티스토리 뷰
- 27단원
- Boom in
- The anthem booms in my ears
- Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.
- (소매 시장의 기록적인 수익은 경제가 호황임을 나타낸다)
- The bitcoin boom in South Korea created bitcoin zombies.
- (한국의 비트코인 붐은 비트코인 좀비들을 만들었다. )
- Bob (특히 물 위에서) 깐닥거리다, 까닥거리다
- Tiny boats bobed up and down in the harbour
- Flaunt 과시하다
- Flaunted the moment with the berries in the Capitol's face?
- He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.
- Berserk (화가 나서) 미쳐 날뛰는, 길길이 뛰는
- go berserk 화가 나다 - > berserk 대게 명사 앞에서는 쓰지 않는다.
- He went berserk when he found out where I'd been
- The audience goes berserk.
- Plush 플러시 천(실크나 면직물을 우단보다 털이 좀 더 길게 두툼히 짠 것)
- Flimsy 조잡한
- I feel so vulnerable in this flimsy dress.
- triumphant 크게 성공한
- pump their fist in the air 주먹을 불끈 쥐다
- Some are triumphant, pumping their fists in the air
- They jumped and pumped their fists in the air as Crying Nut rocked the stage.
- 그들은 크라잉넛이 무대를 요동시키자 주먹을 불끈 쥐었다.
- Disproportionate 불균형의
- A disproportionate amount of time is spent
- Upbeat 긍정적인, 낙관적인
- awful 끔찍한, 지독한
- There's this sort of upbeat soundtrack playing under it that makes it twice as awful because almost everyone on-screen is dead.
- Bloodbath 피바다, 대학살
- Dodge (몸을) 재빨리 [휙] 움직이다, 피핟.
- I seem heartless in comparson - dodging fireballs.
- Gruesome 섬뜩한, 소름끼치는
- Grruesome murder 소름끼치는 살인 사건
- Pound on ~을 마구 내리치다.
- ~, But with me pounding on the glass door of the hovercraft~
- Halve 반으로 줄다[줄이다]
- It separates into two halves.
- Instigator 선동자
- Instigate 실시하다, 착수하다
- Fall off
- Whisk 재빨리[휙] 가져가다[데려가다]
- Peeta and I are whisked to the president's mansion for the Victory Banqet.
- Peek over 넘보다
- Straggle 제멋대로 자라나다[퍼지다]
- The sun is just peeking over the horizon when we straggle back to the twelfth floor of the Training Center.
- Insidious (격식, 못마땅함) 서서히[은밀히] 퍼지는
- 26단원
- Spew 뿜어져 나오다, 분출되다.
- Wipe 닦다
- I spew the berries from my mouth, wiping my tongue with the end of my shirt to make sure no juice remains.
- Roar (큰 짐승 등이) 으르렁거리다[포효하다]
- I can't here him over the roar of the crowd in the Capitol that they're playing live over the speakers.
- Materialize (보통 부정문에 쓰여) (예상, 계획대로) 구체화되다.
- The hovercraft materializes overhead and two ladders drop
- Rung (사다리의) 가로대[단]; (사회·조직내 서열상의) 단계
- We each place a foot on the first rung of the ladder
- He put his foot on the bottom rung to keep the ladder steady.
- Slump to (땅)에 쿵 하고 떨어지다.
- He slumps to floor unconscious.
- Fistful 한 움큼[줌]
- When they take him away it tears leaving me with a fistful of black fabric.
- Sterile 살균한, 소독한
- Doctors in sterile white, masked and gloved, already prepped to operate, go into action.
- Spring out of 뛰어 일어나다
- Then its time to spring out of bed and greet the day.
- Peeta's so pale and still on a silver table, tubes and wires springing out of him every which way.
- Petrify 겁에 질리게 만들다.
- Lunge for ~을 향해 돌진하다.
- Petrified, I lunge for him but I'm caught and thrust back into another room.
- Pound on …을 마구 내리치다.
- I pound on the glass, screaming my head off.
- Uncomprehending (상황·사태를) 이해하지 못하는, 상황 파악을 못 하는
- I slump down on the floor, my face against the door, staring uncomprehendingly at the crystal glass in my hand.
- Frilly 주름장식이 많은
- Icy cold, fille dwith orange juice, a straw with a frilly white collar
- Filthy 아주 더러운
- How wrong it looks in my bloody, filthy hand with its dirt-caked nails and scars.
- Crease (옷종이 등이 구겨져 생긴) 주름[구김살] ; 주름이 생기게 하다[생기다], 구기다[구겨지다]
- Through the glass, I see the doctors working feverishly on Peeta, their brows creased in concentration.
- Mangle 짓이기다, 심하게 훼손하다
- It's like being home again, when they bring in the hopelessly mangled person from the mine explosion, or the woman in her third day of labor, or the famised child struggling against pneumonia.
- Ringed 고리가 끼워진
- How often I've seen them, ringed around our kitchen table and I thought.
- Startle 깜짝 놀라게 하다
- I startle when I catch someone staring at me from only a few inches away.
- Hurl 거칠게 던지다.
- I start hurling myself afainst the glass, shreking and I think I just catch a limpse of pink hair
- Jab (뾰족한 것으로 쿡) 찌르다; (권투에서) 잽을 넣다
- The needle jabs me from behind.
- Antiseptic 소독제[약] ; 살균이 되는
- The air smells of something sharp and antiseptic.
- Pucker 잔주름이[을] 잡히다[잡다]
- I touch my cheek, my lips, the puckered scar above my eyebrow
- Ruffle (반반한 표면을) 헝클다
- I ruffle the hair by my left ear
- Wriggle (몸몸의 일부를) 꿈틀거리다[꼼지락거리다]
- I'm trying to pull myself up and wriggle my hips through the band.
- Applesauce
- A bowl of clear broth, a small serving of applesauce, and a glass of water
- Grouchily 토라져서, 뾰로통하여.
- Grouchy 불평이 많은, 잘 투덜거리는
- I think grouchily
- Shrink (옷을 뜨거운 물에 빨거나 하여) 줄어들다[오그라지다]
- My stomach seems to have shrunk to the size of a chestnut
- Scruffy : 꾀죄죄한, 지저분한
- He looked a little scruffy.
- Even the thought of Prim's scruffy old cat makes me smile
- Indeterminate 쉽게[정확히] 가늠할[규정할] 수 없는
- This happens on and off for an indeterminate amount of time
- Cadences (말소리의) 억양
- Not in the Capitol accent, but in the rougher cadences of home.
- Plug 1. (구멍을 마개 같은 것으로) 막다[틀어막다], 2. 칭찬하다.
- He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag. 그는 파이프에 난 구멍에 헌 헝겊을 틀어막았다.
- She came on the show to plug her latest album. 그녀는 자신의 최신 앨범을 홍보하기 위해 그 프로에 나왔다.
- Then finally, the time arrives when I come to and there's nothing plugged into my right arm.
- Trace 추적하다,
- Those accumulated over years of hunting have vanished without a trace.
- Flinch 움찔[주춤]하다
- Lying at the foot of the bed is an outfit that makes me flinch
- Greet 맞다, 환영하다
- This is what I will were to greet my team
- Fidget 꼼지락거리다
- There's some adjusting and fidgeting.
- I'm dressed in less than a minute and fidgeting in front of the wall where I know.
- Restrain
- Maybe a victor should show more restraint, more superiority.
- Pat
- Effie's somewhat teary and keeps patting my hair and talking about how she told everyone we were pearls.
- Ecstatically
- Engulf 완전히 에워싸다, 휩싸다
- He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters.
- Envious 부러워하는, 선망하는
- Rattle on
- It's funny, because even though they're rattling on about the Games.
- Wallow
- We don't wallow around in the Games this way in District 12.
- Unassume
- Cinna comes in with what appears to be an unassuming yellow dress across his arms
- Paddle over
- I immediately notice the paddling over my breasts.
- Ripple
- Even the slight movement in the air sends a ripple up my body
- Garish
- Contrived (못마땅함) 억지로 꾸민 듯한, 부자연스러운
- By comparison, the chariot costume seems garish, the interview dress too contrived.
- Candlelight
- In this dress, I give the illusion of wearing candlelight.
- Hem
- The hem falls just to my knees.
- Starture
- Withput heels, you can see my true starture.
- Benign
- And beneath his benigh reply, I sense a warning.
- Rethought
- Only this year, with two victors who share both an escort and a mentor, the whole thing has had to be rethought.
- Peel off
- Cinna and the prep team peel off to change into their own costumes and take their positons, leaving me alone.
- Rumble
- The rumbling of the crowd is loud, so I don't notice Haymitch until he touches my shoulder
- Spring away
- I spring away, startled, still half in the arena.
- Musty
- Haymitch's eyes shift around my musty holding space, and he seems to make a decision.
- Dreadful 끔찍한, 지독한
- He knows how dreadful I am
- Course v. 빠르게 흐르다
- I feel dread coursing through me now, but I laugh as though Haymitch is saying something completely delighful because nothing is covering my mouth.
- Wrestle
- I say, taking the opportunity to straighten a bright
- Tug on
- I tug on my skirt, willing it to be longer, wanting it to cover the knocking in my knees.
- clammy
- Rubble
- A cold, clammy sweat breaks out on my skin and I can't rid myself of the feeling that the boards above my haed are about to collapse, to bury me alive under the rubble.
- Unravel
- These are qustions to be unraveled abck home.
- 21단원
- Arduous
- Vicinity
- Hang on
- Although I doubt he can hang on much longer without medicine.
- Bonier
- I make a meal out of the smaller, bonier fish that inhabit the stream down here.
- Confrontation
- I'm not sure about Foxface since direct confrontation isn't her style or her forte.
- 17단원
- Catch in ~와 연락이 닿다; ~을 용케 잡다.
- Quiver 가벼운 떨림
- Spare (시간, 돈 등을)할애하다
- Crook 팔꿈치안쪽; 사기꾼; a. 아픈, 병든
- Grasp (확실한) 통제, 꽉 잡다, 움켜잡다
- Fortunately my quiver has caught in the crook of my elbow, sparing both itself and my shoulder, and my bow is locked in my grasp.
- Wreckage
- I roll on my side and allow
- Salvage
- Wobbly
- Wind up on my hands and knees
- Blast
- Hood up
- Copse
- Doggedly
- Hideout
- Tangle
- Barreling
- Gnawing off
- Wreckage
- Tantrum
- Poking
- Headlock
- Jerk
- Blow up
- Dizziness
- Subside
- The dizziness has subsided and while my left ear is still deafened,
- Rendezvous
- Did she make it back to the rendezvous point?
- Roost
- Since roosting overnight in a tree isn't sensible anyway, I scoop out a hollow under the bushes and cover myself with leaves and pine needles.
- Lit
- I begin to have more sympathy for the firl from District 8 that lit the fire that first night.
- Drift off
- I drift off to sleep.
- Fragment
- It takes a minute to realize that the sun must be well up and the glasses fragmenting my vision
- 16단원
- Wholeheartedly 전폭적인, 전적인
- Rue has decided to trust me wholeheartedly.
- Snuggle up …을 끌어안다.
- I know this because as soon as the anthem finishes she snuggles up against me and falls asleep.
- Precautions 예방책, 예방 조치[수단]
- Nor do I have any misgivings about her, as I take no particular precautions.
- He is needling me all the time.
- 그는 나를 잡아먹을 듯이 야단이다
- Be distracted 주의를 빼앗기다
- I'm distracted by my latest idea about the Careers and their supplies.
- Feed 먹이를 주다
- I'm pretty sure feeding themselves will be a tremendous struggle.
- Be fed growing up
- That the Careers have been better fed growing up is actually to their disadvantage.
- Cradle 요람, 아기침대; 부드럽게 잡다
- Her head cradled on my shoulder
- Drowsiness 졸림
- Jolt 정신이 번쩍 들게하다
- Cannon 대포
- The boom of the cannon jolts me awake
- Streak <바탕을 이루는 부분과 색깔이 다른 기다란 줄 모양의 것>
- The sky's streaked with light.
- Perch 앉아서 쉬다
- Rue perches in a branch across from me.
- Marshy 늪지의
- There's a marshy area over that way.
- Suck out 빨아내다
- We each suck out the insides of an egg
- Bounce up 펄쩍 뛰다.
- By the way she bounces up, you can tell she's up for whatever I propose.
- Glint 반짝거리다
- You can see the glint of excitement in her eyes.
- Ordeal 역경
- She's exactly the opposite of Prim, for whom adventures are an ordeal
- Stash (챙겨둔) 양
- Their supply stash is about thirty yards away.
- How would you get rid of it?
- Poke (손가락 등으로) 쿡 찌르다
- I poke Tue in the belly, just like I would Prim.
- Forage in 먹이를 찾다
- Oblige 의무적으로 ~하게 하다
- The younger ones, who forages in the meadows in a district where the Peacekeepers are fat less obliging than ours.
- There's a special little song I do.
- Unclasp ~의 걸쇠를 벗기다.
- I unclasp the pin and hold it out to her.
- Woven -> Weave (옷감을) 짜다
- She pulls a necklace woven out of some kind of grass from her shirt.
- Poise 침착; (특히 무엇의 뒤에서 특정한) 태세를 취하다.
- We are poised to carry it out.
- Stock (v) (판매할 상품을 갖춰 두고) 있다.
- I make sure Rue's well stocked with food and matches.
- Rendezvous 만날 약속, 만남; (미리 약속 시간과 장소를 정해서) 만나다.
- I even insist she take my sleeping bag, in case it's not possible to rendezvous by nightfall.
- Head back to ~로 다시 향하다.
- I trun and head back to the stream.
- Burst through …을 부수고[밀어젖히고] 나가다
- I struggle again to remember that moment over Glimmer's body, when she burst through the tree.
- Spark <타동사> 촉발시키다, 유발하다; <자동사> 불꽃(불똥을)일으키다
- But just the fact that he was sparkling leads me to doubt everything that happened.
- 타동사 ex) ->The riots were sparked off by the arrest of a local leader. 그 폭동은 지역의 한 지도자 체포로 촉발되었다.
- Shallow stretch
- I must have been moving very slowly yesterday because I reach the shallow stretch where I took my bath in just a few hours.
- Replenish 다시채우다, 보충하다
- I stop to replenish my water and add a layer of mud to my backpack.
- Seem bent on (보통 안 좋은 일에) 작정을 하고 덤비는; bent on something/on doing something
- It seems bent on reverting to oragne no matter how many times I cover it.
- She seems bent on making lift difficult for me. 그녀가 나를 살기 힘들게 하려고 작정을 한 모양이다.
- Proximity 가까움, 근접
- My proximity to the Careers' camp sharpens my senses , and the closer I get to them.
- Vicinity (~의) 부근[인근]
- Clusters of tracker jacker nests in the vicinity of the tree I was trapped in
- Crowds gathered in the vicinity of Trafalgar Square.
- Copse 잡목림
- I make it to the copse Rue has told me about and agin have to admire her cleverness.
- Expanse 넓게 트인 지역
- Between us lies the flat expanse where the Games began
- Scrawny 뼈만 앙상한, 가죽만 남은
- The boy from District 1, and a scrawny, ashen-skinned boy who must be from District 3.
- Fiddle (특히 지루하거나 초조해서) 만지작거리다 ; 세부사항을 조작하다
- Even now, as he sits there fiddling with some kind of plastic box.
- She fiddled the books while working as an accountant. 그녀는 회계사로 일하는 동안 장부들을 조작했다.
- Domineer 권세를 부리다, 뻐기다, 압제하다
- He's eassily ignored in the presence of his large and domineering companions.
- Stinger 침
- They must not have had the sense to remove the stingers.
- Crates (물품 운송용 대형 나무) 상자
- Most of the supplies, held in crates, burlap sacks, and plastic bins, are piled neatly in a pyramid in what seems a quesionable distance from the camp.
- Sprinkle 뿌리다
- Others are sprinkled around the perimeter of the pyramid
- Perplex (무엇을 이해할 수 없어서) 당혹하게 하다
- The whole setup is completely perplexing
- Mull something over ~에 대해 숙고하다.
- While I am mulling over my options, I hear Cato shout out.
- I need some time to mull it over before making a decision. 내가 결정을 내리기전에 그것에 대해 숙고할 시간이 좀 필요하다.
- Arm (동사?) ~을 무장시키다
- The careers begin to arm themsleves at once.
- Head off
- They head off in the direcion of the fire.
- I stay put for a half an hour or so.
- Accomplice 공범(자)
- That I was here, that I have an accomplice
- Emerge from ~에서 벗어나다, 나오다
- Several hundred yards to my right, I see someone emerge from the woods.
- Creep out 몰래 빠져 나가다
- I recognize Foxface creeping out onto the plain.
- Litter 쓰레기; 흐트러져 어지럽히다[어수선하게 만들다]
- Supplies that have been littered around the pyramid
- Hop (사람이) 한 발로 깡충깡충 뛰다
- She begins to approach the pyramid with strange little hops, sometimes landing on one foot, teetering slightly, sometimes risking a few steps.
- Teeter (넘어질 듯이) 불안정하게 서다[움직이다]
- She teetered after him in her high-heeled shoes. 그녀는 굽 높은 구두를 신고 불안정하게 그의 뒤를 따라갔다.
- Squeal (높고 길게) 끼익[꽤액/꺄악] 하는 소리를 내다
- I hear her give a sharp squeal as her hands hit the ground.
- Burlap 올이 굵은 삼베
- Sack 부대
- Rope off ~에 밧줄[로프]을 쳐서 차단하다
- She fills her pack, taking a few items from a variety of containers, crackers from a crate, a handful of apples from a burlap sack that hangs suspended from a rope off the side of a bin
- Suspicion 혐의, 의혹
- Not enough to cause suspicion.
- Scamper 날쌔게 움직이다
- She's doing her odd little dance back out of the circle and scrampering into the woods again, safe and sound.
- Grind
- I realize I'm grinding my teeth in frustration
- Dexterity 재주
- But what sort of trap have they laid that requires such dexterity
- Hurray 만세 !, 후레이 !
- Well, hurray for the boy from district 3 for putting one over on them, but what am I supposed to do now?
- Stroll into
- I can't go strolling into that mess without blowing myself sky-high.
- Laughable 웃기는, 터무니없는
- As for sending in a burning arrow, that's more laughable than ever.
- Set off
- The mines are set off by pressure
- Scrape 긁다, 긁어내다
- They literally had to scrape bits of her off the ground.
- Chuck 던지다
- I might be able to chuck some rocks in there and set off what?
- String to
- Demolish (건물을) 철거하다
- There's what I'd really need is to throw about thirty rocks in there at once, setting off a big chain reaction, demolishing the whole lot.
- Waft (공중에서 부드럽게) 퍼지다[퍼지게 하다]
- The smoke from Rue's second fire is wafting toward the sky
- Topple over 넘어지다; 넘어뜨리다
- I stare at the pyramid, the bins, the crates, too heavy to topple over with an arrow.
- Trip up 실수를 하다; ~가 실수를 하게 만들다[유도하다]
- I'm genuinely thinking of trying to re-create Foxface's trip up to the pyramid in hopes of finding a new means of destruction when my eyes ligh on the burlap bag of apples.
- Sever 절단하다
- I could sever the rope in one shot, didn't I do as much in the Training Center?
- Rip something up ~을 갈기갈기 찢다.
- I can see the first apple teetering when I let the third arrow go, catching the torn flap of burlap and ripping it from the bag.
- 14단원
- Wasp 말벌
- I don't know what kind of wasp lives there
- Jabberjays - 수잔콜린이 쓴 소설 '헝거게임'에서 나온 새들인 Jabberjay와 Mockingbird가 교배하여 나온 새의 이름
- Like the jabberjays, there killer wasps were spawned in a lab
- Lump (보통 특정한 형태가 없는) 덩어리, 응어리
- Plum 자두
- They have a distinctive solid gold body and a sting that raises a lump the size of a plum on contact
- Hallucinations 환각
- Reprieve (사형수의) 형 집행을 취소하다[유예하다]
- Darkness has given me a brief repreive.
- Drag (힘들여) 끌다[끌고 가다]
- I drag myself out of my bag, make sure my knife is secured in my belt.
- Precariously 상황이 불안정한; 위태로운
- This in itself is dangerous since the brances are becoming precariously thin even for me, but I persevere.
- Subdue 진압하다.
- But it's still oddly subdued.
- Battle 투쟁하다.
- This was the one defense the rebels found to battle the wasps.
- Blisters 물집
- Blisters burst on my right hand a I awkwardly drag the knife back and forth
- Sated …에 물린[질린]
- The audience will be sated seeing me injured and treed and the pack below me.
- Groggy 몸을 가누지 못하는
- If the wasps are too groggy , if the nest catches on its way down.
- Sneak up (~에게) 살금살금[몰래] 다가가다
- I think, to sneak up here at dawn and send the nest into my enemies.
- Probe 조사하다, 캐묻다.
- Ointment 연고
- I probe the surface of the ointment
- Throb 몸의 일부가 욱신거리다, 지끈거리다
- The throbbing in my fingertip vanishes.
- Concoction 혼합물
- This is no herbal concoction that my mother grinds up out of woodland plants.
- Reposition ~의 위치를 바꾸다
- Plunge into 벌컥 뛰어들다.
- I can do to reposition myself in my bag before I plunge into sleep
- Squint 눈을 가늘게 뜨고 보다
- My eyes squint as they try to penetrate the tree next to me.
- Cinch 아주 쉬운 일
- Compared to the agony of last night's climb, this one is a cinch
- 15단원
- Rip apart ~을 부서뜨리다, 산산조각을 내다.
- Feel my own body ripped apart?
- Onslaught 맹공격, 맹습
- Whey I finally do come to my sense, I lie still, waiting for the next onslaught of imagery.
- Wrack 고문하다.
- Feeble 아주 약한
- I accept that the poison must have finally worked its way out of my system, leaving my body wracked and feeble.
- Honeysuckle 인동(덩굴식물의 일종)
- Horrid 진저리나는, 지독한
- There last days must have been as horrid as my own
- Rotten 썩은, 부패[부식]한
- A foul, rotten taste pervades my mouth, and the water has little effect on it
- Stamen (꽃의) 수술
- I drag myself over to the honeysuckle bush and pluck a flower.
- Bear 참다, 견디다
- They bear no trace of the noxious green slime that came from Glibmmer's body.
- Padding (푹신하게 만들거나 형체를 잡기 위해 안에 대는) 속[심], 충전재
- Gorge 협곡
- The little padding I was able to put on by gorging my self during prep time in the Capitol is gone.
- Foliage 나뭇잎(한 나무의 나뭇잎이나, 나뭇잎과 줄기를 총칭)
- It's easy to see the direction I came from by the path of destruction my crazed body made throught the foilage.
- Surreal 아주 이상한, 비현실적인, 꿈같은
- So I walk off in the other direction, hoping my enemies still lie locked in the surreal word of tracker venom.
- Strip down to …까지 벗다.
- Wade into 힘차게 착수하다, 맹공격하다; 애쓰며 나아감
- I strip down to my underclothes and wade into the mild current.
- Filthy 아주 더러운
- I am filthy from head to toe.
- Splash 액체가 철벅[후두둑] 떨어지다
- I try splashing myself but eventually just lie down in the water for a few minutes.
- Moss 이끼
- With a handful of moss, I polish the blood from my silver weapons.
- Pluck (머리카락눈썹 등을) 뽑다
- Plump 통통한, 포동포동한, 토실토실한
- Once the feathers are plucked, it's no bigger than a chicjen, but it's plump and firm
- Peek out …을 엿보다.
- Then I spot the tip of a child's boot just peeking out from begind the trunk of a tree
- Ally 동맹국
- You want me for an ally?
- Plunk down (특히 거액의 돈을) 턱 내놓다[내주다]
- I plunk down by the fire and roll up my pant leg to revel the sting on my knee.
- Gloppy (음식이)질척한, 맛없게 생긴.
- Rue presses a gloppy green wad of chewed leaves and spit on my knee.
- Leach 화학물질·광물질 등이 토양에서 침출되다
- It's as if the leaves are actually leaching the pain right out of the sting.
- Anoint (종교 의식에서 머리에) 성유[성수]를 바르다
- I set aside my weapons and anoint her arm with the burn medicine.
- Wispy (촘촘하지 못하고) 몇 가닥[줄기]으로 된, 성긴
- I can almost here Haymitch groamomg as I team up with the wispy
- Starchy 음식이 탄수화물이 많은
- Rue contributes a big handful of some sort of starchy root to the meal
- Parsnip 파스닙(배추 뿌리같이 생긴 채소)
- Roasted over the fire, they have the sharp sweet taste of a parsnip.
- Groosling '헝거 게임' 세계관에 등장하는 가상의 칠면조.
- Whip (고의적으로) ~을 자극하다[흥분시키다]
- They whip you and make everyone else watch
- Poach (특히 생선을) 졸이다
- I could be whipped on a daily basis for poaching in the woods.
- Haven 안식처, 피난처
- Hearing this maeks me feel like District 12 is some sort of save haven.
- Scrap (특히 종이옷감 등의) 조각
- People toss her scraps and things
- Flare up 확 타오르다
- I have plenty of leaves in case my stings flare up again.
- Spy on ~을 염탐하다[몰래 감시하다]
- I've spied on their base camp by the lake
- Offensive 모욕적인, 불쾌한
- An Offensive plan.
- Daze 멍한상태
- I'm still in a daze for the first part of Peeta's interview
- Anecode 일화
- Peril 위험
- Then has a funny anecdote about peprils of the capitol showers.
- Sniff 코를 훌쩍이다
- He asks Caesar, and then there's a whole run where they take turns sniffing each other that brings down the house
- Unrequited 상대방이 알아주지 않는, 짝사랑의
- Unrequited love they can relate to
- Mystify 혼란스럽게[얼떨떨하게] 만들다
- "Why ever not?" says Caesar, mystify
- Blush 얼굴을 붉히다, 얼굴이 빨개지다
- Stammer out 더듬거리다.
- Peeta blushes beet red and stammers out
- Quieter (소리가 거의 없이) 조용한
- His mood is quiter now
- Prompt (질문힌트 등을 주어 말을 하도록) 유도하다
- "And What did you say?" prompts Caesar gently
- Squeeze (보통 손으로 꼭) 짜기[쥐기]
- "I bet you did", says Caesar, giving me a squeeze.
- Buzzer goes off
- The buzzer goes off, "Sorry we're out of time"
- Subtle 미묘한, 감지하기 힘든
- Thumbs-up
- He gives me a subtle thumbs-up.
- Lift up 들어올리다.
- I lift up my skirt to spread it out
- But the nerves and the spinning have gotten to me
- Hoot 폭소를 터뜨리다; 콧방귀를 뀌다, 비웃다
- Everyone's hooting as the cameras find Haymitch
- Good-naturedly 온화한, 부드러운
- He waves them away good-naturedly and points back to me
- Outstretched hand 펼친손
- I shake Caesar's out stretched hand.
- Wipe ~off ~를 없애다.
- He has the good grace not to immediately wipe his off on his suit.
- Sawdust 톱밥
- My month has fone as dry as sawdust
- Rack (몹시) 괴롭히다.
- I rack my brain for something that made me happy here.
- Buckerful 사나운 말
- I eat it by the bucketful
- Reassurance 안심시키기
- They shout reassurances to him and applaud.
- Get over
- You mean after I got over my fear of being burned alive?
- Absorbent 특히 액체를) 잘 빨아들이는, 흡수력 있는
- Skid 미끄러지다.
- The jewered dress isn't absorbent and they skid right off If I try to dry them.
- Flutter
- Rue flutters her way to Caesar.
- Fall over (빠르고 가볍게) 흔들(리)다[펄럭이다/떨다]
- Wisp 조각
- A hush falls over the crowd at the sight of this magical wisp of a tribute
- Tremulous 약간 떠는
- She says in a tremulous voice.
- Banter 정감 어린 농담
- He ignores Caesar's attempts at banter
- Scrape 긁다.
- A plump person is envied because they aren't scraping by like the majority of us
- Freakish 별난, 기이한
- Crimson 진홍색
- Bleed 피를 흘리다, 출혈하다, 피가 나다
- He looks freakish but less frightening than he did when his color was crimson and he seemd to be bleeding.
- Get down to ~을 시작하다; ~에 진지하게 관심을 기울이다
- Ceasar tells a few jokes to warm up the audience but then gets down to business.
- Lame 절름발이의, 다리를 저는, 절뚝거리는; 설득력없는, 변변찮은
- He is frendly, laughs at lame joke
- Sly 교활한, 음흉한
- Elusive 찾기[규정하기/달성하기] 힘든
- The fox-faced firl from District 5 sly and elusive.
- Single-file (앞뒤) 한 줄로[일렬종대로]
- We walk single-file to our seat and take our places.
- Feel my pulse pounding 마구두드리다, pulse 맥박
- I can feel my pulse pounding in my temples.
- Unjust 부당한, 불공평산
- All I can think is how unjust the while the thing is, the Hunger games.
- Fury 격분, 분노, spit out 내뱉다
- The loger the interview goes on, the more my fury seems to rise to the surface, until I'm literally spitting out answers at home.
- Slug 강타하다.
- You've got about as mush charm as a dead slug.
- Stamp 쿵쿵거리며 걷다, 발을 구르며 춤추다.
- Stamp down 짓밟다, 근절하다
- I kick off m heeels and stomp down to the dining room, hiking my skirt up to my thingts.
- Intrigue 강한 호기심을 불러일으키다.
- People are intrigued, but no noe knows who you are.
- Brutal 잔혹한, 악랄한
- If you appel to the crowd, either by being humorous or brutal or eccentric, you gain favor.
- Sort of self-deprecating 자기 비하적인
- Hostile 적대적인
- Pill that cheary 쾌활한
- I don't know where you pulld that cheery
- Wobble 흔들리다, 떨다.
- I've never worn high heels and can't get used to essentially wobbling around on the balls of my feet.
- Tangle 헝클어지다
- Hitch 얻어타다, 편승하다.
- Sweep down on ~을 급습하다.
- Smack 때리다
- I keeps tangling around my shoes so, of course I hitch it up and then Effie woops down on me like a hawk, smacking my hands and yelling.
- Duck (머리나 몸을) 휙 수그리다
- I have a dendency to duck my head.
- Banal 지극히 평범한
- Effie makes me say a hundred banal phreases starting with a smile.
- Ludicrous 터무늬 없는
- Betrayal. That is the first thing I feel, which is ludicrous
- Steady 균형을 잡다, readhead 빨강머리
- Pretense 가식, 걷치레
- I'm relieved that we can stop the pretnese of being friends.
- Glare out ~을 노려보다
- Not if you glare at them the entire time.
- Aggravate 악화시키다, 짜증나게 만들다
- I'm smiling at you even though you're aggravating me.
- Mediocre 보통밖에 안되는, 썩 좋지 않은.
- Trying to apper mediocre in front of the other tributes is the last bit of strategy I remember.
- Huddle 옹송그리며 모이다
- Haymitch and Efffie are huddled around the table taking in hushes voice.
- Win out 수행해내다 성취해나가다.
- Hunger wins out over curiosity and I load up my plate with break fast before I join them.
- Scraggly 듬성듬성[들쭉날쭉] 자란
- Has he been able to pick this up from just that scraggly old apple tree in his backyard?
- Weightlift - To practise .
- We steer clear of archery and weightlifting though, wanting to save those for our private sessions.
- Jot down 기록하다, 적다
- Sometimes wandering about to watch us, jotting down notes~
- Rowdily 소란스러운, 소동을 벌이는
- The career tributes tend to gather rowdily around one table, as if to prove their superiority.
- Keep dogging us
- Peeta and I eat together, and since Haymitch keeps dogging us about it.
- Appetize- To whet the appetite.
- It looks a lot more apptizing than the ugly drop biscuites that are the standard fare at home.
- Beehive 벌집
- I'd foolishly challenged a black bear over the rights to a beehive.
- Sanity 온전한 정신
- Stand tiled up
- She has bright, dark eyes and satiny brown skin and stands tilted up on her toes with her arms slightly extended to her sides.
- Tip (뾰족한) 끝
- Neither of them could tipo the scale at seventy pounds soaking water.
- Snort 코웃음을 웃다[치다], 콧방귀를 뀌다; (말 등이) 코를 힝힝거리다
- I make a sound that is somewhere between a snort and a laugh
- Slate 점판암
- District 12 is slated to go last
- The words come out of my mouth with our permission
- Quiver (가볍게) 떨다[떨리다]
- I choose a bow, string it and sling the matching quiver of arrows over my shoulder
- Command 명령
- I miss the dummy by a couple of inches and lose what little attention I had been commanding
- Sever (두 조각으로) 자르다[절단하다]; 잘라 내다
- I sever the rope that holds the sandbag of boxing.
- Upstate (대도시에서 멀리 떨어진) 주(州) 북부로
- That I'ms being upstaged by a dead pig.
- Decency 체면, 품위
- They don't even have the dencency to pay attention to me.
- Make it back
- Impulsiveness 충동적인
- How my family suffer now because of my impulsiveness
- Leniency 관대, 관용, 너그러움, 자비(로움)
- Then maybe I would have found some leniency
- Stalk out of 젠체하며 걸어나가다
- I stalk out of the place in the most disrespectful manner possible
- Stroke (공을 치는) 타법[타격], 스트로크
- I just lie curled up on the bed, stroking the silken sheets
- Irredeemably (너무 나빠서) 바로잡을 수[구제할 길] 없는
- The number, which is between one and twelve, one being irredeemably bad and twelve being anattainably high, signified the promise of the tribute
- Splotchy 흠점[얼룩]이 있는, 더럽혀진
- I go to the bathroom and wash my face, but it's still red and splotchy
- Chitchat 잡담, 한담; 세상 공론
- The adults begin some chitchat about the weather forecast, and I elt my eyes meet Peet's
- Handiwork (특히, 나쁜짓) 소행
- The cameras will turn to them when the crowd is reacing to their handiwork.
- Balcony off
- A lage balcony off a building to the right has been reserved for the Gamemakers.
- Feed into ~에 반영되다, packed with ~로 가득한
- The city and the avenues that feed into it are completely packed wioth people
- Bounce onto , bounce 깡충깡충 뛰다
- Caesar Flickerman bounceds ontop the stage.
- Doorknob 손잡이
- As Cinna turns the doorknob, I stop his hand.
- Peeta looks strikign in a black suit with flame accents.
- Fancy up 화려하게 치장하다.
- Haymitch and Effie are all fancied up for the occasion.
- Clueless 아주 멍청한, ~을 할줄 모르는
- Effie can be tiresome and clueless
- Right off 즉각, 즉
- I like him right off and he hasn't disappointed me yet.
- Radiant 빛나는
- I am as radiant as the sun.
- Dismiss 묵살하다
- Cinna dismissed the team
- Dreadful 끔찍한, 지독한
- He knows how dreadful I am
- Sullen 뚱한, Hostile 적대적인
- I'm sullen and hostile
- Shimmer 희미하게 빛난다
- They cover my entire body in a power that makes me shimmer in gold dust.
- Clutch 움켜잡다
- I clutch Octavia's hand as I blindly step into my shoes.
- Fidget 꼼지락거리다
- There's some adjusting and fidgeting.
- Damp (습기차서 생긴 얼룩)
- She comes back with a damp
- Drop down a disposal
- When all the garbage has been dropped down a disposal and the food cleaned away, she turns down my bed
- Tuck 밀어넣다
- Let her tuck me in
- Stencile 스텐실로 찍다.
- Agoniziang 고통스러운
- The next hours are agonizing
- Gush 솟구치다, 분출
- I cannot gush
- Cocky 자만심에 찬
- We try me playing cocky.
- Ferocity 흉포함
- I'm too vunerable for ferocity
- Witty 재치있는
- Nasty 끔찍한
- Reproachful 비난하는
- I hate her with her kwnoign reporachful eyes that call me a coward.
- Quest 탐구 , Acorn 도토리
- They only meat I'd shot was a squirrel that had practically run over my toes in its quest for acorns.
- Stray (자기도 모르게) 제 위치를 벗어나다, burlap 삼베, sack 자루, 봉지
- Having stayed further a filed than usual, I was hurrying back home, lugging my burlap sack
- Twitch - up 씰룩거리다, 경련하다
- I recognied the twitch-up snakes because my father had used them
- Rang out 크게 울리다
- My finger were just on the wire above one of the rabbits when a voice rang out.
- Valor 용기, 용맹
- I'd stood by while he received his medal of valor in the Justice Building
- Clutch 움켜잡다
- I remembered his two little brothers clutching his mother.
- Punishable 처벌할 수 있는
- Well, Stealing's punishable by death, or hadn't you heard?
- Mischevous 말성꾸러기의
- He says mischievously.
- Burrow down 굴을 파다
- I escape to my room as quickly as possible and burrow down under the covers
- Drift off 잠이들다
- Reprieve 형집행을 취소하다
- Eyelid 눈꺼풀
- I drift off, reprieved, relieved and with the number eleven still flashing behind my eyelid.
- Shovel 삽질하다
- I've shovled about halfway through the mound when I realize no one's talking
- Gulp 벌컥벌컥 삼키다
- I take a big gulp of orange juice and wipe my mouth
- Look over ~을 대충 훑어보다
- I didn't have to look over my shoulder constantly
- Companionship 동료애, 우정
- His companionship replaced the long solitary hours in the woods.
- Flash 휙 내보이다, (불빛으로) 신호를 보내다.
- I think of the eleven flashing under my name last night.
- Snare 덫, 유혹
- I just wanted to loot at your snare/
- Scowl at 노려보다, 노려봄, 도끼눈으로보다
- He scowled at me, not convinced
- Menace to ~을 위협하는 것
- It transformed him from someone menacing to someone.
- Grudgingly 마지못해, 억지로
- We grudgingly began to share out knowledge.
- Flicker 전깃불이나 불길이 깜박거리다
- Glitter (다이아몬드처럼) 반짝반짝 빛나다
- Ablaze 불길에 휩싸인
- Whisk down
- Rip off your cape
- Torch
- Petrify
- Blast
- Cross my mind
- Giddy
- Stark
- Cook down to
- Cross my arms over my chest
- Flamboyant
- Float down
- #85~95
- Preside over 주재하다, ~의 사회를 보다
- Be bound to ~의무가 있다.
- A meal presided over by just Effie and Haymitch is bound to be a disaster.
- Civilizing effect
- Cinna and Portia seem to have a civilizing effect on Haymitch and Effie.
- Platter 접시
- Deftly 솜씨 좋게, 교묘히
- A firl sets a gorgeous looking cake on the table and deftly lights it.
- Blaze up 타오르다
- It blazes up and then flames flicker around the edges awhile until it finally goes out.
- Hawk 매
- Traitor 반역자
- Haymitch has mentioned the word traitor I remember from where
- Stammer 말을 더듬다
- I stammer, and the wine is not helping
- Dead ringer 똑같이 닮은 사람
- I realized she is a dead ringer for Delly
- Maim 불구로 만들다
- The idea of the girl maimed tongue frightens me.
- Surveillance 감시
- You do have the sense that we might be under surveillance here
- Drown out 떠내려보내다
- It is enough to drown out two people who are trying not to be heard
- The villagers were drowned out. 마을 사람들은 홍수가 나서 대피했다.
- Tatter 찢어진 조각, 넝마, 나부랭이, 해지게 하다
- Their clothes were tattered
- Flee 도망하다
- Hovercraft
- The hovercraft appeared out of nowhere
- Smolder 그을려서 검게하다
- If you don't count the ruins of District 13 that still smolder from the toxic bombs.
- Blurt out 무심코 입 밖에 내다 (어떤 일의 가부나 방법에 대해) 고려하다[생각하다]
- Contemplate
- You’re too young to be contemplating retirement.
- Unitard 유니타드 ((몸통에서부터 발목 끝까지 가리는 레오타드(leotard)))
- Mutilate (인체를 심하게) 훼손하다, (특히 팔·다리를 절단하여) 불구로 만들다
- The body had been badly mutilated.
- #85~95
- Plug 1. (구멍을 마개 같은 것으로) 막다[틀어막다], 2. 칭찬하다.
- He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag. 그는 파이프에 난 구멍에 헌 헝겊을 틀어막았다.
- She came on the show to plug her latest album. 그녀는 자신의 최신 앨범을 홍보하기 위해 그 프로에 나왔다.
- complimentary 무료의
- Our flight today does feature complimentary movie service.
- 오늘 비행에서는 무료 영화 서비스를 제공합니다.
- Bother to
- Haymitch hasn't bothered to tell me your strategies.
- I don't want to bother to go down there.
- 제가 귀찮아서 못 가겠습니다.
- Slaughter (가축의) 도살[도축]; 살육하다
- Men, women and children were slaughtered and villages destroyed.
- 남녀노소가 학살을 당하고 마을들은 파괴되었다.
- Beam at 활짝 웃다
- Effie beams at us so brilliantly that we have no choice.
- Creaky 삐걱거리는
- Exhilarate 아주 기쁘게 만들다
- Speed had always exhilarated him.
- Be tempted to ~하라고 유혹받다
- Would you ever be tempted to cheat on your exam?
- 혹시 시험 볼 때 컨닝하고 싶을 것 같니?
- Count on ~을 믿다
- I’m counting on you to help me.
- 네가 날 도와 주리라고 믿어.
- Corral 울타리
- They drove the ponies into a corral
- 그들은 조랑말들을 울타리 안으로 몰아넣었다.
- Chaperon (사교계에 나가는 젊은 여성의) 여성 보호자, 샤프롱
- Engulf 완전히 에워싸다, 휩싸다
- He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters.
- Babble out secret 비밀을 누설하다
- Unintelligible 이해할 수 없는
- She turned away and muttered something unintelligible.
- 그녀가 고개를 돌리며 뭐라고 알아들을 수 없는 말을 중얼거렸다.
- Outshine …보다 더 낫다[뛰어나다]
- But it is also a world in which innovative and flexible companies can outshine the field for years
- Chariot 마차
- Be floored by
- I was floored by the problem. 나는 그 문제로 당황했다.
- #73-85
- Barely 1. 간신히, 가까스로, 빠듯하게 ; 2. 거의~아니게
- The music was barely audible. 그 음악은 간신히 들릴 정도였다.
- She barely acknowledged his presence. 그녀는 그가 있는 것을 거의 알은체를 안 했다
- Wound 상처, 부상(흉기에 의한); 상처를 입히다
- She felt deeply wounded by his cruel remarks. 그녀는 그의 잔인한 말에 깊은 마음의 상처를 입었다.
- Nudity 벌거벗은 상태, 알몸 노출 상태
- The committee claimed that there was too much nudity on television.
- Obscenity 외설; 음란한 말[행동]
- She screamed a string of obscenities at the judge 그녀가 악을 쓰며 판사에게 욕설을 퍼부어 댔다.
- Puffy (눈·얼굴 등이) 부어 있는 (것 같은)
- Her eyes were puffy from crying. 그녀는 울어서 눈이 부어 있었다.
- Oblivion 의식[자각]하지 못하는 상태, 망각 ,
- An unexpected victory saved him from political oblivion
- 예상밖의 승리가 그를 정치적으로 잊혀지는 것에서 구제해 주었다.
- Deteriorate 악화되다, 더 나빠지다
- Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards
- 그녀는 건강이 급속도로 악화되어 그 후 곧 죽었다.
- Incoherent (흔히 감정이 북받쳐) 앞뒤가 안 맞는 말을 하는[제대로 말을 못하는] , 비 논리적인
- She broke off, incoherent with anger. 그녀가 화가 나서 제대로 말을 하지 못하고 말을 잠깐 멈췄다.
- Underfed 음식을 제대로 먹지 못한, 배를 곯은
- Poly was underfed, so she wasn't healthy enough either.폴리는 영양 부족 상태여서, 그녀 또한 충분히 건강하지 않다.
- Stay sober 취하다.
- Rebel 반항하다 ; 반항자
- Since the rebels had to scale the mountains, they were easy targets for the Capitol's air forces.
- Grit my teeth 이를 갈다
- I just gritted my teeth and went somewhere else
- Scrub down 때밀기
- Mikey's having a scrubdown in the shower.
- Tingle (몸의 일부가) 따끔거리다, 얼얼하다
- The cold air made her face tingle. 찬 바람에 그녀는 얼굴이 얼얼했다.
- keep your side of the bargain
- To do as was promised in an agreement or bargain
- Whine 징징거리다, 우는 소리를하다 - Give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound.
- Plump 통통한, 토실토실한
- Minhaj is now a plump and strong child who loves to smile
- Wily 약삭빠른 교활한
- Peck 쪼다, 쪼아 먹다; 가볍게 키스하다
- A robin was pecking at crumbs on the ground.
- He pecked her on the cheek as he went out
- dart out of (날쌔게) 뛰쳐나오다
- A mouse darted out of the closet. 쥐가 찬장에서 날쌔게 뛰쳐나갔다.
- Concession 양보, 이해
- The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike
- Fleck 얼룩
- His hair was dark, with flecks of grey. 그의 머리는 짙은 색이었는데 드문드문 흰머리가 나 있었다.
- #61-72
- Delude 속이다, 착각하게하다
- Don’t be deluded into thinking that we are out of danger yet.
- 아직 우리가 위험을 벗어났다고 착각하지 마라.
- Embroider 수를 놓다 ; (이야기를) 윤색하게 꾸미다
- She embroidered flowers on the cushion covers.
- 그녀는 쿠션 커버에 꽃 모양을 수놓았다.
- Bruise 멍이 생기다 ; 의기소침하게 만들다
- They had been badly bruised by the defeat.
- 그들은 그 패배로 몹시 의기소침해져 있었다.
- Pluck (머리카락눈썹 등을) 뽑다
- She plucked out a grey hair.
- 그녀는 흰 머리카락 한 올을 뽑아내었다
- Sooty 그을음[검댕]이 묻은
- The walls were sooty from the fire.
- 불이 나서 벽이 시꺼멓게 그을렸다
- Reek 지독한 악취를 풍기다
- His breath reeked of tobacco.
- 그의 입에서는 지독한 담배 냄새가 났다.
- Batch 집단, 무리
- Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work.
- 매년 여름 일단의 새로운 학생들이 일자리를 찾는다.
- Butcher 정육점주인, 정육점 ; 잔인하게 살해하다, 학살하다,
- Hitler was a cruel butcher in the second world war
- 히틀러는 2차대전 당시 무자비한 학살자였다.
- Bluish 푸르스름한
- Tuber 덩이줄기
- Feast on 마음껏 먹다, 포식하다
- We feast on rice cake soup on the New Year's Day.
- Gnarled 울퉁불퉁하고
- The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.
- 그 손가락들은 우툴두툴 굳은살이 박이고 손톱은 길고 짐승의 발톱같이 굽어 있었다.
- Crumple 구겨지다
- She crumpled the letter up into a ball and threw it on the fire.
- 그녀는 그 편지를 동그랗게 구겨 불 위로 던져 버렸다.
- Grandeur 장엄함
- the grandeur and simplicity of Roman architecture
- Oddly 이상[특이]하게
- She’s been behaving very oddly lately.
- 그녀가 최근에 행동이 아주 이상하다.
- Gawk 얼빠진 듯이 바라보다, 멍하듯이 바라보다
- Did you come all this way to gawk?
- 너 그냥 멍때리려고 여기까지 온거야?
- #20190403 55~60
- Comfort 안락, 편안
- These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance.
- Breakable 깨지기 쉬운
- put on 작동시키다
- She put on the brakes suddenly
- Decent 괜찮은
- Savage 야만적인, 흉포한, 몹시 사나운
- She had been badly hurt in what police describe as 'a savage attack' .
- Wipe (먼지물기 등을 없애기 위해 무엇을) 닦다[훔치다]
- He wiped his hands on a clean towel.
- Compartment (기차 안의 칸막이를 한) 객실
- There is a handy storage compartment beneath the oven.
- Stagger 비틀거리다
- We seem to stagger from one crisis to the next.
- 우리는 하나의 위기에서 다음 위기로 휘청거리며 가고 있는 것 같다.
- Conceivably 생각할 수 있는 바로는, 상상컨대
- It is conceivably the most complex machine ever built and represents technology unparalleled in the history of humankind.
- 생각건대, 그것은 이제까지 만들어진 것 중 가장 복잡한 기계이고, 인간 역사에 유래 없는 기술을 나타내고 있다.
- Unparalleled 비할[견줄] 데 없는
- It was an unparalleled opportunity to develop her career.
- 그것은 그녀의 경력을 발전시킬 수 있는 비할 데 없는[더없이 좋은] 기회였다.
- Monstrous 도저히 말도 안 되는, 가공할
- Lunge (사람을 공격하거나 무엇을 움켜잡으려고) 달려들다[돌진하다]
- Then in an instant they lunge at their dinner and pull it into the water.
- 그리고 나서 한 순간에 그들의 식사 거리에 돌진하여 물 속으로 끌어들입니다.
- Cripple 불구로 만들다 ; 심각한 손상을 주다
- The pilot tried to land his crippled plane.
- 조종사는 제대로 기능을 못 하는 비행기를 착륙시키려고 애를 썼다.
- Immobilize (정상적으로) 움직이지[걷지] 못하게 하다, 고정시키다
- a device to immobilize the car engine in case of theft
- 절도에 대비해 자동차에 시동을 걸지 못하게 하는 장치
- Clasp (꽉) 움켜쥐다[움켜잡다]
- He leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together.
- 그는 두 손을 함께 꽉 움켜잡고 몸을 앞으로 구부렸다.
- Awkward 어색한, 곤란한
- Please don’t be awkward about letting him come.
- 그를 오게 하는 것 때문에 (당신이) 곤란해 하지 않았으면 좋겠어요.
- Weepy 슬픈, 금방이라도 눈물이 날 것 같은
- She was feeling tired and weepy.
- 그녀는 피곤하고 금방이라도 눈물이 날 것만 같았다.
- Evasive 얼버무리는
- Tessa was evasive about why she had not been at home that night.
- 테사는 그날 밤 집에 없었던 이유를 얼버무렸다.
- Scrap 폐기하다, 버리다
- They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building
- 그들은 어쩔 수 없이 신설 학교 수립 계획을 폐기해야만 했었다
- #20190330 헝거게임 p. 40~55
- Cling to ~을 고수하다
- Throught the trial she had clung to the belief that he was innocent. 그는 재판 내내 그녀는 그가 무죄라는 믿음을 고수했다.
- Yank 홱 잡아 당기다
- He yanked her to her feet. 그가 그녀를 홱 잡아당겨 일으켜 세웠다.
- Ridden [보통 합성어에서] <‘…이 들끓는’, ‘…에 지배당하는’, ‘…에 시달리는’의 뜻>
- She was guilt-ridden at the way she had treated him. 그녀는 자기가 그를 대한 태도에 대한 죄책감에 시달렸다.
- Swarm : A large or dense group of flying insects
- Insectlike : 곤충같은, 벌레같은
- Snivel - If someone is snivelling, they are crying or sniffing in a way that irritates you.
- Cowardly - If you describe someone as cowardly, you disapprove of them because they are easily frightened and avoid doing dangerous and difficult things.
- Contestant (대회·시합 등의) 참가자
- A contestant in a competition or quiz is a person who takes part in it.
- Haul : If you haul something which is heavy or difficult to move, you move itusing a lot of effort
- The crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream
- Weep : 울다, 눈물 흘리다.
- She wanted to laugh and weep all at once.
- Gooble : man or boy who is amateur,but pretend to be mature.No or less experienced.
- Sanction
- Blather : 계속 지껄이다, Talk in a long-winded way without making very much sencse.
- She began blathering on about spiritaulity and life after death
- Rebellion : An act of armed resistance to an established government of leader
- The authorities put down a rebellion by landelss colonials
- Disposal (무엇을 없애기 위한)처리
- He will have a car at his disposal for the whole month. 그는 한달 내내 원하는 대로 쓸 수 있는 자동차를 갖게 된다.
- Mockingjay - 수잔콜린이 쓴 소설 '헝거게임'에서 나온 새들인 Jabberjay와 Mockingbird가 교배하여 나온 새의 이름
- Homing : (새 , 동물이) 귀소성이 있는 ; (미사일 등이) 자동 유도 장치를 단
- A homing device 자동 유도 장치
- Many birds have a remarkable homing instinct. 많은 새들이 감탄스러운 귀소 본능을 지니고 있다.
- Rebel 반란을 일으키다, 저항하다.
- He later rebelled against his stict religious upbringing.
- Enunciate (또렷이) 말하다[발음하다]
- She enunciated each word slowly and carefully.
- #20190327 헝거게임 p. 35~40
- Loaf 빵 한덩이 ; 빈둥거리다
- A group of kids were loafing around outside. 밖에는 한 무리의 아이들이 어정거리고 있엇다.
- Clutch (두려움이나 통증으로) 와락 움켜잡다.
- He grasped and clutched his stomach. 그가 숨을 헐떡이며 배를 와락 움켜잡았다.
- Scrape off ~에서 벗겨내다
- The woman helps me to scrape off the blood with some leaves
- Fluffy (음식이) 거품같은; 푹신해보이는, 솜털같은
- Beat the butter and sugar until soft and fluffy. 버터와 설탕을 섞어 부드러운 거품같이 될때까지 휘저어라
- Doomed 운이 다한, 불운한
- I'm doomed. 나는 이제 끝장났다.
- Flit (가볍게) 돌아다니다, 휙 스치다
- Butterfiles flitted from flower to flower. 나비가 나풀나풀 이 꽃저꽃으로 날아다녔다.
- Dependable 신뢰할 수 있는, 믿을만한
- She is quite dependable. You have nothing to worry about. 그녀라면 신뢰할 수 있겠어. 걱정할 거 없겠어
- Handcuff 수갑을 채우다.
- They tried to handcuff him but, despite his injuries, he fought his way free.
- Allot 할당하다, 배당하다
- I completed the test within the time allotted
- Apothecary 약제상
- Pact 약속, 협상
- They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public
- Teary 눈물이 글썽한
- The moment of glory was met with teary eyes.
- # 20190321 헝거게임 p.30~35
- Huddle 1. (보통 춥거나 무서워서) 옹송그리며 모이다
- We huddled together for warmth.
- I huddled under a blanket on the floor
- Plait (특히 머리를) 땋은것
- She wore her hair in plaits. 그녀는 땋은 머리를 하고 있었다.
- Run out (공급품이) 다 떨어지다
- Time is running out for the trapped miners.
- Come upon somebody/something ~을 우연히 만나다[발견하다]
- How did you come upon that false information? 어디서 그런 헛정보를 들으셨나요?
- Threadbare (낡아서) 올이 다 들어난 - a threadbare carpet 올이 다 드러난 카펫
- Puddle (특히 비 온 뒤의) 물 웅덩이
- The bird is drinking from a puddle. 새가 웅덩이의 물을 마시고 있다.
- Scavenge 1. (사람, 동물, 조류가) (먹을 것을 찾아) 쓰레기 더미를 뒤지다. 2. 죽은 고기를 먹다(동물이)
- Much of their furniture was scavenged from other people's garbage
- Dogs and foxes scavenged through the trash cans for something to eat.
- Cross mind 생각이 나다, 생각이 떠오르다
- His former mistake across his mind. 저번에 실패했던 일이 그의 머리에 떠올랐다.
- Mesmerize 최면을 걸듯 마음을 사로잡다, 완전 넋을 빼놓다
- Luscious 감미로운, 달콤한 - luscious fruit .감미로운 과일
- Peer out 안(밖)을 살펴보다.
- Grumble 투덜거리다.
- She's always grumbling to me about how badly she's treated at work. 그녀는 직장에서 아주 험한 대우를 받는다고 내게 늘 투덜거린다.
- Clatter 달가닥 하는 소리를 내다.
- He dropped the knife and it clattered on the stone floor. 그가 칼을 떨어뜨리자 그것이 쨍강하는 소리를 내며 돌바닥에 떨어졌다.
- Slosh (액체가) 철벅거리다
- The water was sloshing around under our feet. 우리 발밑에서 물이 철벅거렸다.
- Tribute (특히 죽은 사람에게 바치는) 헌사
- At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her like and work. 그녀의 장례식장에서는 그녀의 가장 오랜친구가 그녀의 일과 삶에 대한 헌사를 바쳤다.
- Paunchy 배가 불뚝하게 나온
- He is paunchy and going grey. 그는 배가 나오고 머리가 희었다.
- Holler 소리지르다, 고함치다
- Don't holler at me. 나한테 소리지르지마!
- Fend off ~의 공격을 막다.
- The police officer fended off the blows with his riot shield. 그 경찰관은 시위 진압용 방패로 그 타격들을 막았다.
- Trot 종종걸음을 걷다, 총총가다
- The children trotted into the room. 아이들이 종종걸음으로 방 안에 들어갔다.
- Nauseous 욕지기나는, 메스꺼운
- She felt dizzy and nauseous. 그녀는 어지럽고 속이 메스꺼웠다.
- Doze off (특히 낮에) 잠이 들다.
- She dozed off in front of the fire. 그녀는 난로 앞에서 잠이 들었다.
- Hands clenched in fists. 손을 주먹으로 꽉 쥐다.
- Untuck ~의 주름을 펴다.
- Rusty 녹슨, 녹투성이의 ; 예전같지 않은, 녹이 슨
- My tennis is very rusty these days. 요즘에는 내 테니스 실력이 녹이 많이 슬었다.
- Trail off 차츰 찾아들다.
- His voice trailed away to nothing. 그의 목소리가 차츰 찾아들더니 아무 소리도 들리지 않았다.
- # 20190320 헝거게임 p.23~30
- Harshly : 가혹한, 냉혹한
- The punishment was harsh and unfair. 그 처벌은 가혹하고 부당했다.
- Condone : 용납하다.
- Terrorism can never be condoned .테러 행위는 결코 용납할 수 없다.
- Stagger : 1. 비틀(휘청)거리다 2. 큰 충격을 주다
- We seem to stagger from one crisis to the next.
- 우리는 하나의 위기에서 다음 위기로 휘청거리며 가고 있는것 같다.
- It staggers me that the government is doing nothing about it.
- 정부가 그것에 대해 아무 일도 하지 않는 다니 충격적이었다.
- Wreck n. (육체적, 정신적으로) 망가진사람, v. 망가뜨리다
- The building had been wrecked by the explosion.
- Spunk 용기, 투지
- Taunt 놀리다, 비웃다, 조롱하다
- The other kids continually taunted him about his size. 다른 아이들의 그의 체격을 두고 그를 계속 놀렸다.
- Choke 숨이 막히다; 목을 조르다
- He was chocking on a piece of toast. 그는 토스트 한 조각이 목에 걸려 숨을 쉬지 못하고 있었다.
- Who else would have volunteered for Prim?
- Whisk away on
- You will be whisked away on EurostarTM to a choice of six fantastic cities in France and Belgium. EurostarTM에서 프랑스와 벨기에의 6 개의 환상적인 도시를 선택할 수 있습니다.
- Tenuous 미약한, 보잘것 없는
- His links with the organization turned out to be, at best, tenuous.
- 그가 그 단체와 맺고 있는 관계는, 아무리 좋게 봐도 보잘것없는 것으로 드러났다.
- Wave over a waiter : (웨이터를)손을 흔들어 부르다
- Grieve (특히 누구의 죽음으로 인해) 비통해하다.
- They are still grieving for their dead child. 그들은 아직도 죽은 아이때문에 비탄에 젖어 있다.
- Prop something up : ~을 받혀 넘어지지 않게 하다.
- We'll formulate measures to prop up the economy. 경제를 지탱해줄 정책을 우리는 만들것이다.
- 20190313(헝거게임 p.14~22)
- End up ~ing : 결국 (어떤 처지에) 처하게 되다.
- If you go on like this you’ll end up in prison
- 너 계속 그런 식으로 가다간 결국 철창신세를 지고 말거야.
- Gale took a dig at Madge.
- Take a dig at somebody : ~의 가슴을 찌르는 말을 하다.
- Traying to take a dig at me? 날 놀려먹을려고 하는거야?
- Meager : 빈약한
- This dictionary contains a meager vocabulary
- 이 사전은 어휘가 빈약하다.
- It’s hard not to resent those who don’t have to sigh for tesserae
- Resent : 분하게 여기다, 분개하다
- I deeply resented her criticism : 나는 그녀의 비판에 몹시 분개했다.
- Sigh for : <literary< Feel a deep yearning for (someone or something lost, unattainable, or distant
- A way to plant hatred between the starving workers of the Seam and those who can generally count on supper and thereby ensure we will never trust one another
- Count on : ~을 믿다, 확신하다
- I’m counting on you to help me : 네가 날 도와주리라고 믿어
- Rant : (못마땅함) 고함치다, 큰소리로 불평하다
- Hatred : 증오, 혐오
- He looked at me with intense hatred : 그가 잔뜩 증오에 찬 눈길로 나를 보았다.
- Smolder : 그을려서 검게하다 / Burn slowly with smoke but no flame
- If you try to burn it too slowly, the fire will change from flaming to smoldering combustion
- It scares off the nearby game.
- Scare off : (본의아니게) ~에게 겁을 주다, ~을 불안아게 만들다
- Rising prices are scaring customers off . 오르는 물가가 소비자들을 불안하게 만들고 있다.
- He says flatly
- Flatly : Showing little interest or emotion.
- Damien answered flatly as he refilled his cup with the dark liquid from the coffee pot, ‘You obviously don't remember what happened, do you?’
- The anguish I always feel when she’s in pain wells up in my chest and threatens to register on my face
- Well up : Properly raised or educated, especially so as to be well-behaved or good-mannered; characterized by or displaying a good upbringing.
- Anguish : (극심한) 괴로움
- He groaned in anguish 그가 몹시 괴로워하며 신음했다.
- The camera crews, perched like buzzards on rooftops, only add to the effect
- Perch (새가 나뭇가지 등에) 앉아있다. : (무엇의 꼭대기나 끝에) 위치하다[자리잡다]
- A robin was perching on the fence. : 로빈새 한마리가 울타리 위에 앉아있었다.
- The hotel perched precariously on a steep hillside. 그 호텔은 가파른 비탈에 아슬아슬하게 자리잡고 있었다.
- File in : 줄지어 들어가다[나오다]
- The number of people were fitting in and out at the Pantheon
- 판테오 앞에는 많은 사람이 줄지어 들어갔다 나오곤 했다.
- Claustrophobic [ˌklɔːstrəˈfəʊbɪk] : 밀실 공포증을 앓는[느끼게 하는]
- Encroach : (남의 시간, 권리, 생활 등을) 침해하다
- I won’t encroach on your time any longer. 당신의 시간을 더 이상 빼앗고 싶지 않아요
- Sustenance : (음식, 물 등) 생명을 건강하게 유지시켜 주는 것, 자양분
- There’s not much sustenance in a bowl of soup. 수프 한 그릇에는 자양물이 별로 들어있지 않다.
- Obliterate (흔적을 없애다) 지우다.
- The building was completely obliterated by the bomb
- 그 건물은 폭탄에 완전히 흔적도 없이 날아가버렸다.
- Repentance : 뉘우침, 회개
- He shows no sign of repentance. 그는 뉘우치는 기색이 없다.
- 20190313(헝거게임 p.9~13)
- preposterous [prɪˈpɒstərəs] 말도 안되는, 터무니없는 ; 엉뚱한, 파격적인
- These claims are absolutely preposterous!
- Growl 으르렁거리듯이 말하다.
- She growled a sarcastic reply 그녀가 으르렁거리듯 비꼬는 대답을 했다.
- Haggle (물건 값을 두고) 실랑이를 버리다, 흥정하다.
- I left him in the market haggling over the price of a shirt. 나는 시장에서 셔츠 값을 두고 실랑이를 벌이는 그를 두고 떠났다.
- take over ~을 인계받다. , (정권·정당 등을) 탈취[장악]하다
- The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues
- Chunk 덩어리 – a chunk of cheese 치즈 한덩어리
- Tad (n. 조금) - Perhaps I've been a tad overzealous 내가 조금 지나치게 열중했나봐 \
- You would expect her to be snob.
- Snob : 속물, 잘난 체하는[우월 의식에 빠져 있는] 사람
- 20190312(헝거게임 p.3~8)
- I prop myself up on one elbow. – 한쪽팔꿈치를 한쪽에 기대다.
- My little sister curled up on her side, cocooned in my mother’s body
- Cocoon : v. ~을 싸서 보호하다.
- Curl up : 몸을 옹송그리다
- Our part of District 12 is usually crawling with coal miners heading out to the morning shift at this hour.
- Crawl : (엎드려 기다)
- Crawl with : ~으로 가득하다
- I'm heading out to buy some flowers : 나 꽃을 좀 사러 나가는 중이야.
- Scruffy : 꾀죄죄한, 지저분한
- He looked a little scruffy.
- Barbed-wired: 가시철사
- Deterrent : 제지하는것
- Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.
- 헷갈리는 단어 : detergent 세제
- Flatten out
- 차츰 평평해지다
- The hills first rose steeply then flattened out towards the sea
- Rabid : (사람 유형이) 과격한, 광적인
- rabid right-wing fanatics 과격한 우익 광신자들
- brown bits - Caramelized remnants of meat left in a pan after the cooking of the meat
- Remnant 남은 것
- Rarity : 진귀한것ㅋ
- Women are still something of a rarity in senior positions in business.
- 여성이 업계의 고위직에서는 아직도 진귀한 존재이다.
- A few brave souls sneak into the woods to harvest apples.
- Sneak into : ~에 몰래 들어가다,
- Barely : 간신히
- The music was barely audible. 그 음악은 간신히 들릴정도였다.
- Pluck : 뽑다
- She plucked out a grey hair
- Verve : 열정, 활기
- It was performance of verve and vitality 그것은 열정과 활기로 이루어진 공연이었다.
- Alternative is to be cared out of your wits.
- Cater to : ~의 구미에 맞추다
- They only publish novels which cater to the mass market
- 그들은 대중적인 시장의 구미에 맞춘 소설만을 출판한다.
- Iridescent [ˌɪrɪˈdesnt] : 무지갯빛의
- a bird with iridescent blue feathers 무지갯빛 청색 깃털을 가진 새
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