writer






[매일10분 영어뉴스] 대만의 주권과 민주주의 수호를 맹세한 중화민국 차이잉원 총통 (2021. 10. 11)

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen has pledged to defend sovereignty and democracy in the face of threats from China. Her comments (at the annual National Day celebrations) came after a speech by the Chinese President Xi Jinping, in which he said unification of the two sides must and would be achieved. From, Taipei, here's our correspondent John Sudworth 



* pledge: to formally promise to give or do something (약속하다)  

- The government pledged their support for the plan. 

* sovereignty(소버런티): complete power to govern a country (= authority) 

- The country claimed sovereignty over the island. 

- The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the republic.

* correspondent:  a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a newspaper or a television or radio station (특파원, 전문기자) 

-  She's the BBC's political correspondent. 

* comment : 발언/언급/댓글

* defend : 방어하다/수호하다/수비하다/변호하다


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 북한은 결코 핵무기를 포기하지 않을 것이라고 밝힌 전 북한 대령 (2021. 10. 12)


A former senior military officer from North Korea's intelligence agency says the country's leader Kim Jong-un will never give up his nuclear weapons. Kim kok-song who achieved the rank of colonel defected to Seoul in 2014. Mr Kim says the Pyongyang leadership is desperate to raise funds including through weapons sales in the Middle East and Africa, and drug deals. 



* colonel: an officer of high rank in the army, the marines, or the US air force ( 대령);

- This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel.

- Major - Lieutenant Colonel - Colonel 


* defect:  to leave a political party, country, etc. to join another that is considered to be an enemy(변절하다, 망명하다) 

- A number of writers and musicians defected from the Soviet Union to the West in the 1960s. 


* desperate:  feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others (간절한, 절실한) 

- Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales. 




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 영국 정부의 전염병 초기 대응의 실패를 지적한 여야 합동 보고서 (2021. 10. 13)

The government says there are lessons to be learned after a cross-party report found serious failings in its early response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The inquiry by MPs said the delay bringing in a lock-down in March last year was one of the worst public health failures ever seen in the UK. The initial rollout of test and trace was described as chaotic and slow while the failure to protect care homes was also criticised. 



* failing: a weakness or fault in somebody / something (약점, 잘못) 

- Jealousy is a very human failing. 

* inquiry :  an official process to find out the cause of something or to find out information about something(조사) ; request for information about somebody/something (정보요청); the act of asking questions or collectiong information about somebody/something(질의)

- We received over 300 inquiries about the job. 

* rollout, roll-out : an occasion when a company, the government, etc, introduces or start to use a new product or service(출시, 배포)

 - The country's Covid-19 vaccine roll-out plan has been revealed. 

* chaotic : without any order, in a completely confused state 

- She had a chaotic personal life with a series of broken relationships. 

* care home : a place where people live and are cared for when they cannot live at home or look after themselves. 

-  She became very frail and moved into a care home. 

* test and trace : 동선추적을 위한 앱 




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 기후 변화로 세계 에너지 시스템에 변혁을 예고한 IAEA 보고서 (2021. 10. 14)

The IAEA has been blamed in the past for concentrating too much on energy supply and too little on protecting the planet. Those days are over. Recently, it shocked fossil fuel firms by saying that new investment in oil, gas  and coal was not needed. Today's report ( from the historically conservative organization) says the world energy system is on the verge of a revolution, thanks to climate change. 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 아일랜드 해를 건너는 물품 검사 간소화를 논의하는 EU와 영국 (2021. 10. 15)

The government has said it will look at the latest proposals from the EU to change the Northern Ireland protocol seriously and constructively. The protocol keeps Northern Ireland in the EU's single market for goods. But it has led to some supply problems with the rest of the UK. The EU's proposals which promise far fewer checks on goods crossing the Irish Sea were described as unprecedented by the EU's ambassador to the UK, Joao Vale de Almeida. 


* protocol (프로우토콜): a system of fixed rules and formal behaviour used at official meetings, ususually between governments ( 규약, 외교상 의례, 협정서) 

- breach of protocol ( 협정위반) 


* unprecedented :  that has never happened, been done or been known before(전례없는) 

- The situation is unprecedented in modern times. 

* for goods. : 상품 / for good : permanently 

* EU's ambassador to the UK 유럽연합대사(영국으로파견된) 



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 항공기 운항 안전을 위해 돼지를 투입해 실험 중인 네덜란드 공항 (2021. 10. 18)

A trial of keeping pigs in a field between two runways at one of Europe's busiest airports to keep away birds is showing early signs of success. The pig patrol is being tested at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam where 150 birds struck planes last year. Our correspondent anna Hollihan went to visit the animals. 




* trial : a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge to decide if somebody accused of a crime is guilty or not(재판, 공판); the process of testing the ability, quality or performance of somebody or something, especially before you make a final decision about them(시험, 실험)

- We had the machine on trial for a week. 일주일동안 그 기계를 시험하고 있었다. 


* runaway : a long narrow piece of ground with a hard surface that an aircraft takes off from and lands on(활주로)

 - The plane taxied along the runway. 


* Schiphol (쉬폴)  : In English, schiphol translated to 'ships hell',  schiphol translates to 'ships hell' , a reference to many ships supposedly lost in the lake.

- Schedule (미국식 : 스케쥴, 영국식 : 쉐줄 ), 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 오늘부터 법적으로 백신 여권을 도입하는 스코틀랜드 (2021. 10. 19)

Anyone going to a nightclub or large event in Scotland will only be allowed in if they can show they've had two doses of a COVID vaccine. The country's vaccine passport scheme has become enforceable by law from today after it was first introduced at the start of October with a 17-day grace period. 


* dose : an amount of a medicine or a drug that is taken once, or regularly over a period of time (1회 복욕량, 1회 주사량) 

- high/low/lethal dose --> lethal dose 치사량

- Take a single dose at bedtime to help you sleep. 


* passport: an official document that identifies you as a citizen of a particular country, and that you may have to show when you enter or leave a country(여권)

- I was stopped as I went through passport control 


* scheme: a plan or system for doing or organizing something (계획); a plan for getting money or some other advantage for yourself, especially one that involves cheating other people (사기) 

- Under the new scheme, only successful schools will be given extra funding.

- Ponzi Scheme.


enforceable : (of a law or rule) that somebody in authority can make people obey(집행할 수 있는)

- A gambling debt is not legally enforceable. 


* grace period: a period of time allowed before something has to be finished or before a dabt or loan has to be repaid(유예기간)

- The agreement specifies a grace period of 15 working days. 


* allowed : 허용되다

* allowed in : 입장이 허용되다.   

- I have a pen to write with. (펜을 가지고 쓰니깐 전치사 with가 나와야한다)

- I have a piece of paper to write on.

- I need a chair to sit on.

- I need a shoulder to cry on. 



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 탄소 제로 전략의 일환으로 보조금을 준비하는 영국 (2021. 10. 20)

The government has announced more than £600m to subsidise the cost of electric vehicles as part of its strategy to reach net zero emissions. The money will be spent on measures including charging points in streets to help people without driveways. Manufacturers will also be mandated to sell a certain proportion of electric vehicles every year. 


* subsidize ( 서브시다이즈) : to give money to somebody or an organization to help pay for something (보조금을 주다)

- The housing projects are subsidized by the government. 


* net zero : having no overall effect, with all negative values offset by an equal  number of positive values(영향없는); the absence of greenhouse gas emissions, or a level of emission that is completely offset by compensatory activities, esp set as a target(온실가스 배출이 없는) 

- net zero vs carbon neutral 


* emission (이미션): the production or sending out of light, head, gas, etc(방사, 방출)

- the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere


* driveway: a wide hard path or a private road that leads from the street to a house(진입로) 

- There was a car parked on the driveway. 


* mandate: to order something to be done (명령하다); to give somebody, especially a government or a committee, the authority to do something(권한을 부여하다) 

- The law mandates that imported goods be identified as such. 

- The presidential mandate is limited to two terms of four years each 


* charging points : 충천소 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 의사의 조언에 따라 유로 북아일랜드 방문을 취소한 영국 여왕 (2021. 10. 21)

Buckingham Palace says the Queen's canceled her two-day trip to Northern Ireland on medical advice and will rest for the next few days. The 95-year-old monarch is still expected to attend the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow next month. 


* Buckingham Palace: the official home of the British royal family in London(왕실관저); the British royal family or the people who advise them(왕실) 

- Buckingham Palace refused to comment. 


* monarch:  a person who rules a country, for example, a king or a queen. 

- The constitutional monarch, as head of state, has limited powers. 



* two-day trip / 95-year-old   한 개념으로 판단해서 복수형태로 쓰지않고 단수형태 유지 

* on medical advice: on -> ~에 근거하여 

* COP26: 26th Conference Of the Parties 


[매일10분 영어뉴스] 자체 제작한 우주 발사체를 쏘아 올렸으나 궤도 진입에는 실패한 한국 (2021. 10. 22)

South Korea successfully launched its first domestically produced space rocket, but it failed to put a dummy satellite into orbit. Seoul hopes its space programme will help give it an edge in 6G communications and improve surveillance of North Korea. 


* dummy:  a model of a person, used especially when making clothes or for showing them in a shop window(모형인간); a thing that seems to be real but is only a copy of the real thing(복제품); a stupid person(바보); an occasion when you pretend to make a particular move and then do not do so(속임수) 

- The bottles of whisky on display are dummies. 진열된 위스키는 모두 모조품입니다. 

* orbit :  a curved path followed vy a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc. (궤도) ; an area that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with or is able to influence (영향력이 미치는 범위) 

- A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth. 

* edge : the outside limit of an object, a surfce or an area; the part furthes from the centre(가장자리), the sharp part of a knife(칼날), a slight advantage over somevvody/something(약간의 우위)

- The company needs to improve its competitive edge. 그 회사는 그 회사의 경쟁력을 개선시켜야할 필요가 있습니다. 

* surveillance : the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed(감시) 

- surveillance cameras / equipment : 감시카메라

- The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance. 



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 24시간 이상 시스템 장애를 겪고 있는 영국 대형 슈퍼마켓 체인 Tesco (2021. 10. 25, 월)


The UK's largest supermarket chain Tesco has blamed hackers for problems with its website and app. They haven't been working for more than 24 hours. Customers including some who are self-isolating say they can't place, amend or cancel orders. Tesco has apologized and says it's working hard to fully restore all services. 



* chain : a series of connected metal rings, used for pulling or fastening things(쇠사슬) ; a series of connected things or people (연결된 것);  a group of shops or hotels owned by the same company(호텔 체인, 체인점); a thing that limits somebody's freedom or ability to do something(사슬); 

- a chain of command 


* hacker : a person who uses computers to get access to data in somebody else's computer or phone system without permission (해커) ; a person who uses or writes computer programs ith enthusiasm and skill(프로그래머) 

- The software is so complicated that only experienced hackers can use it. 


* place :  to put something in a particular place(두다); used to express the attitude somebody has towards something/ somebody(태도를 표명하다); to give instructions about something or make a request for something to happen(주문하다) ; to find a suitable job, home, etc for somebody(직업이나 집을 찾다) 

- They place a high value on punctuality.


* restore: to bring back a situation or feeling that existed before(복원하다); to bring somebody / something back to a former condition, place or position (복구하다)

- The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. 



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 리터 당 평균 자동차 휘발유 가격이 사상 최고치를 기록한 영국 (2021. 10. 26, 화)


The price of petrol in the UK has hit an all-time high. Figures show the average cost of a litre yesterday was just under £1.43. The RAC motoring organization says the increase is down to a doubling of the oil price since last year, describing it as a truly dark day for drivers. 


* all-time : (used when you are comparing things or saying how good or bad something is) of any time(역대, 지금껏, 사상) 

- my all-time favorite song

- Profits are at an all-time high/low


* figure : a number representing a particular amount, especially one given in official information(수치); a symbol rather than a word representing one of the numbers between 0 and 9 (모양);  a person of the type mentioned (유형);  a statue of a person or an animal (동상);  a pattern or series of movements performed on ice(피겨)

- be down to somebody/something :  to be caused by a particular person or thing(~에 기인하다)

- she claimed her problems were down to the media

- be down to somebody : to be the responsibility of somebody (~책임이다, ~달려있다) ; It's down to you to check the door. 




[매일10분 영어뉴스] 내년 하이드 파크에서 4년 만에 라이브 공연을 하게 될 영국 가수 아델 (2021. 10. 27, 수)


The announcement of Adele's first live shows in four years caused her website to crash as fans try to register for presale tickets. The singer will play two dates at the Hyde Park festival in London in July next year. 


- singer => 싱거 발음

- 좁은 장소, 넓은 장소, 작은 시간 , 큰 시간단위 순서로 언급 at the Hyde Park festival in London in July next year. 


* live: living, not dead(살아있는); sent out while the event is actually happening, not recorded first and broadcast later(생방송의); given or made when people are watching, not recorded(라이브) 

- That wire is live. 그 전선은 전기가 통한다.

- live ammunition 

- live coals : 불씨가 있는 석탄 


* crash: if a vehicle crashes or the driver crashes it, it hits an object or another vehicle, causing damage(충돌하다); to lose value or fail suddenly and quickly(폭락하다); if a computer crashes or you crash a computer, it stops working suddenly(작동을 멈추다) 

- Their website crashed repeatedly on Tuesday. 


* presale: the practice of arranging the sale of a product before it is available(사전판매)

- The auctioneer's presale estimate is $60,000 to $80,000. 


* ticket : a printed piece of paper, or a message or image received on your phone or computer, that gives you the right to travel on a particular bus, train, etc.  or to go into a theatre, etc( 표); an official notice that orders you to pay a fine because you have done something illegal while driving or parking your car (벌금통지서, 딱지) 



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 의회에서 2022년 정부 예산을 발표하는 영국 재무장관 (2021. 10. 28, 목)


Now with your permission, Madam Deputy Speaker, let me turn to today's budget. Madam Deputy Speaker, employment is up, investment is growing, public services are improving, the public finances are stabilizing, and wages are rising. 

- let me turn to~ 내가 바꾸도록 하겠습니다. 


* deputy: a person who is the next most important person below a business manager, a head of a school, a political leader, etc. and who does that person's job when they are away(부의장,교감,부~, ~대행)

- she was appointed deputy ahead of the school. 


* speaker: a person who gives a talk or makes a speech(연사); a person who speaks a particular language (언어구사자); the part of a radio, computer or piece of musical equipment that the sound comes out of (스피커, 확성기); Speaker: the title of the person whose job is to control the discussions in a parliament(국회의장) 


* stabilize:  to become or to make something become steady and unlikely to steady(안정화하다) 

- The patient's condition stabilised.  환자의 상태는 호전이 되었습니다. 


* wage: a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week or every month, for work or services. (주급, 월급) 

* Salary: money that employees receive for doing their job, especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually paid every month.



[매일10분 영어뉴스] 남극 탐사에 앞서 런던에 정박 중인 탐사선 데이빗 애튼버러 호 (2021. 10. 29, 금 )

The Uk's new polar research ship, the RRS Sir David Attenborough, is in London preparing to leave for her first expedition to the Antarctic in a few weeks. She's in Greenwich for a few days ahead of the journey. Professor Dame Jane Francis, who's the director of the British Antarctic Survey, says the voyage is a huge moment for climate research. 


- 배를 지칭할때는 여자 -> polar research ship / her first expedition, she..

- expedition = journey = voyage 같은 단어의 중복을 피하기 위해서 다른 단어를 사용 


* polar: connected with, or near the North or South Pole (북극의, 남극의) ; connected with the poles ( =the positive and negative ends) of a magnet (자석의 극과 관련된)

- polar bear : a white bear that lives near the North Pole

- polar attraction : 자력


* RRS : Royal Research Ship

* HMS : Her Majesty's Ship


* expedition: an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known (탐험); the people who go on an expedition(탐험대); 

- Captain Scott's expedition to the South Pole

- Three members of the Everest expedition were killed. 


* Antarctic:(앤탈틱) relating to the regions of the world around the South Pole(남극과 관련된) 

* Arctic: related to or happening in the regions around the North Pole 

* Greenwich (그리니치)

* Dame : a title given to a woman as a special honor because of the work she has done(작위 중의 하나);

- She was made a Dame in the Queen's Birthday Honours list

* Voyage : a long journey, especially by sea or in space 

- The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage. 타이타닉은 첫 항해에서 가라앉았다. 

* huge: extremely large in size or amount: great in degree(큰, 대단한)

- A huge crowd had gathered in the square. 

- I wasn't a huge fan of the movie. 

- Huge amounts of data were lost.

- The party was a huge success.

- This is going to be a huge problem for us.

- It is huge.







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