티스토리 뷰



RosyPark 2019. 9. 5. 17:41



      • Couple breaking time -> Whenever a couple breaks up
      • I don't want to break up you -> I don't want to break up with you
      • We have a hang out for 3 years -> We've been hanging out for 3 years now
      • In case of my ex boyfriend -> in the case of my ex boyfriend.
      • I still felt like crying whenever I think of that sad situation.
      • Fecal matter
        • Many people have thought that talking about fecal matter, or poop, was a taboo
      • brimming 넘쳐흐르는, 가득차게 부은

He was brimming over with health and spirits. 그는 원기가 넘쳐 흘렀다.



      • Bear
        1. (of a person) carry.
          1. he was bearing a tray of brimming glasses
        2. Support; carry the weight of.
          1. walls which cannot bear a stone vault
        3. Endure (an ordeal or difficulty)
          1. she bore the pain stoically’
        4. Give birth to (a child)
          1. she bore sixteen daughters


      • Endure
        1.  Suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.
          1. it seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain
        2. Remain in existence; last.
          1. these cities have endured through time
      • Discharge 1. (어떤 장소나 직무에서) 떠나는것을 허락하다, 해고하다. 2. 석방하다. 3. 방출하다.
        1. Patents were being discharged from the hospital too early
        • 환자들을 병원에서 너무 빨리 퇴원시키고 있었다.
        1. He was conditionally discharged after admitting the theft.
        • 그는 절도죄를 인정한 뒤에 조건부로 방면되었다.
        1. The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river.
        • 공장은 화학 물질을 강으로 배출하여 벌금형을 선고받았다.
      • I want to go number 1 => 오줌싸고 싶다
      • I want to go number 2 => 싸고 싶다.
      • Onerous : 아주 힘든
        • He found his duties increasingly onerous.





Can Could be able to 차이

      1. 능력
        1. I can dance very well. 나는 춤을 아주 있다.
        2. I can change the oil in my car without help. 나는 혼자서도 차에 오일을 있다.
        3. I couldn’t change the oil in my car without help. 나는 도움 없이 혼자서는 차에 오일을 없었다.

-> could 단순 과거형

      1. 가능성
        1. Can
          1. Do you think he can win the race?
          2. The technology can be an important innovation. 기술은 중요한 혁신일 수도 있어.
        2. Could <----가능성에 가까움 , 좀더 불확실한 표현
          1. 현재시점의 명확한 가능성 / 추측
            1. John could be the one who stole the money. 돈을 훔친 사람이 존일 수도 있다.
            2. The technology could be an important innovation. 기술은 중요한 혁신일 수도 있다.
          2. 과거 시점의 명확한 가능성 / 추측
            1. John could have been the one who stole the money.
          3. 미래에 일어날 있는 불명확한 가능성/추측
            1. John could go to jail for stealing the money.
      1. 정리
        1. We can have as many as ten people for dinner tonight

-> 오늘 저녁식사에 10명을 초대할 능력이 있다.

      1. We could have as many as ten people for dinner tonight

-> 오늘 저녁식사에 10명정도 가능성이 있다.

      1. Be able to
        1.  Can -> 지속적이고 언제든지 가능한 능력
        2. Be able to -> 일시적(a single event)이고 조건이 필요한 일에 대해 주로 사용, 평소에는 못했던 일이 이제는 조건을 충족시키게 되어 있게
          1. Couples who have been together for decades are finally able to legally marry
            1. 동성 결혼이 불가능했지만 이제는 법이 통과되어 가능
          2. The fire spread through the building quickly, but everyone was able to escape
            1. 다음번에는 불이나도 대피 못함 X 조건이 붙음




YOU SAID: it makes me inspired ->  CORRECT: it challenges me

 YOU SAID: it is not good place to the work >  CORRECT : it is not a good place to the work

YOU SAID: it makes me feel depressed  --> CORRECT it makes me depressed 

YOU SAID:  It is very awful decision -> CORRECT : It was an awful decision 

CORRECT:I listened to his suggestion



      • YOU SAID: i met my friend who is major comp engineering so I told my problem to her

->   CORRECT: I met my friend who's majoring computer engineering~  

      • CORRECT: I suddenly I wake up in the middle of the night 
      • CORRECT: because I drank a bottle of water 
      • CORRECT: I was wondering if I could eat that biscuit on the table 
      • CORRECT: if I could hang out with my friends~



      • The Korean government has made a lot of efforts to make Korean people speak English well, but the results are not good.

YOU SAID: I can definitely understand his mind

CORRECT: I can definitely understand what he is thinking . or opinion





CORRECT: I will sound ODD to them / It sounds odd to them.


YOU SAID: koreans are the ability to learn english since we were children

CORRECT: Koreans have been taught English since we were children.


YOU SAID: EVERYBODY try us to speak English

CORRECT: everybody push us to speak in English


나이 많은 사람?

      • She is too young and talks up a storm to old people
      • talks up a storm : [시끄러운] 소리로 장황하게 지껄이다
      1. Harry. How many times have I asked you to take out the trash?
      2. Sorry. I keep forgetting. I’ll do it right away.
      • How many times have I asked you to (V) : 도대체 내가 너한테 ~하라고 몇번이나 말했니?


      1. I’m going to have to leave my dog at the shelter if no one offers to take him by Friday.
      2. How can you say that? They will put him down the next day. I’m so disappointed in you
      • Leave my dog at the shelter : 강아지를 보호소로 보내다.
      • If no one offers to  : 만약 아무도 ~하지 않는다면
      • How can you say that? 어떻게 그렇게 말할 수 있어?
      • Put down : 안락사 시키다.


      1. I don’t understand why you are upset with me.
      • 니가 왜 나에게 화가 났는지 이해가 안가

Why is A so terrible? A 하는게 뭐가 나빠?

I feel like I’m not being heard

      • 난 니가 내 말을 전혀 안듣고 있다고 느꼈어.


I thought you were going to call the electrician.

      • I thought you were going to A : 나는 니가 ~할거라 생각했어!

Call the electrician : 전기공을 불다

I think there was a misunderstanding. 내 생각에 오해가 있었던 것 같아.


Your music distracts me when I’m trying to study.

      • Distracts me : 나의 집중을 방해하다.

I didn’t know that my music was bothering you. I’ll try to keep the volume down when you’re at home studying.

      • Bothering : 귀찮게 하다.
      • Keep the volume down : 볼륨을 작게 유지하다.
      1. After putting myself in your shoes, I realized that I should not have scared you like that by driving too fast.
      • Put oneself in someone’s shoes : 다른 사람의 입장에서 생각하다.


      1. It was wrong of me to talk about your family like that.
      • It was wrong of me to ~ : ~한 것은 내가 잘못한 거였다.
      •  How can I make it up to you? 어떻게 만회할 수 있을까?
      1. Thanks for taking the time to think about it.
      • 그것에 대해서 생각해 봐줘서 고마워


      1. It was inconsiderate of me to use your things without asking for your permission. I would like to apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable.
      • Inconsiderate of me : 내 생각이 짧았다.
      • I would like to apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable : 기분 나쁘게 했다면 미안해.
      • I would appreciate a heads up next time : 다음엔 미리 말해주면 좋겠어
      • Thanks for bringing it up and apologizing : 이걸 다시 얘기해주고 사과해줘서 고마워.


      1. I made a mistake by sending you the wrong assignment.
      • Wrong assignment : 잘못된 과제
      • Sorry, I’ll get it to you right away. 미안해 바로 가져다 줄게
      • In the meantime : 그 사이에, 그 동안에


      1. I’m sorry for what happened last night. I feel so terrible and ashamed.
      • 어젯밤 일어났던 일에 대해서 정말 미안해.



How can she give a car? (주어를 말할 때 까먹음)

Waiter (Server) can make a mistake.

If I called my friend mistakenly –



      • Wrong 발음
      • Right 발음
      • Stole 발음

Word of mouth

      • If news or information passed by word of mouth, people tell it to each other rather than it being printed in written form
      • The story has been passed down by word of mouth.

Hamper & Disturb 쓰임이 다르다

Hamper – If someone or something hampers you, they make it difficult for you to do what you are trying to do.

Ex) I was hampered by a lack of information



Please give me a chance that I can do something good for you.

      • Please give me a chance where I can do something good for you 

Speak better English.

Recently I don’t have any experience about that -> I couldn’t recall any previous experience like that but…

I want to apologizing to her -> I would like to apologize to you

Korea’s parents -> Korean parents.



Volume goes down

Turn up the volume

I don’t want to bother you.

I am so rude to you

I want to apologize to you.

We apologize for the late departure of this flight.

      • 본 한공기의 출발 지연을 사과드립니다.

I want to have both jam and butter with my toast

      • 나는 내 토스트에 잼과 버터 모두 넣고 싶어

Complex : 문제가 쉬운지 어려운지와는 상관없이 많은 요소 많은 단계, 많은 항목으로 이루어진것.

Complicated : 문제의 어려움의 정도와 관계. 그것이 많은 요소로 이루어져 있느냐 없느냐는 상관없고, 해당 문제가 풀기 복잡하고 어려운 경우 사용



Man(매앤) / Men() / Woman(워먼) / Women(위먼)

      • Most women(위먼) like BTS
      • That woman(워먼) likes BTS


Fairly ( fair-lee) 상당히,

      • I know him fairly well, but I wouldn’t say we were really close friends.
      • 내가 그를 제법 잘 알긴 하지만 우리가 정말 가까운 친구라고는 못 하겠어.


Get sick of ~에 염증이 나다

      • I am getting tired of your nagging me all the time
      • 당신이 언제나 나한테 잔소리를 퍼붓는데 진절머리가 나
      • I’m getting sick about it.




I am in the office

Changwon and Ulsan are local cities in Korea

If I break up with my current(now X) boyfriend.

When I was an undergraduate(발음: 그라쥬엣) student

He will treat you 한턱 쏘다.

      • When trying to save money, most people allow themselves a treat now and then.


The paths we chose were different.


*(be) under the impression that

- I was under the impression that she hated me.

- I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.

나는 그 일은 이미 완료되었다고 믿고 있었다.




Breathtaking (너무 아름답거나 놀라워서) 숨이 () 막히는[멎는듯한]

      • a breathtaking view of the mountains 숨이 멎는 듯한 산들의 풍경
      • The scene was one of breathtaking beauty. 그 장면은 숨막히게 아름다운 모습이었다.


A meat is a bad things to vegetarians -> Meat is bad for vegetarians.

The volume size is small -> The loudness(소리의 세기) of my voice has to be soft.

Everytime my meal I had to eat delicious meat -> I had to eat delicious meat every time.

There are two choice -> There are two choices

My friend who were born ocean -> She lived nearby the seaside.

      • He was born and raised in the US 그는 미국에서 태어나고 자랐다.
      • Be born into a rich family 유복한 가정에서 태어나다.




      1. (신문 등을) 구독하다. (인터넷, 유료 채널 등에)가입하다.
      • We subscribe to several sports channels.
      • 우리는 몇 개의 스포츠 채널을 시청한다.
      1. (단체에 유료 회원으로) 가입하다, (자선단체에 정기적으로) 기부하다
      • He subscribes regularly to Amnesty International.
      • 그는 국제 사면 위원회에 정기적으로 기부를 한다.

Subscribe to something  : (의견, 이론 등에) 동의하다.

      • The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled people are unsuitable as teachers.
      • 장애인들이 교사로 적합하지 않다는 견해에 당국은 더 이상 동의하지 않는다.


안락사  euthanasia [ˌjuːθəˈneɪziə] , mercy killing

      • I am opposed to euthanasia  : 나는 안락사를 반대한다.
      • The public opinion over the debate on legalization of euthanasia is very strained.
      • 안락사의 합법화에 대한 찬반 양론이 팽팽하다.


In with reference to 격식

I am writing in reference to your letter.

      • 당신의 편지와 관련하여 이 글을 쓰고 있습니다.

I’m calling in reference to next Monday’s meeting

      • 다음주 월요일 회의건으로 전화를 드리는 겁니다.


As if to

      • He bends down as if to put money in the hat
      • 그가 돈을 주려는 듯 몸을 구부린다.
      • She solves math problems as if to the manner born.
      • è to the manner born. 타고난 듯한
      • 그녀는 타고났다는 듯이 수학 문제를 푼다.

I had a little nap.

How many students you teach?

She was confident in herself all along : 내내 그녀는 자신이 있었다.




I already ate the lunch with my professor -> I already ate lunch with my professor.

I also want to get marry early -> I also want to get married earlier.

It is also hard to married -> It is also hard to get married.

The time is mean is that -> The time that I mean is about the Military Service.

We don’t have to worry about to throw the trash out -> We don’t have to worry about throwing the trash out .

The surprise thing is the I made a mistakes on the basic -> What’s surprising was , I made mistakes on basic grammar.

It is good to hear professors saying -> It is good to here what the professor can say about.

The book referring to American revolutions sold out already-> The book you were referring to which is the American revolutions was sold out already.


Get bang for buck : 본전을 뽑다

      • It is reasonable to ask whether we get bang for our buck
      • 우리가 본전을 뽑 을 것인지 묻는 것은 타당하다.


Space out : 멍때리다

      • Sorry, What did you say? I was spacing out .
      • 미안. 뭐라고? 나 멍때리고 있었어 .


Make a[the] bed : 잠자리를 정돈하다.

      • Make your bed before you have breakfast
      • 아침을 먹기 전에 이불을 개라


Young at heart : 마음은 청춘이다.

      • At age 63, my mom is still young at heart.
      • 엄마는 나이는 63세이지만 아직 마음은 청춘이시다.


Be united : 합치다.

      • Do we want the Two Koreas to be united as one?
      • 우리는 남북 통일을 원하고 있는가?>


Voluntarily : 자발적으로, 자진해서

      • The company was wound up voluntarily.
      • 그 회사는 자발적으로 해산했다.


I’m sorry it comes to you like this

      • 당신에게 이 일이 이런식으로 와닿게 되어 정말 유감입니다.




will be going to 의 차이점




Not necessarily[네써세릴리, [ˌnesəˈserəli]]  반드시 ~는 아닌

      • The more expensive articles are not necessarily better
      • 더 비싼 품목이 반드시 더 좋은 것은 아니다.


Obese[oʊ-]  : 비만인

      • As a result, the number of obese children is increasing.


Skeptical 회의적인, 의심 많은

      • I’m really skeptical as to how they’ll be able to get along
      • 그들이 어떻게 같이 살아나갈지 정말 의문이야.
      • As to : ~에 관해서


Detrimental 해로운(=harmful)

      • The policy will be detrimental to the peace process.


In order to do something ~하기 위해

      • She arrived early in order to get a good seat
      • 그녀는 좋은 자리를 잡으려고 일찍 도착했다
      • In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed.
      • 완전한 상황을 파악하려면 더 이상의 정보가 필요하다.




Used to

반복, 불규칙

잠깐, 순간적으로 발생하는 사건/상태

반복, 규칙

일정기간 지속된 상태를 표현할 수 있는 말

    • My grandfather would always after dinner.
    • When I was angry, I would eat like a horse.
    • When I was in province, I would wake up to the sound of birds singing.
    • I would have a really good idea when I was brushing my teeth.
    • When I was young I used to go fishing.
    • When I was at school, I used to play football every Saturday.
    • I moved to live in Manchester, but I moved to London last year.


과거의 상태

      • I used to live in France.
      • He used to have a beard
      • This building used to be a hotel.
      • Sarah used to be fat, but now she is thin.


지금은 버린, 과거의 습관

      • Christine used to eat meat, but now she is vegetarian.
      • When I was young, I used to play with dolls, I no longer play with dolls.
      • We used to go out a lot in the summer.



      • I don’t like to listen to slow music
      • I’m not a total fan of BTS
      • Only Teenagers loved BTS


      • I suspect he has some sort of dirty trick up his sleeve.

그는 무엇인가 비열한 계략을 꾸미고 있는 것 같다.

      • Have trick, up your sleeve … 준비된 생각이 있다.



When some things are running out I am also worrying because…

I am worrying about the extinction of bananas.

The best match for chocolate syrup.





I will go to the grandmother house -> I will go to my grandmother’s house

My sister did a delivery -> My sister gave birth to a baby boy.

We are interested in study English -> We are interested in studying English




나는 둘다 할 수 있어 – I can do both.

I want to have a test of TOEFL or TOEIC. -> I want to take TOEFL or TOEIC

Jenny is very impressive to her -> I’m impressed with Jenny.

Impressive. 감동적인 굉장한 : He told me impressive success stories.

I really want to eat it

That day, I get it one -> I got one.

Jump for joy 뛸듯이 기쁜

      • I am going to jump for joy when I see my boyfriend at the airport
      • Sarah jumped for joy when she won the National Spelling Bee.

Happy as a clam : (조개가 입을 크게 열었다 닫았다 하듯) 크게 웃는 행복한 기분의 상태

      • You should have seen Amelia; she was as happy as clam when she bought the new sports car



Always my plan is to learn English -> My plan is to learn English

I’m very sorry to person lost his money. -> I felt sorry about the person who lost his money.

He didn’t marry -> He is not married.

Luck out : 운이 완전 죽여줄 때

      • The traffic lights didn’t turn read a single time this morning. I completely lucked out!


Grin from ear to ear : 입이 째질 듯 신나서 웃다

      • Lauren was grinning from ear to ear when she received her end of year bonus.
      • End of year bonus : 연말상여금



I have 3 course -> I have 3 courses

I can finish my job time -> I can finish my work on time.

Did I told you -> Did I tell you?

I already say -> I told you.

Happy Camper : 기분이 좋은/ (부족함 없는, 여유로운, 편안한 상태의)사람

      • With a house, car, stable job, and student loans paid off, Mary is a happy camper.



I will go to theater with my cousin and I will go to see the movie. -> I will go to the movie theater/cinema with my cousin and I will go to see a movie.

I wake up so late -> I woke up so late



나의 문제점 : ‘The’ sound를 계속 발음한다. / WA WE WI WO WU 발음 연습

I can analysis some data that input and output -> I can analyze some data

The alcoholic the ban in the dormitory -> Alcohol is banned in our dormitory

I don’t like to the drink alcohol -> I don’t like to drink alcohol

We can bring some alcohols -> We can bring some alcohol

The dormitory person -> The dormitory personnel

I have to the explain our situation -> I have to explain our situation.

For that reasons -> For those reasons

Our dormitory is the very cheap -> Our dormitory is very cheap

It is really scared -> It is really scary.

I am very scared.



Colleague = a co-worker or a work mate but at the same time a friend

To recharge = to be free, to fresh, to breathe some air, to relax


Constipated: 변비에 걸린

      • How long have you been constipated? 그리고 변비에 걸린지 얼마나 되셨죠
      • He was constipated all the time. 그는 항상 변비에 시달렸다.


One of the member of my laboratory -> One of the members in our laboratory

We need to time to hear ourselves -> We need time to hear ourselves or  We need time for ourselves.

I am student -> I’m a student.



      1. suppose 생각하다 (= think, believe )
      • I suppose it’s too late to go home now, right?

지금 집에 가기엔 너무 늦은 것 같지?

      • Are you going to study hard from now on? I suppose not.

너 이제부터 공부 열심히 할거야? 안그럴거 같은데.. (=I don’t think so)

      1. Suppose, supposing S + V : ~이면 어쩌지? ..이면 어쩌냐? (What if?)
      • Suppose(=supposing) I get to late? 나 늦게 일어나면 어쩌지?
      • Suppose(=supposing) my girlfriend says “let’s break up?” 내 여자친구가 헤어지자고 하면 어쩌냐?
      1. Be supposed to do : 해야해 (=should), -하기로 돼있어 ( 하지만 못할 거 같음)

# be not supposed to do : ~하면 안돼 (권고)

      • I’m supposed to return this book by Friday, but I’m not sure if I can.

이 책 금요일까지 반납해야 하는데, 그럴 수 있을지 모르겠네.

      • You’re not supposed to walk on the grass. : 잔디밭 위로 걸어다니면 안돼
      1. Be supposed to do 다른뜻 : (사람들이) ~라고들 해 (=그래)
      • Kimchi are supposed to be good for the health. 김치는 건강에 좋다고들해
      • I’m supposed to look like my father : 나 우리 아버지 닮았다고들 그래 .





*상황 3 – 승진

A. I heard someone got a promotion! What’s your new title? Are we going to celebrate?

B. Thanks. I’m now the Director of Sales. I’m going to the bar downtown after work. You should come.


*상황 4 – 유학

A. Paige. I heard you got the Fullbright to Japan! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. When do you leave?

B. Thank you! I still cant believe that I got the award. I leave pretty soon-in two weeks!



Search & looking at 차이

Search -> 아직까지 원하는걸 못찾았지만

Increase (X) -> Improve my English skill.

I got promoted ! 나 승진했어

Emphasize 강조하다.

Nowadays 최근에



My doctor recommended me -> My doctor recommended that~

When you born a baby-> When you gave birth to

I’m searching my friend’s pictures -> I’m looking at my friend’s pictures 차이?

신발을 신다 wear[put on] shoes


*Hiking : 등산, Climbing : 등반

      • I went hiking last weekend. : 나 지난 주말에 등산하러 갔었어
      • I went mountain climbing last weekend: 나 지난 주말에 등반 갔었어 .



*상황 1 -출산

A. Magaret. Congratulations on your new born! You are going to make such a wonderful mother!

B. thank you. Ralph and I couldn’t be any happier.

- you are going to make such a wonderful mother/father

- This is her first delivery. 그녀는 이번이 첫 출산이다.

- She gave birth to a healthy baby girl. 그녀는 건강한 여자아기를 출산했다.


*상황 2- 생일

A. Happy birthdays, my friend. Do you have any plans for the special day?

B. Thanks man. I think I am going to have a low-key event this year with my family.

-low-key 조촐한



amount of  : 셀 수 없는 명사에 사용되는 일종의 형용사, 상당한 양의, 많은

      • enough amount of money
      • a large amount of money
      • That machine consumes an enormous amount of power. 그 기계는 대단히 많은 전력을 소모한다.
      • I have a reasonable amount of work this week
      • The amount of -> the라는 정과사가 붙을 때는 the amount of N(명사) N명사의 총량
      • An amount of the tax = 상당한 세금
      • The amount of the tax = 세금 총량

Trump's economic policy : 트럼프의 경제정책

A quantity of : 많은, 상당한 , 명사 중에서도 무생물에 사용된다.

      • The police appropriated a large quantity of money after the raid. (appropriate. (불법적으로나 무단으로) 도용[전용]하다) 그 경찰은 불시 단속 후 많은 돈을 도용했다.
      • The quality of 명사 : 명사의 수
      • The quantity of cars imported from S.Korea has increased.
      • 한국으로부터 수입되는 차량수가 증가했다.



After class, I will go Starbucks. -> After the class, I will go to Starbucks.

She is only my neighbors -> She is my neighbor.

I want to welcome you to here -> I want to welcome you here.

I want you to introduce him. -> I want you to meet him.

Neighbors(사람)neighborhood(주위, 근처) 차이

      • That evil man put a curse on his neighbor.
      • My neighbor does not have both oars in the water. 내 이웃은 좀 별나다.
      • He lives in a drab city neighborhood. 그는 음침한 도시 지역에 산다.
      • Houses are closely crowded in that neighborhood. 그 근처는 인가가 조밀하다.



I’m worried about my healthy -> I’m worried about my health.

Go back to home -> go back home.

A cup of beer -> A bottle of beer

Can I join your lunch group? -> Can I join you for lunch?



Hey! What are you guys doing?

Come join us : 우리랑 함께하자

I haven’t seen you in a while : 오랜만이야

I’ve been good. 잘지 냈어.

You’ve been good yourself? 너는 잘 지냈어?

I got to run now: 나 지금 가야돼

Let’s grab dinner : 저녁 같이 먹자

I’d love to catch up : 근황에 대해서 듣고 싶다.

Over the weekend : 주말동안.

      • You want to know what happened over the weekend?
      • But my wife got the flu over the weekend.


한동안 만나지 못했던 가까운 사람에게 안부 물을 때

A: Hey, what’s new with you? (새로운 소식 있어?)

B: Same old. (전이랑 똑같지 뭐)  How about you?

A : I think I will be going to grad school in the fall.

On your way (to) A : A로 가는 중

      • The letter should be on its way to you그 편지가 네게로 오는 중일 것이다.
      • He stopped for breakfast on the way. 그는 도중에 길을 멈추고 아침을 먹었다.
      • She grabbed her camera and bag on her way out.  그녀는 나가면서 카메라와 가방을 집어 들었다.


By oneself : 혼자 있다.

It’s hard to become a millionaire by oneself. 혼자 힘으로는 백만장자가 되기는 어렵다.



자주 보는 친구에게 인사&안부 물을 때

A : Hey, what’s up?

B : Just chilling. How’s it going?

A: It’s going well. I just got tickets to see the New York Yankees next week!


지나가면서 가볍게 인사할 때

A : Hey, how is everything? (어떻게 지내?)

B : Good. Thanks. How about you?

A : Good. I’ll catch you later. (조만간 또 만나.)

Run into A : A와 마주치다.

in passing : 스쳐지나갈 때

      • He only mentioned it in passing and didnt give any details 그는 지나가는 말로만 그것을 언급했고 자세한 얘기는 전혀 없었다

I’m worried about my healthy -> I ‘m worried about my health

Go back to home -> go back home

A cup of beer -> A bottle of beer

Can I join your lunch group? -> Can I join you for lunch?

Are you on a diet? 너 다이어트 중이야?

It’s an hour behind. 한시간전 일이야 .

발음 washed , available



Her daughter-in-law is expecting in March 그녀의 며느리는 3월에 출산예정이다.

The trial is in the march재판은 진행중이다. 

I can use the English -> I can use English

I ‘m a master course student. -> I have a master degree.

I want to walk pass by -> I want to pass by.

Jazz up – If you jazz something up, you make it more exciting and more interesting.

Ex) It’s about time we jazzed up our website. It’s a bit dull and it looks old-fashioned.

Sorry to interrupt. 방해해서 죄송해요.

Same old 늘 똑같지



A lot of the people eat ice cream -> A lot of people eat ice cream

She’s a good cooker -> She’s a good cook

I can cook myself -> I can cook by myself.


Catch you later -   a way of saying goodbye.

Chill out – 긴장을 풀다. 열을 식히다.

They sometimes meet up to chill out and watch a movie.


At – 구체적으로 지목하는 위치, point를 찍는 느낌, 시간도 정확하게 몇시 몇분인지, 위치도 그 장소 중에서 구체적으로 콕 어디인지 찝어 말할 때 쓰인다.

      • Danny is at his desk. Danny는 책상에 있다.
      • I waited at the bus stop for twenty minutes. 나는 20분 동안 버스 정류장에서 기다렸다.
      • Grandma is knitting at the window. 할머니는 창가에서 뜨개질을 하셨다.
      • The teacher is at the whiteboard. 선생님이 화이트보드에 있다.

At – 여행중 구체적인 장소에 at

      • The train will make stops at Seoul, Suwon, Daejeon, and Daegu.
      • 이 열차는 서울, 수원, 대전, 대구에 정차할 것이다.
      • I stopped off at the coffee shop on the way to my office.

At – 이벤트, 행사에 대해서 말할 때는 at

      • I had a great time at the concert last night. 나는 어젯밤 콘서트에서 좋은 시간을 보냈다.
      • I met Danny at the party last weekend 나는 지난 주말 파티에서 Danny를 만났다.
      • Cathy made a great presentation at the meeting yesterday.  Cathy는 어제 회의에서 멋진 PPT를 했다.


in – 장소를 설명할 때

그 장소에서 하는 행동이 아니라 어디에 있는지 장소를 말할 때 전치사 in을 쓴다. 이러한 경우 be 동사와 같이 쓴다.

      • I was in the department store yesterday. 나는 어제 백화점에 있었다.



      • Danny is in hospital. Danny는 입원했다.
      • The bank robber is finally in jail. 그 은행 털이범이 결국 투옥되었다.
      • Lina was in bed until noon. Lina는 정오까지 잤다.
      • I was at work all night last night. 나는 어젯밤에 밤새 일했다.




each / every

each는 단수 명사 앞에 쓰이고 그 뒤에는 단수 동사가 따라 나온다:

      • Each student has been given his or her own email address.
        학생 각자에게 자신의 이메일 주소가 부여되어 있다.
      • his her라고 하는 것은 때때로 약간 격식적으로 들리므로 이제는 their라고 하는 것이 더 일반적이 되어 가고 있다:

each가 복수 주어 뒤에 쓰일 때에는 그 뒤에 복수 동사가 나온다:

      • They each have their own email address.
        그들 각자는 자신의 이메일 주소를 가지고 있다.

every 뒤에는 항상 단수 동사가 따라 나온다:

      • Every student in the class is capable of passing the exam.
        학급의 모든 학생들이 그 시험에 합격할 수 있다.

each of, each one of, every one of 다음에는 복수 명사가 나오지만 동사는 보통 단수형이 쓰인다:

Each (one) of the houses was slightly different.

그 집들은 각각이 약간씩 달랐다.

I bought a dozen eggs and every one of them was bad.

내가 달걀을 한 다스를 샀는데 그것들 하나하나가 다 상해 있었다.

복수형 동사는 더 비격식적이다



      1. (사람, 장소에서) 떠나다.
      • The plane leaves for Dallas at 12.35 그 비행기는 12 35분에 댈러스를 향해 떠난다[출발한다].
      1. (살던, 집 직장 학교를) 떠나다. 그만두다
      • My secretary has threatened to leave. 내 비서가 그만두겠다고 협박을 하더군.


May? 미래에 대한 추측을 이야기할 때 쓰는 조동사 50%의 가능성

A: What are you doing this weekend? 이번 주말에 뭐할꺼야?

B: Shopping! I’m going to buy some new clothes, and I may get a new hat as well. 쇼핑!

새옷도 좀 살꺼고 새모자도 살꺼야 .

똑같은 미래의 추측을 이야기할 때, might를 쓰면 가능성이 낮게 느껴진다.

May의 과거형은 might have p.p ~했을지도 몰라

      • A: Why is Lina so happy today? Lina가 오늘 왜 행복해?
      • B: I don’t know. She might have gotten a promotion. 몰라. 그녀는 승진을 했을 지 모르겠네

Not을 쓸때는 may보다 might를 많이 쓴다.

      • I might not go to the wedding . 나는 결혼식에 가지 않을 것 같다.




Dear Diary 영어 일기<표현>



6cm in length

Unpleasant (언플리선트) 기쁘지 않은

I must submit homework for next Wednesday.

The city is so far from another city.

We don’t have time meet each other -> We don’t have time to meet each other.

Medicines have chemical ingredients.

When I lived with my family, my mother always makes Korean foods.

But nowadays, I have cereal and milk for breakfast.

It is too difficult to walk on the ice.

It is annoying me

It makes you annoying -> It makes you feel annoyed.

Nuisance -> 성가심, 귀찮음 It is a nuisance filling out all these forms.

canker sore 구내염

      • Finish & End 차이

어떤 이벤트나 행사등이 끝날 때

      • The classes finish(end) at noon.
      • When does the meeting finish(end)? 그 미팅이 언제 끝나니?


Finish ( 일정기간, 해온 작업등을) 끝마치다, 끝내다

      • We’ve got to finish the job by tomorrow. 그 일을 내일까지 끝마쳐야해
      • Have got to ~하지 않으면 안된다. (=have to) ~해야 한다.
      • Have you finished your homework yet? 네 숙제 이제 끝마쳤니?


End (중요한 사건, 상황의 변화를 이끌며) 끝내다, 끝나다.

      • I’m sorry but I want to end this relationship
      • Their marriage finally ended last year.
      • The Korean war ended in 1953 separating North and South Korea.






다른 사람에게 일을 시키는 것? get, have, make 차이점

~에게 ~하도록 시키다. 의미를 갖는 동사? get, have, make


1. make + 사람 + 동사원형

make 만들다.. ~하도록 만드는 것, , 어느정도 압력이 들어가는 느낌으로 다른 사람이 무언가를 하도록 하는 것

* My parents made me do my homework.

- 부모님이 나에게 숙제를 하도록 시켰다. (만들었다)

* Our boss made us finish the project within a month.

- 우리 상사가 그 프로젝트를 한달 내에 끝마치게 시켰다. (만들었다.)

* My mom made me apologize for what I did to him.

- 엄마는 내가 그에게 한 일()에 대해 사과하려고 시켰다. (만들었다.)



2. Have 갖다. 마찬가지로 다른 사람이 ~하도록 시키다. 하지만 make 보다는 느낌이 약한편이며 어떤 사람에게 책임을 맡긴다는 의미가 있다.

Have + 사람 + 동사원형

*I will have him call you right away.

- 당신에게 바로 전화하라고 그에게 시킬게요. (당신에게 전화하는 것을 그에게 맡길게요)

*My boss had me fix the error.

- 내 상사가 나에게 그 에러를 잡으라고 시켰다.


3. Get 마음의 동요를 일으켜 다른 사람에게 무언가 시키는 get

Get? 원래 의미는 얻다. 일반적으로 get이 들어갈때는 동작의 변화에 중점을 둔다.

- I am angry. 나는 화났다. (화나 있는 상태)

- I got angry. 나는 화가 났다. (화가 나지 않는 상황에서 화가 나는 상태로 변화됨)

- get 상대방의 마음을 변화시켜 ~시키는 것


Get + 사람 + to 동사원형

He didn’t want to take the exam, but I got him to do it.

그는 시험을 보고 싶지 않아 했는데. 그에게 시험을 보도록 시켰다.

I don’t know how to get my kids to read more books.

나는 어떻게 내 아이들이 더 많은 책을 일게 할지 모르겠다.

I want to get more people to sign up at the website.

나는 더 많은 사람들이 그 웹사이트에서 회원가입을 하도록 하고 싶어요. (현재보다 더 많은 사람들의 마음을 변화시켜 회원가입을 하도록 만들게 싶어함)


Snow come down from the sky. 하늘에서 눈이 온다.





Correct: I want to move to a tropical country. 

You said: It's difficult to move my body to the other .

Correct: It's difficult to move my body to another place . 

Correct: I am accustomed to have my life in Korea. 

Correct: It's a traditional Korean system  

You said: We prevent hotness.

You may say: We prevent humidity and hotness of the weather.

You said In Summer and winter we can easily discriminate the temperature.

Correct: We can easily adjust to the weather conditions of summer and winter. 

Correct: Sometimes it's too annoying / bothering. 

You said: In winter, we have to prepare the long jacket to prevented the coldness.

Correct: In winter, we have to prepare the long jacket to prevent the coldness. 

Correct: It's too heavy to wash winter clothes. 

You said: The reason why the laundry in Korea is popular and popular.

You may say: The reason why the laundry in Korea is getting more popular and popular.  VOCABULARY:  1. accustom verb [ T ] US ​ /əˈkʌs·təm/ ​ to make someone familiar with new conditions:  It takes a while to accustom yourself to working at night.



At that case I just took a medicine for severe cases. -> In severe cases , I take medicines. 

I don't often go there. 

In Korea there is a place where we can see a lot of snow. 

For the protecting of the people.  ->For the protection of people. 

I didn't surprise about the news. -> I am not surprised about the news. 

He was hoarse from shouting. 

We didn’t get out for three days after the blizzard was over. 

Repairs to the major highway this summer will bring chaos to commuters.





I am at the gym -> gym을 쓸때는 at the gym을 꼭 붙여야 한다.

There are many of dry leaves. -> There were many dry leaves

특정지어지지 않는 큰 규모의 그룹을 이야기할때는 most of를 사용한다.

Most of the people (O) , Most of people(X)

      • Many people want to be rich. (특정지어지지 않은 일반적인 많은 사람, 보다 큰 그룹)
      • Many children enjoy junk food. (특정지어지지 않은 일반적인 많은 사람, 보다 큰 그룹)
      • Many of us didn't know about the news. (특정지어진 그룹)
      • Many of the doctors in the hospital are hoping for new facilities. (특정지어진 그룹)


I want to be rest in my bed -> I want to get rest on my bed.

 I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. 댁의 부친께서 돌아가셔서 유감입니다.

* passing: 죽음(death), 지나감

Thank you so much for everything. Your thoughts and prayers, flowers and cards were greatly appreciated. 사물 + appreciated(수동) 

Is there anything else that I can do to help you? 제가 도와드릴 수 있는 일이 더 있는지요?


      • Get some rest <- 집에 가서 잠을 자거나 쉬는 것
      • Ex) The doctor advised me to get some rest, so I’m going to take medical leave tomorrow and stay at home.
      • Take a rest <- 엄청난 actiivity를 해서 잠시 쉬는 것.
      •  Ex) You look really tired, why don’t you take a rest and continue gardening in 15 minutes?





That mean is -> That means

I like the summer -> I like summer

I cant tolerate the winter -> I can’t tolerate the coldness in winter

I will get this = I’ve got this 내가 낼께! 내가 쏠께! 한턱내다.

I’m on a tight budget these days. 나 돈 없어~

I have to go there

What is the weather like?

I think I am going to melt.

I almost got burned by the heated car seat.

Melt 녹아내리다.

Got burned 화상입다.

Melt down (속어) 멘탈붕괴 ex) I melt down when car accident happened.

Walking in the sun : 햇빛아래에서 걷기



  ○ 우연찮게 혹은 계획되지 않은 일이 발생하는 것

     - The accident happened at 4.30 pm yesterday.  그 사고는 어제 오후 4 30분에 우연찮게 발생했다

   ○ 우연의 결과로서 되는 것

     - I happen to know him.  난 우연히 그를 알게 되었다.

2. Occur

   ○ 좀더 확실한 상황에서 과정에서 눈에 띄는 것이다

     - The police said that the accident occurred at about 4:30 p.m  그 경찰은 그 사고가 오후 430분쯤에 발생

        했다고 말했다.

   ○ Occur + to sb는 생각이나 아이디어가 떠 오르는 것을 말한다.

     - The thought of giving up never occurred to me.  포기한다는 생각이 결코 떠오르지 않았다.

3. Take place

   ○ 미리 계획되거나 약속된 일에 적용된다

     - The wedding took place (not occcured or happened) in the afternoon.  그 결혼은 오후에 개최되었다.


Lack of resources : 자원부족

There are no cozy beds or warm showers. 그곳에는 편안한 침대도 없고 따뜻한 샤워도 하지 못합니다.

A new study shows that many kids are not drinking enough water. 한 새로운 연구는 많은 아이들이 충분한 물을 마시고 있지 않다는 것을 보여준다.

They could prevent more fires from starting in the future. 그런 다음 그들은 추가적인 불이 시작되는 것을 막을 수 있었다.

It is the perfect weather for a picnic.

Three more fires have been set in the quiet suburbs of San Francisco.



It was funny -> It is fun.

A singer who sing songs -> She is a singer.

Before 10 years ago -> 10 years ago.



The 60th birthday -> 환갑

In Korea, the 60th birthday is very special. We call it Sexagenary Cycle. We can celebrate each other.


In the long time ago in the korea -> A long time ago in Korea

It was took by the old fox -> It was taken by the old fox




He likes to swimming -> He likes to swim.

We went to there -> We went there

Can you understand what I’m saying? -> Can you understand what I’m saying?


Museum – A building where objects of historical, Scientific, or artistic interest are kept.

Gallery – A room or building that is used for showing works of art, sometimes so that they can be sold.



My meaning is -> What I mean is

1 years ago ->  a year ago

I went to there -> I went there

Do you have fallout of hair? -> Do you have hair fall?



1 dollar 1 hour -> 1 dollar per hour

The seas water is so warm -> The temperature of the sea water is warm

If I want to the swim, I go to gym -> I go to the gym if I want to swim.



I have to be inspector -> I have to be an inspector

Other campus is in Suwon. -> The other campus is in Suwon.

I have to go to the Seoul until 8:00 AM -> I have to arrive in Seoul at 8:00 AM

When they have test. -> When they have a test

I have to start 6:30 from here -> I have to leave at 6:30 here.

I will go to my new friend house -> I will go to my friend’s new house.

There are many chairs to sit down -> There are many chairs to sit on.

I can see holy cross -> I can see the holy cross.

I am not Christian -> I am not a Christian

When I visit Europe -> When I visited Europe

3 years ago I visited -> I visited a cathedral 3 years ago.


She worked in NASA in the US

He is Korean-American.

He wants to have a meeting today.

He wants to talk to me with regards to my email.

      • With regards to ~에 관련하여(~에 대하여)
      • The company’s position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts. 시간외 근무에 대한 회사의 입장은 계약서에 명시되어 있다.

I have to pay for my own money.

The funding problem is difficult for me.

I don’t want to waste my money.

I already informed my parents about this.

I want to buy stocks after this class.

I am interested with the stock market.

After I came here, I didn’t have much money.

The thing I must do is to earn money.

Today is Korea’s big day.




The professor don’t want students to graduate.

-> The professor doesn’t want his students to graduate.

Before 10 years

-> 10 years ago

I went to the China with my Chinese people

-> I went to China with my Chinese friends



1- All countries worldwide should collaborate to diminish Global Warming issues.

2- Reading is the optimum way to learn a language.

3- He's a brave and resilient person, I'm sure he can easily adapt to any difficult situations.

4- I shouted at her /because she was scoffing at new candidates.

5- In retrospect, I should have applied for my project approval earlier.

6- There was an ambiguous clue about where that road would get us.

7- Sticking with just one painting teacher hinders me from largening my horizons.

8- After finishing our project plan for next week, we went to drink some coffee at a coffee shop spur of the moment.

9- Because of her negative comments all the time, Diana was ostracized from her signing group.

10- These days, most people slouch in front of their electronic devices and that is an unhealthy habit to be aware of.

11- Listening to music whenever I feel bored really rejuvenates me.

12- I was just oblivious when I told her you're coming and ruined your surprise for her.

13- Despite of the clear and strict doctor recommendations to stop smoking, the patient was nonchalant and continued that habit until he got lungs cancer.

14- Kids can easily assimilate to school rules.

15- The idea that robots could become sensitive as humans is weird but still plausible.




Fine dust 미세먼지

      • The masks are to prevent people from breathing in fine dust. 그 마스크는 사람들이 미세 먼지를 흡입하는 것을 막기 위한 것이었다.



      1. At the drop of a hat 즉각, 주저하지 않고
      • If you need help, just call me. I can come at the drop of a hat. 도움이 필요하면 언제든 전화해, 바로 갈테니깐
      • Peter is always ready to go fishing at the drop of a hat 피터는 항상 주저하지 않고 낚시를 갈 준비가 되어있다.
      1. The ball is in your court! 너한테 달렸다.
      • I’ve told John he can have his job back if he apologizes. The ball is in his court now. 존이 사과한다면 직장을 다시 찾을 수 있다고 말했어. 그에게 달린거야.
      1. Barking up the wrong tree. 잘못 짚었어
      • He had nothing to do with the robbery. The cops are really barking up the wrong tree this time. 그는 강도 사건과 아무런 연관이 없어. 경찰들이 진짜 잘못 짚었어.
      1. Beat around the bush 요점을 피하다, 돌려서 말하다, 말을 빙빙 돌리다.
      • Stop beating around the bush and answer my question. 말 그만 피하고 내 질문에 대답이나해
      1. Best of both worlds .일거 양득, 윈윈
      • The movie was both hilarious and touching. It was the best of both words.  이 영화 재밌으면서도 감동적이었어. 두가지를 다 잡았네!
      1. Can’t judge a book by its cover. 겉보기로 판단해서는 안된다
      • She doesn’t look very intelligent, but you can’t judge a book by its cover. 그녀는 그렇게 똑똑해 보이지 않아. 그래도 겉모습으로 판단해서는 안되.
      1. Curiosity killed the cat . 호기심이 화를 부른다, 너무 알려고 하지마.
      2. Feel under the weather  아프다, 컨디션이 안좋다.
      • I feel under the weather today. 나 오늘 좀 컨디션이 안좋아.
      1. In the heat of the moment. 홧김에, 발끈해서, 순간 욱해서, 흥분해서.
      • Don’t take it personally. He just said it /in the heat of the moment. 마음에 담아두지마. 그가 그냥 홧김에 한말이야.
      1. Speak of devil
      • Summer school may be a blessing in disguise. Next year you’ll be ahead of your class
      1. Apple of my eye 나의 가장 소중한 사람
      • You are the apple of my eye! 넌 나의 가장 소중한 사람이야
      1. Bite your tongue (하고 싶은 말을) 이를 악물고 참다
      • Last night when I saw Jane, I wanted to brag about my new car but I had to bite my tongue because she looked too sad. 어젯밤에 제인을 봤을 때, 내가 새로 산 차 엄청 자랑하고 싶었거든? 근데 아무말 안하고 꾹 참았어 그녀가 엄청 슬퍼보였거든
      1. Blood is thicker than water 피는 물보다 진하다
      2. Crack someone up  나를 웃게 하다
      • You and your jokes really crack me up. 너랑 니가 하는 농담들 진짜 웃겨
      1. Cross someone’s fingers 행운을 빌다, 성공을 기원하다.
      • I cross my fingers for you. 행운을 빌어줄게
      1.  Head over heels. (무언가에) 푹 빠지다.
      • I’m head over heels in love with my boyfriend. 나는 내 남자친구한테 푹 빠졌어.
      1. Over my dead body. (반대를 하는 상황) 내눈에 흙이 들어가기 전까진 (안돼)
      • You’ll buy a motorcycle over my dead body. 내 눈에 흙이 들어가기전까진 오토바이는 절대 안돼
      • You said you want a tatoo? OVER MY DEAD BODY. 너 타투하고 싶다고 했지? 내눈에 흙이 들어가도 절대 안돼
      1. Pig out (돼지 같이) 아주 많이 먹다
      • I pigged out this morning on breakfast. 오늘 아침 진짜 많이 먹었어.
      1. Tie the knot 결혼하다
      2. Get out of hand 감당할 수 없다. 통제 불가능하게 되다.
      • Unemployment is getting out of hand. 실업 문제가 손을 쓸 수 없을 정도가 되어가고 있어.
      1. Hang in there 꿋꿋이 버텨! 굴하지마! 포기하지마!
      2. Pull yourself together 마음(정신)을 가다듬어, 진정해
      3. Break the ice 서먹서먹한(딱딱한) 분위기를 깨다
      • John was very shy when he met Kate. 존이 케이트를 만났을 때 그는 매우 부끄러움이 많았어. 그는 어떻게 서먹한 분위기를 꺠야하는지 몰랐더라고



Stifle 1. (감정 등을) 억누르다, 억압하다

2. (너무 덥거나 공기가 탁하여) 숨이 막히다, 질식하다

- Most of the victims were stifled by the fumes. 대부분의 희생자들의 연기에 질식되었다.

- I felt/ I was stifling in the airless room. 나는 공기가 통하지 않는 그 방에 있으려니 숨이 막히는 것 같았다.


suffocate : 질식사하다, 질식사하다

      1. Many dogs have suffocated in hot cars
      • 많은 개들이 뜨거운 승용차 안에서 질식사해 왔다.
      1. The couple were suffocated by fumes from a faulty gas fire
      • 그 부부는 결함이 있는 가스 난로에서 새어 나온 가스에 질식사를 당했다.
      • Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty.  상품에 흠이 있으면 환불을 요청하세요.




There is not allowed to use apple pay -> They’re not allowed to use Apple pay.

Apple Pay is prevailing overseas with the large number of iPhone users. 애플 페이는 많은 숫자의 아이폰 사용자들로 해외에서 인기가 있다.



In recently -> Recently

Their emission -> Their pollution

      • I think we have to overcome the pollution problem first. 나는 우리가 오염 문제를 제일 먼저 극복해야 한다고 생각한다.

Throat ache -> Sore throat

      • My father has a sore throat and speaks with a rasp. 우리 아버지는 목이 아파서 쉰 목소리로 얘기 하신다.
      • I caught a cold and my sore throat is killing me. 감기가 걸려서 목이 아파 죽겠어요.
      • How long have you had this sore throat? 목이 아픈 증상이 얼마나 오래됐죠?

Atmosphere 1. 대기 2. 분위기, 기운

      • The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal device.

본 호텔은 정다운 분위기에 개인적인 서비스를 제공합니다.



He is not get married yet. -> He is not yet married.

I didn’t meet him directly -> I didn’t meet him in person. In person -> 직접

      • Why do people buy things they have not seen in person?

왜 사람들은 직접 보지 않은 것들은 살까?



It was a long time ago story -> It was a story a long time ago

He injury in face -> His face was slashed in the accident.

      • The child suffered a natal injury. 그 아이는 태어날 때 생긴 상처로 고생했다.

Slash (날카로운 것으로 길게, 특히 폭력적인 것으로) 긋다.

      • Someone had slashed the tyres on my car. 누군가가 내 차를 타이어를 그어 놓은 상태였다.
      • We had to slash our way through the undergrowth(덤불) with sticks . 우리는 막대기로 덤불을 헤쳐가며 길을 나아가야 했다.
      •  She tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists. 그녀는 손목을 그어 자살을 하려고 했다.

I was shed a tear -> I shed a tear.  Shed -> (, 눈물 등을)흘리다, 내뿜게 하다

      • Shed tears 눈물을 흘리다.

Instigate (공식적으로) 실시하다/ 부추기다, 선동하다

      • They’re saying your criminal enterprise instigated the retaliation 그들은 당신의 범죄 집단이 보복을 선동했다고 말한다.
      • The government has instigated a program of economic reform. 정부가 경제 개혁 프로그램을 실시하게 했다.
      • They were accused of instigating racial violence. 그들은 인종차별적인 폭력을 부추긴다는 비난을 받았다.


Be accused of : ~로 비난을 받다.

      • I don’t want to be accused of tampering with the evidence. 나는 증거를 조작했다는 혐의를 받고 싶지 않다.

Tamper with (허락도 받지 않고 마음대로)손대다, 건드리다

      • Someone had obviously tampered with the brakes of my car
      • 누군가가 분명히 내 차 브레이크에 손을 댔던 모양이다.

Bear a spleen 앙심을 품다

      • It is no use to bear a spleen against him
      • 그에게 앙심을 품을 필요는 없다.




I can’t understand what he talks -> I can’t understand what he was talking about.

We meet long time -> We’ve together for quite a long time

He had difficult time -> He had a difficult time.

      • Have (a great) difficulty (in) doing ~하는데 (무척) 고생하다
      • The scatterbrained children may have difficulties staying seated. 저런 산만한 아이들은 가만히 앉아있질 못한다.



Auditory 청각의  The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli. 그 동물들은 청각적 자극에 조건 반사를 일으키도록 되어 있었다.

Insulator 절연체 Fat acts as an insulator and protects our body. 지방은 단열재로써 작용하고 우리의 몸을 보호한다. 

Discharge 방전하다 Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity.  번개는 구름이 전기를 방출하면서 생긴다.

Stun 기절시키다 The animals are stunned before slaughter.   동물들은 도살하기 전에 기절을 시킨다.

Modulate 조정하다 drugs that effectively modulate the disease process 그 병의 진행을 효과적으로 조절하는 약들

Excude 발산하다 But this passion you exude is so infectious.  하지만 당신이 발산하는 열정은 정말 전염성이 강한데요.

Perpetual 지속적인, 영속하는 Were all in a state of perpetual motion in this office  이 사무실에서는 우리 모두가 영구 운동[끊임없이 움직이는] 상태이다.

In tandem with : ~와 연계되어  We need to do that in tandem with the other changes 우리는 그것을 다른 변화들과 연계하여 해야만 한다.

Perturb : 교란시키다 The news that her son had been arrested by the police perturb her greatly. 아들이 경찰에게 체포되었다는 소식은 그녀를 매우 심란하게 했다.

Minnow : 작은 물고기

Spawn : 산란하다

Marginally 아주 조금, 미미하게(부사)- They now cost marginally more than they did last year. 지금은 그것들의 비용이 작년보다 아주 조금 더 많이 든다

Itinerant (특히 일자리를 찾아) 떠돌아다니는(순회하는) an itinerant trader 행상인

Granary 빵에 곡식이 있는

Offshoot 파생물, 분파  Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy 심리학은 순전히 자연철학의 학문적인 분파로서 출발했다.

Disparate 이질적인 Handling business events from disparate sources 상이한 소스의 비즈니스 이벤트 처리

Remnant 남은부분, 나머지 The woods are remnants of a huge forest which once covered the whole area.  그 숲은 한때 그 지역 전체를 덮고 있던 거대한 숲이 남은 부분이다.

Cohesive 화합하는 The members of a family are a cohesive unit in our society  가족 구성원은 우리 사회의 응집력있는 단위이다.

Hock 짐승 뒷다리 부분 관절?

Precursor 선도자  Online poll could be a precursor(선도자) to online voting. 온라인 여론조사는 온라인 투표의 효시가 될 수 있다.

Traction 끌기, 견인력 , 마찰력   He spent six weeks in traction after he broke his leg 그는 다리가 부러진 후 견인 6주가 걸렸다.

Discriminate 1. 식별하다. The computer program was unable to discriminate between letters and numbers.   그 컴퓨터 프로그램은 문자와 숫자를 식별하지 못했다.

2. 차별하다  It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion. 인종, 성별, 종교를 이유로 차별을 하는 것은 불법이다.

Haphazard 무계획적인 The books had been piled on the shelves in a haphazard fashion. 그 책들은 책장에 마구잡이로 쌓아 놓은 상태였다.

Bedeck 꾸미다 The walls were bedecked with flags and the tables with flowers.  벽은 깃발로 장식되어 있었고, 테이블은 꽃으로 꾸며져 있었다.

Paucity 부족 , There is a paucity of information on the ingredients of many cosmetics.  각종 화장품에 들어가는 원료에 관해서는 정보가 극히 부족하다.

Demise 종말  The demise of the business left 100 workers without jobs. 회사의 폐업으로 100명의 노동자가 실직했다

Staple  주된, 주요한 Jeans are a staple part of everyone’s wardrobe.  []바지는 모든 사람들의 옷장에서 주된 품목이다.

Fallout 부작용 There can be fallout following car accidents.  자동차 사고에 따른 후유증이 있을 수 있다.

Detract (주의를) 딴대로 돌리다. They tried to detract my attention from it  그들은 내 주의를 그것에서 돌리려고 했다.  / Detractor 반대자

Substation 변전소

Necessitate ~을 필요하게만들다 Recent financial scandals have necessitated changes in parliamentary procedures 최근의 금융 스캔들 때문에 의회 의사 절차상의 변경이 필요해졌다.

Saturation 포화 a business beset by price wars and market saturation  가격 전쟁과 시장 포화 상태에 시달리는 사업()

Wipe out (완전히) 파괴하다, 없애버리다.  Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake.   그 지진으로 마을들 전체가 완전히 파괴되어 버렸다.

Simultaneously 동시에 What two things should be done simultaneously? 동시에 두 가지가 행해져야 하는 것은 무엇인가?


      1. (말 등에) 마구를 채우다강아지 하네스  In some areas, the poor feel harnessed to their jobs. 일부 지역에서는 가난한 사람들이 일에 꼼짝없이 매여 있다고 생각한다.
      2. (동력원으로) 이용하다

By building dams we harness water  우리는 댐을 건설해서 수력을 이용한다

Ramification 영향 파문, 영향(어떤 행동·결정에 따라 생기는, 예상 밖의 복잡한 여러 결과·영향들 중 하나)

      • These changes are bound to have widespread social ramifications. 이들 변화는 분명 광범위한 사회적 파문을 몰고 올 것이다.
      • Be bound to 틀림없이 ~할것이다 (= be sure to) 

Dispersal 분산 Wind causes the dispersal of seeds. 바람은 씨앗들의 분산을 일으킨다.

Churn out --(대량으로) 생산하다 They can churn out a flood of watery tears during a sad movie or after a nasty fall. 이 눈물샘들이 슬픈 영화를 보고 있을 때나 심하게 넘어진 뒤에 한바탕 눈물을 쏟아내게 만드는 것이죠.




If I’m into something, I just can’t myself.

- 전 뭔가에 몰두해 있으면 제 자신을 조절할 수가 없어요.

Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl.  메리가 건강한 여자 아이를 낳았다.



일부분 vs 나머지 전부 다

★Some/the others

The others 정해지지 않는 걸 의미

일부분 vs 나머지 일부


★Every + 단수명사

Every students want to get good grades in school.

      • Every student wants to get good grades in school.


★For doing vs to do 차이

~하기 위해서 목적을 말할 때는? To do , in order to do

I came to Canada to learn English.

<내가 온 곳은 캐나다이고, 그 다음에 영어공부를 한다. >


결과적인 행동에 대한 이유? For doing

He apologized for being late .

<나는 사과를 하는데 그 전에 일어난 일은 지각이다>


He is on nine cloud -> He is on cloud nine.

I didn’t talk him -> I didn’t talk to him

I thought the strealed my adapter -> I thought he stole my adapter.

Straightforward 간단한, 쉬운, 복잡하지 않은

      • It’s quite straightforward to get here 여기 오기는 아주 쉬워.

How are you feeling?

I have no idea what to do now, I am so confused with maps and directions!

Confused with : ~에 헷갈리다.


How are you feeling?

I am frustrated with the contractor for showing up three hours later than promised

I am frustrated with : ~에 짜증이 나다, 화가나다.


How are you feeling?

I am stressed out even thinking about the final deadline tomorrow. Can we talk about something else?

I am stressed out : 스트레스 받다, 신경이 예민해지다.

Final deadline : 마감기한

      • I try not to stress out when things go wrong.
      • 나는 일이 잘못되어 갈 때 스트레스를 받지 않으려고 노력한다.


How are you feeling?

I am feeling a little nervous waiting for my test results this afternoon.

I am feeling a little nervous : 긴장하다, 불안해하다.


How are you feeling?

The horror film I just watched is still giving me the creeps. I have goosebumps all over my skin!

Give me the creeps: 소름 끼치게 하다.

Goosebumps all over my skin! : 온몸에 닭살이 돋아

      • Why do you give me the creeps? 왜 나를 섬뜩하게 합니까?



How are you feeling?

I’m losing my temper at the woman who just cut in line in front of me. I’ve been in line for forty five minutes!

Cut in line : 새치기를 하다.

I’ve been in line for forty-five minutes! : 45분 동안 줄을 서있었다 .


How are you feeling?

The man in the brown hat is acting so weird. I am suspicious of him.

Act weird : 의심스럽게 행동하다, I am suspicious of : ~에 대해 의심하다.

      • They became suspicious of his behavior and contacted the police
      • 그들이 그의 행위에 의혹을 품고 경찰에 연락했다.



Many + 셀 수 있는 명사 (긍정문, 부정문, 의문문 모두 가능)

I have many ideas for lessons. 나는 수업을 위해 많은 아이디어가 있다.

Many people in the USA like to eat hot dogs. 미국의 많은 사람들은 핫도그 먹는 것을 좋아한다.


Much + 셀 수 없는 명사 (긍정문, 부정문, 의문문 모두 사용가능)

Do you have much work to do this week? 이번주에 할일이 많나요?

I don’t have much time this week. 나는 이번주에 많은 시간이 없다.

He has much money (X) -> He has a lot of money (O)

긍정문에서는 much 대신에 a lot of / lots of 를 사용 I Think we will have much snow this winter.

긍정문에 much를 사용하려면? Too much/ so much 형태로 사용

      • There was too much snow last winter. 지난 겨울에 눈이 많이왔다.
      • With so much language to choose from, it is sometimes difficult to choose what lessons I should teach here. 선택해야할 너무 많은 언어 때문에, 여기서 내가 어떤 강의를 가르쳐야 할지 선택하는 것이 어렵다.

수동태  문장에는 too so 없이 much 혼자 사용 가능

      • There will be much debate in Washington about the economy. 워싱턴에서 경제에 많은 토론이 있다.
      • In 1916, much land in the USA was set aside and turned into national parks. 1916년에 미국의 많은 땅의 확보되었고 국립공원으로 바뀌었다.



Say -> 누구의 말을 정확히 옮길 때 사용, 절대 사람을 목적어로 취하지 않는다.

Tell -> 보통 사람을 목적어로 취해서, 주로 that 절과 함께 쓰인다. 아니면 누군가 지시할 때.


      1. 누구의 말을 정확히 옮길 때 - Anne said (that) she was tired.
      2. Say about (X) Say something about (O) 
      • I want to say something / a few words / a little about my family. 제가 저의 가족에 대해 말씀을 좀 드리고자 합니다.
      1. 무엇에 대해서 의견을 표할 때  I can’t say I blame her for resigning.  난 사직하는 그녀를 나무랄 수 없을 것 같다.
      2. ~라고 말하다 It is said that she lived to be over 100. (사람들이 말하길) 그녀는 100살이 넘도록 살았다고 한다.


      1. 사람을 목적어로 취한다. Have you told him the news yet?
      2. 누군가 지시할 때 The doctor told me to stay in bed. / The doctor said (that) I had to stay in bed./ 의사가 내게 누워 있으라고 했다.
      3. 그러나 다음과 같이 말하진 않는다: The doctor said me to stay in bed.
      4. 사실이나 정보를 알려줄 때 Can you tell me when the movie starts?

Talk, speak 완전 자동사 -> 이 동사 뒤에는 무조건 전치사가 따라옴

      • We are talking about our future. 우리는 우리의 미래에 관하여 이야기하고 있다.
      • They speak to him. 그들은 그에게 말한다. 

I always say to him -> I always tell him.

He said to me. -> He told me

We met very long time -> We’ve been together for a long time.

      • 당신들은 사귄 지 얼마나 되었나요? How long have you been dating[going out]? 
      • 그는 3년 동안 사귄 여자 친구와 헤어졌다 He broke up with his girlfriend of three years. 

They are age is almost 40. -> They’re almost 40.



There is not time to go to school -> There is no required time for us to go to school.

Korean have to go work. -> Koreans have to go to work.

The company successfully mounted a takeover bid in 1996. 회사는 1996 년에 성공적으로 인수 제안을했습니다.

We got lost and ended up miles away from our intended destination. 우리는 길을 잃었고 우리 목적지에서 멀리 떨어진 곳에서 끝났습니다.

Animal spent a great deal of time.

He looked at the man with a tranquil eye. 그는 그 남자를 차분한 눈으로 바라보았다.

He was wilting under the pressure of work. 그는 업무 스트레스 때문에 지쳐[시들어] 가고 있었다.

Timely -> 시기적절한 : A nasty incident was prevented by the timely arrival of the police. 경찰이 때맞춰 도착함으로써 골치 아픈 사건을 방지할 수 있었다.

Align : 나란히 만들다 : Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard. 선반이 찬장 꼭대기와 꼭 나란하게 해 주세요.

Purge : (조직에서 사람을, 폭력적인 방법으로) 제거하다, (나쁜 생각 감정들을) 몰아내다 : We need to purge our sport of racism. 우리는 우리 스포츠에서 인종 차별주의를 몰아내야 한다.

Manifestation (= demonstration) 징후, 표명 :  (어떤 것이 존재하거나 일어나고 있음을 보여주는) 징후 : The riots are a clear manifestation of the people’s discontent. 그 폭동들은 사람들의 불만을 보여주는 분명한 징후이다.

Affluent 부유한  He would scan the neat houses in his affluent suburb. would (~하곤 했다) - 그는 그의 풍요로운 교외에 산뜻한 집을 스캔 할 것입니다.

Prosperous 부유한 (긍정적) It’s good to see you looking so prosperous. 당신이 아주 번창하는 것 같아서 보기 좋아요

Well off (흔히 부정문에서 ) His family is not very well off.  그의 집안은 별로 부유하지 못하다

Substantial = Significant 

beside ~옆에 Sit here beside me. 

Besides ~외에도 (= Apart from )





She can spontaneously express herself when answering the questions from the topic

The outside of sound -> The outside sound

My old is 25 now. -> I’m 25 now.

My healthy -> My health

She can died in 10 years. -> She may die in 10 years


Apprehensive 걱정되는, 불안한

I was a little apprehensive about the effects of what I had said.

      •  나는 내가 한 말이 가져올 결과가 좀 걱정스러웠다.


Frugal 1. 절약하는 2.식사가 소박한, 간소한

All the people in my family are frugal with their money.

frugal lunch of bread and cheese 빵과 치즈로 하는 간소한 점심 식사



How are you feeling?

I feel so ashamed of continuously failing to train my new puppy. Other new dog owners seem to have it much easier.

Feel ashamed of : ~에 대해 부끄러워하다 .


How are you feeling?

I just ruined my final exam! I feel so depressed!

Ruined final exam : 기말고사를 망치다.

Depressed : 우울하다


How are you feeling?

I am twiddling my thumbs out of boredom. Can we go somewhere exiting?

Twiddling my thumbs out of boredom : 지루함에 손가락을 까딱거리다


How are you feeling?

I am irritated to find out that my package got lost in the mail.

I am irritated to : ~하는 것에 짜증하다.

Find out : 알게되다, 발견하다


How are you feeling?

I am worried about the increasing pollution level in the city. I think I should get an air purifier

I am worried about : ~에 대해 걱정하다.

Pollution : 오염

I am thinking of purchasing an air purifier . 공기 정화기를 사는것에 대해 생각하고 있다.




He is too young to marry -> He is too young to get married.

My friend will marry -> My friend will get married.

The remain time -> The remaining time.

*marry + 목적어 바로 / get married to A : A랑 결혼하다

* Wedding : 결혼식, Marriage : 결혼, 결혼생활



I’m not obesity. -> I am not obese

After finishing my midterm test -> After I finish my midterm test



confide in somebody : ~에게 비밀[속마음]을 털어놓다


- It is important to have someone you can confide in. 속마음을 털어놓을 수 있는 사람을 갖는 것이 중요하다.

When I was a children, I really wanted to see snow.

      • When I was a child, I really wanted to see snow.

Our Country has no religious.

      • Our country has no religion.


The road is covered with snow.

- Much of the country is covered by forest. 그 국가는 많은 부분이 숲으로 덮여 있다.

I have no experience in traveling the Philippines.

He said that the price of the houses in Beijing is more expensive than Korea.

The cost of living is expensive so they usually receive their parents’ help for their finances.

People have a lot of debts.

They used to have a one-child policy in China.

The population is one big factor in developing economies’ growth.

The price of raising children is very expensive.

reach out to somebody : ~에게 관심을 보이다[접근하다]

The church needs to find new ways of reaching out to young people. 교회가 젊은이들에게 접근하는 새로운 방법들을 찾아낼 필요가 있다.


1. 저는 건축 디자인이 더 맞는 것 같아요.

-> I’m more oriented toward designing buildings.

2. 저는 수학, 과학 쪽 사람은 아니에요.(수학, 과학에 재능이 있는 사람이 아니에요.)

-> I’m not really the math and science kind of person.

3. 난 네가 최선의 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 가이드 해 줄 수 있는지 보자꾸나.

->Let me see if I can sort of guide you into making the best decision.

4. 차를 쓰게 될 것 같아요.

-> I expect I’ll be using my car

5. 대학 셔틀버스를 이용하는 것은 어때요?

-> Can I suggest that you consider using the university shuttle?

6. 주차 허가증을 받는 수밖에 없어요. (그것 말고는 다른 방법이 없어요.)

-> I really have much choice but to get a permit.

7. 운에 맡겨 보는 수밖에 없네요.

-> try my luck.




My hands is vibrating. -> My hands are shaking.

-> He must have been nervous because his hands were shaking

They yelled to me -> They yield at me.

-> He yelled at the other driver. 

Out country is colony by Japan -> Our country was colonized by Japan.

I don’t want to interfere her good sleep. -> I don’t want to disturb her sleep.


How are you feeling?

Whenever I speak in front of an audience, I get butterflies in my stomach.


How are you feeling?

I am surprised at how efficient public transportation is here!


How are you feeling?

I’ve got ants in my pants for the concert this evening.

Get ants in my pants : ~에 몹시 신나거나 긴장하다.

I pushed myself to work hard, but I had ants in my pants. 

나는 열심히 일할려고 노력했지만 나는 불안하다.


How are you feeling?

I have great sympathy for all the people who lost their homes from the flood yesterday. My heart reaches out to them all.

Sympathy : 연민, 공감

Flood : 홍수

My heart reaches out to them all : 나의 마음은 그들에 향한다 .


How are you feeling?

I’m letting out a sigh of relief seeing the baby get rescued by the firefighters.

Letting out a sigh of relief : 안도의 함수

Rescued : 구해지다


How are you feeling?

Seeing my daughter come into the world, I was a very proud father.

Proud : 자랑스러운


How are you feeling?

After climbing in the gym for many months, I feel confident enough to climb on the real rocks!

Feel confident enough to : ~하기에 충분할 정도로 자신감 있는




20181005 Lyende

It is not mandatory for them to go to military

get trapped in a traffic jam- 교통 체증으로 움직일 수 없게 되다

 Sorry for being late. I got stuck in a traffic jam - 늦어서 미안해. 교통체증에 갇혀 꼼짝 못했어.

Pose a danger 위협을 가하다

Malfunction : 오작동 - There is a malfunction in the oxygen control system. 산소 조절 시스템이 오작동합니다.

 make an agreement, and I stick to it -  나는 협정을 맺고, 그것을 고수한다

He said he would be here at eight oclock.  - 그가 8시에 여기 올 거라고 했어. (간접화법)

She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them. - 그녀는 남편이 그 편지들을 절대 읽지 못하도록 그것들을 태워 버렸다. Would  ('이유'를 나타내어) ~하기 위해서[~하도록]


20181004 Lyende

It is not need to go to the concert -> I don’t need to go to the concert

 There's no need to overtax your strength -> 너 무리하게 할 필요 없다.

What is worsethe national movie industry is faced with a difficult situation - 설상가상으로, 국내 -영화 산업은 어려운 상황에 처해 있습니다.

We are facing what may be the most adverse economic environment in the history of the information technology industry. - 우리는 정보 기술산업의 역사에서 가장 어려운 경제 상황에 처해 있다.


20181003 Gracey

You said: I had to do presentation in front of them..

Better say: I had to make a presentation in front of them..

You said: Statistical solve..

Better say: Statistical solving.

You said: I have to make a code program..(past)

Better say: I had to make a code program..(past)

You said: I will busy..

Better say: I will be busy..

You said: The person who are in bad situation overcome his/her situation.

Better say: The person who is in a bad situation overcame his/her situation.

You said: Before the starting my presentation..

Better say: Before starting my presentation..

You said: I have let out a sigh of relief..

Better say: I let out a sigh of relief..


You said: The finishing my presentation...

Better say: After finishing my presentation...

You said: Door of subway of close of right away..

Better say: The door of the subway closes right away..

You said: The door directly close..

Better say: The door directly closes..

You said: They want to go their home...

Better say: They want to go to their homes...

You said: Driver try to driving...

 Better say: The driver is trying to drive...

You said: 1 weeks ago...

Better say: 1 week ago..

You said: I don't why my weight lose..

Better say: I don't why I lose my weight..


20181003 Lynde

Pay more attention when it comes to sentence patterns and prepositions.

      • When it comes to getting things donehe's useless -> 일을 성사시키는 것에 관한 한 그는 쓸모가 없다.

Correction : I will go café -> I will go to the café

Correction : In this morning -> This morning or in the morning.wkseh




It’s the newly released dance compilation. 새롭게 발매된 댄스곡 편집 음반이야.

Don’t tell me you’re still shelling out cash for music! 설마 돈 주고 음악을 산다고 말하는 건 아니겠지?

I’ve got money to burn. (= I am very rich)나는 돈을 주체할 수 없을 만큼 많이 가지고 있어.

People are going to have to face the music for sharing copyrighted material. 사람들은 저작권이 있는 것을 공유한 것에 대해 벌을 받아야 할거야.


 2) Dialogue

M: What are you listening to? By the way you’re grooving to the music, it must be really good.

W: It’s the newly released dance compilation! It’s great!

M: Is it that good? Maybe I’ll drop by the music store on my way home and pick up the CD.

W: Don’t tell me you’re still shelling out(=paying) cash for music! Why would you waste your money on a CD when it’s free online? Here, I’ll send you the files tonight via messenger.

M: I used to download music without paying, but I realized that it was illegal and totally unfair for artists and record producers.

W: Well, if you’ve got money to burn…

M: What I’m trying to say is that the music industry is suffering from the lack of CD sales because people get it for free online. Sooner or later, people are going to have to face the music for sharing copyrighted material.


20181002  Lynde

I can express myself well in class using good words and expressions.

Despite that, she must start to minimize error in her speaking while practicing to develop a more natural pace and rhythm

Don’t think so that -> Don’t think about that


How are you feeling?

      • Seeing my daughters come into the world, I was a very proud father.

After climbing in the gym for many months, I feel confident enough to climb on the real rocks.


He is such a heartthrob! 그는 정말 내 심장을 뛰게 만들어

He starred in some pretty impressive flicks.(=movies, films) 그는 꽤 인상적인 영화에서 주역을 맡았어

She was a bona fide superstar. 그녀는 진정한 슈퍼스타였어.

Her legacy of beauty will remain with us forever. 그녀의 아름다움의 유산은 영원히 우리에게 기억될 거야.

She grew up in orphanages and foster homes where they say she was often abused(=treated very badly)

I’d have to say my favorite actor is Marilyn Monroe.



201810921 Brandi

It is so nice to love them foreigner-> It is so nice to know the foreigners love them

I am my boyfriend. -> I am with my boyfriend



20180917 Gracey

VOCABULARY: (Please look for the meaning of these words)

- come back home -  They will come back home in a few days

- Northern part - That northern part of the city is loaded with rattraps. 이 도시의 북부에는 쥐가 우글거리는 오래된 건물들이 많이 있다.

- biting a rose - He bit off a large chunk of bread 그는 빵을 크게 한 조각 베어 물었다.

-love-struckteenager - The young boy from “Araby” is a common love struck teenagerpossibly thirteen or fourteen.

– on cloud nine  -  They are in love and are on cloud nine. 


PRONUNCIATION: (Please practice pronouncing these words)

- f: far - v: love - f: fifty - ou: cloudy - ine: nine - f: professor  



You said: I have to come back to home..

Better say: I have to come back home..

The economy will come back to its original state this year

You said: It's too far between Suwon to Daegu...

Better say: It's too far from Suwon to Daegu... 

You said: By bus, maybe 4 hours..

Better say: It takes about 4 hours to get there by bus. 

You said: Seoul is North..

Better say: Seoul is at the Northern part of Korea.

You said: You have to do learning English.. 

Better say: You have to study English.. 

You said: The man's mouth is grabbing a rose..

Better say: The man is biting a rose 

You said: He really really like to love.. 

Better say: He really likes to lover 

You said: He lover boy..

Better say: He is a romantic boy.. 

You said: I like a person who are very confident and positive.

Better say: I like a person who is very confident and positive. 

You said: I am the crazy about loving him..

Better say: I am love struck with him. 

You said: They are wearing white dress..

 Better say: They are wearing a white dress. 

You said: They eating delicious thing.

Better say: They are eating delicious thing. 

You said: They are in ocean.

Better say: They are at the beach. 

You said: That mean..

Better say: That means...  

You said: I sometimes forgot...

Better say: I sometimes forget... 

You said: I am on cloud nine when my professor praise me..

 Better say: I am on cloud nine when my professor praises me..   



“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”  – Joshua J. Marine

People discriminated divorcees before. 

People who have children should not divorce. 

Children are vulnerable.=weak 

Divorce can negatively affect the children. 

The future children will suffer because of their parents. 



You said: except for our friends who are intimate

Correct: except for our close friends.

Your sentence: the country HAVE to decide

 better way: the country HAS to decide on a nationwide

Let us try to be more mindful of your slips on some grammar points especially on your verb tenses.



You said: Do I have to choose the other teacher.

Correct: If I will have to choose another teacher. 

You said: Getting to know again is difficult for me.

Correct: Repeating to getting to know again is a little hard for me. 

You said: If it's first time it's okay.

Correct: If it's the first time, it's okay.  

Correct: She thinks about herself first. 

Correct: To ignore them and concentrate on my self is the best way to deal with a big-headed person. 

Correct: He doesn't listen to my advice.



You said: I will go hometown.

Correct: I will go to my hometown. 

You said: I have try to change my major.

Correct: I tried to change my major. 

You said: I am the passionate person because I was confident that time.

Correct: At that time I was confident and a passionate person. 

You said: It was hard to study 

Correct: Yes I am, because I changed my major from Geography to mechanical engineering. This course takes a lot of passion for a person to finish.

You said: Hard things about hardworking person makes themselves very hard.

Correct: The bad things about a hardworking person are they tend to overwork and forget about their health.  

Correct: How many students do you have in a day? 

Correct Maybe you will get sore throat if you work long hours.


20180906 목요일

*Fair game(만만한 대상)- Journalists always regard movie stars as fair game(신문기자들은 영화 배우를 항상 만만한 봉이라고 간주한다.)

No. Jane is so reasonable that sometimes she couldn’t that listen to people’s complain.

-> Jane is so reasonable that she doesn’t listen to her employee's complaints but does the right thing right away.

*act politely - You not only acted politely but also took corrective action /when necessary

*deep thinker(A person whose thoughts are profound) - Wellyou've always been a deep thinker

*less talk less mistake - His eating habits were changingand he was talking less and less.

*I am so shy since I have met my boyfriend.

*Be positive - Charlie Brown always tries to be positive about things(things -> 모든일)

*Since I born ->Since I was born (내가 태어난 이래로~) - My wife and I haven't has sex since the baby was born

*compensate for -  He promised to compensate me for my loss(그는 내 손해를 보상하기로 약속했다)

*introverted - You may be introvertedbut youre not weak!

* depart (떠나다) - The plane will depart at its regularly scheduled time.

* separate(분리하다) - The delimiter used to seperate each displayed field label. (표시된 각 필드 레이블을 구분하는 데 사용되는 구분자입니다.)

* improve my ability in English(영어 실력을 기르다)


Q. What kind of a person is he?

A. Kara is a reasonable employer. When her employee works overtime, she compensates their extra work hours by providing overtime pay.

A. Melony seems very shy and introverted. I haven’t seen her talk to anyone since the beginning of the school semester.


20180905 수요일

The calls were not successful

Body massage

The crowd makes me lack focus with my job

Presentation skills.


There is no for now. ->There is none for now.


She goes to party and meets new foreign friends.


*comfortable in social interactions (사회적 교류들을 편하게 함)

- I am a great believer in social interaction and solidarity(연대,결속). (나는 사회적 상호작용과 사회적 연대의 대단한 신봉자다.)

*confident in - He was confident in this mission under his belt. - 그는 경험이 있었기 때문에 이번 과제에 자신이 있었다.


*under his belt

DiCaprio has many successful films under his beltsuch as Titanic (1997), Catch Me if You Can (2002), Inception (2010), and so on. (디카프리오는 타이타닉(1997), 캐치 미 이프 유 캔(2002), 인셉션(2010) 등과 같은 이미 많은 성공적인 작품들을 가지고 있다.)

*deal with people -  We deal with people that lie to us everyday

*has its own strength and weaknesses (각각의 강약점이 있다)

- Each collection option has its own strengths and weaknesses.

*choose our words carefully (말을 조심스럽게 한다) - We must choose our words carefully


Q. What kind of a person is he?

A. Sam is very outgoing and extroverted. He is out almost every night going to parties and making new friends.

Woodward admitted that she used a fake ID to get into barsand she said she went out almost every night.( 대기중 우드워드는 가짜 신분증을 이용해 술집에 들어간 것을 인정했고 그녀는 거의매일  외출했다고 말했어.)



20180904 화요일

A. My co-worker, brad is a pessimistic person. People don’t like to talk to him because his negative energy drains them out.

*pessimistic : 부정적인, 비관적인

*negative energy drains them out : 부정적인 기운이 그들까지 지치게 한다.


*dwell on past negative experiences : 과거의 부정적 경험을 곱씹다

- she explains that people need to think positive thoughts and not dwell on negative feelings. 

*predict most negative outcomes : 대부분의 부정적인 결과를 예언하다

- Most would have predicted such an outcome from the very first. (대부분은 처음부터 그런 결과를 예견했을 것이다) ~했을 것이다 would have pp


Q. What kind of a person is he?

A. Professor Lemon is very easygoing. A lot of students take her class because they can get good grades with minimal effort.

*easygoing : 느긋한 -  Jake is an easygoing person by nature.(Jake는 천성이 느긋하다.)

*take class : 수업을 듣다- I'd rather die than take that class.( 절대로 그 과목은 안 들을 거야.)

*get grades with minimal effort : 최소한의 노력으로 점수를 받다

-  To make things even better, it can be maintained and cleaned with minimal effort!

-  좋은 건 작은 노력으로 청소되고 유지가 가능하다는 이다.

* easier to interact with: 쉽게 사람들과 어울리다

- In fact, many Japanese said in a recent survey that they find it easier and more comfortable to interact with a robot than with another human.( 사실, 많은 일본인들은 다른 사람보다 로봇과 상호작용하는 것이 더 쉽고 좀더 편안하다고 최근의 조사에서 말했다.)


*Let the negative people continue to be negative : 부정적인 사람들은 그냥 계속 부정적으로 굴라고해


*bully the world : 세상을 왕따시키다

Just because their plans to bully the world with their rockets failedthey made up something to say about the global sporting competition. (단지 그들이 로켓 발사로 세계를 겁주려는 것이 실패했기 때문에, 그들은 세계 스포츠 대회에 있어 어떠한 이야기를 꾸며낸 것이다.)


Q. What kind of a person is he?

A. David is full of joy and a cheerful person. He is always singing or humming and rarely in a bad mood.

*full of joy : 즐거움이 가득한

*rarely in a bad mood : 아주 드물게 기분이 좋지 않은

- He must be in a bad mood todayHe slammed the door. (그는 오늘 기분이 좋지 않은 것 같다. 문을 쾅 닫았다.)


*give others energy : 다른사람들에게 기운을 준다.

*think and act positive : 긍정적으로 생각하고 행동한다

- In other words, he was able to succeed since he acted with positive thinking and an open mind.( 다시 말해, 그는 긍정적인 사고와 열린 마음을 가지고 행동했기 때문에 성공할 수 있었던 것이다.)

*love the small things in life : 삶의 소소한 것들을 좋아한다. 

-As well as helped her appreciate the smaller things in life(마찬가지로 그녀가 인생에서 보다 작을 들에 감사하도록 도왔다.)




Q. What kind of a person is he?

A. He is a very confident keynote speaker. His delivery was most concise and professional

*confident : 자신감 넘치는

*keynote speaker: 기조연설자

*delivery : 의사 전달력

*concise: 간결한 - Woman believes that presentations should be concise

*assertive : 적극적인,명확한 - You should try and be more assertive

* smile often : 자주 웃는 – That is why I encourage my students to smile often

*encourage myself : 자신을 북돋다, 응원하다

- We were greatly encouraged by the positive response of the public

* knows my strengths and weakness : 자기 자신의 강약점을 알다.

* haughty : 거만한 - He replied with haughty disdain그가 오만하게 경멸스럽다는 듯이 대답했다.


Q. What kind of a person is he?

A. He is very insecure about his appearance. He checks the mirror every ten minutes!

*insecure about appearance : 외모에 대해 자신이 없는

-I am convinced that men are becoming more insecure about their physical appearance and self image.

- 나는 남자들이 그들의 육체적 인 모습과 자기 이미지에 대해 더욱 불안 해지고 있다고 확신한다.


*checks the mirror : 거울을 확인하다, 보다

*every ten minutes : 10분마다

They would never have met if she hadn’t gone to Emma’s party.

만약에 그녀가 엠마의 파티에 안 갔었다면 그들은 결코 만나지 않았을 것이다.

저는 남성들이 점점 자신의 육체적인 외관이나 자신만의 이미지에 대해 혼란스러워 하고 있다고 확신합니다.


I want to talk about those contents.

If I am not confident, I don’t have chances to study new things.


Talk in front of many people

I am not confident when I meet handsome guy.


Coincidently 우연하게

Insecure[인시큐어] –



How many I have to do.

His eyes were saggy and wrinkly

When people get older, Eyes were saggy and wrinkly. ( 눈이 쳐지고 주름졌다)

It’s difficult to explain.

I live far away from home. 

I am living far away from home.



IELTS PART 3 Outdoor Activities

Q. What are some advantages of doing outdoor activities?

* a good way to : ~하기에 좋은 방법

* stay healthy : 건강을 유지하다

* stay fit / stay in shape : 몸매를 유지하다


Q. Do people around you enjoy many outdoor activities?

*popular among : ~사이에서 인기가 많은

*trending : 유행하는, 대세인

*athletic : 운동의, 운동을 잘하는, 좋아하는

*sporting gears : 운동용품, 운동 장비



Q. Why do some people enjoy outdoor activities?

* As I mentioned earlier : 앞서 언급했듯이

* be interested in : ~에 관심이 있다.

* wellness : 건강

* mainstream media : 주류 매체

* stay healthy : 건강을 유지하다

* in addition : 게다가

* be well aware of ~ : ~를 잘 인지하다

* prevent illness : 질병을 예방하다 .


Q. Do you think illnesses can be prevented by doing an outdoor activity? Why, or why not?

*prevent illness : 질병을 예방하다.

- Vitamin C also protects the immune system, this will help prevent illness, which you may be more susceptible to(감수성이 예민한, 민감한) during stress.

- be more susceptible to + 명사 : ~에 민감한

- Once you’ve dislocated a joint, you may be more susceptible to future dislocations.  한번 탈골 되면, 나중에 더 탈골될 가능성이 있다.

- Antibiotics remain our most effective weapon against disease – causing bacteria, with the power to save lives and prevent illness.

항생제는 질병을 유발하는 박테리아에 가장 효과적인 무기이며 생명을 구하고 병을 예방하는 힘이 있다..

- Things a person can do to prevent illness, such as diet, exercise, sleep, get immunizations and have yearly checkups. 식이요법, 운동, 수면 예방접종, 연례 건강 검진 등 질병을 예방하기 위해 할 수 있는 모든 일

*prevent A from ~ing : ~가 하는 것을 막다

* to some extent : 어느 정도 까지는

- This district suffers to some extent from floods every year. 이 지방은 해마다 어느 정도 수해를 입는다.

* by ~ing : ~함으로써

* regularly/ on a regular basis : 규칙적으로

* contract a disease : 질병에 걸리다

- For example, women contract skin cancer much more frequently, but men have a higher death rate from the disease. 예를 들어 여성들은 피부암에 훨씬 더 자주 걸리지만 남성들은 피부암에 의한 사망률이 더 높다.

* boost one’s immune system : 면역체계를 강화하다.

* enhance blood circulation : 혈액순환을 개선하다.

- The researchers studied the breathing and blood circulation of 24 young men and women. 연구원들은 남녀 24명의 호흡과 혈액순환을 연구했다.

* as far as I know : 내가 알기로는


Q. What makes a good outdoor activity?

*good for health : 건강에 좋은

*easy to do : 하기 쉬운






It doesn’t make any sense

그것은 말이 안된다.


Q. What is your full name?

My full name is Youjeong Park.


Q. How could I address you?

You may address me as Rosy. This is my nickname and my friends also call me Rosy.

*address someone as~ : 누군가를 ~로 부르다

*You can address me as~/ You can just call me 저를 ~로 부르시면 됩니다.


Q. Does your name have any significant meaning?


*significant meaning : 중요한 의미

*meaningful : 의미있는

* sentiment value : 정서적 가치

* It means : ~를 의미하다 .


Q. How do people in your country name their babies?

*typically : 흔히, 전형적으로

* letter : 글자

* syllable : 음절

* be made up of : ~로 구성되다


Q. Do people in your country change their name often?

- Although they don’t want to change their name to another their name to new names, (이때  another을 사용하니깐 사람의 의미가 된다. ) , their names sound funny. Therefore they must switch their name in order to live(동사원형) normally.


*the process of  : ~하는 과정

*long and complicated : 길고 복잡한

* very often : 매우 자주

* open to ~ing : (~에 대한 인식이)열려 있는

- The fate of the bill is still open to conjecture. 이 법안의 운명은 아직 예단할 수 없다. Conjecture ( 추측)

* sound funny : 우습게 들리다

* mean a negative thing : 부정적인 것을 의미하다

- Than means things happen due to their own previous action of karma

즉 모든 인생 지사가 전생의 업에서 비롯된다는 거죠.


Q. Have you ever changed your name in your life? Why or Why not?

*sound funny : 우습게 들리다.

- But Korean food names can sound funny in English. 하지만 한국 음식의 이름은 영어로는 우스꽝스럽게 들릴 수도 있다.

* laugh at : ~를 비웃다

* not satisfied with : ~가 만족스럽지 않은

* get a fresh start : 새출발을 하다, 산뜻한 출발을 하다

- I wish I had gotten a better start. 시작을 좀 더 잘했으면 좋았을 거 같다.

- After winning the trophy, he said, “I can get start a fresh start the New Year with the award”. 트로피를 거머진 후에, 그는 이상과 함께 새해를 산뜻하게 출발할 수 있을 거 같다라고 말했다.



Q. What are your hobbies?

* hobby / interest: 취미, 관심사

* be interested in : ~에 관심이 있다.

* be good at : ~를 잘하다.

* become familiar with : ~와 친숙해지다.

* get used to : ~에 익숙해지다

- I get used to the vegetarian diet gradually. g

* relax : ~를 편한하게 만들다


Q. What do you do for a living?

* do for a living : 직업(생업)으로 하다

- Agriculture is what people do for a living here. 농업은 이곳 사람들의 생업이다.

* My job/occupation/profession is : 내 직업은~이다.

* work as : ~로서 일하다

-I work as an operator at a phone company. 나는 전화회사에서 교환원으로 일해요

* My duties include~ : 내 직무는 ~와 같은 것들이 있다.

* good salary : 괜찮은 월급

* work and life balance : 일과 삶의 균형



After doing the long presentation, I quenched my thirst because I felt tired.

After doing the long presentation, I quenched my thirst because I felt thirsty.


Q. How are you feeling?

A. I quenched my thirst immediately after I broke my fast. Fast -> 단식


I don't know, it's just a hunch. (나도 몰라. 그냥 직감이야)

I have a hunch that it's going to rain tomorrow. (내일 비가 오리라는 직감이 든다.)

I have a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen. (안좋은 무언가가 일어날 것이라는 직감이 든다.)







I went on a trip

I travel/I traveled.

Ex) We travelled to California for the wedding. 

I traveled to Russia.

When my professor the go to a business, our labs people can relax. (X)

When my professor goes on a business trip, the whole lab feel relaxed.(O)

I am a graduate Student in Korea.

That is amazing field now.

After two years.

I wanna be a computer researcher. (the 제발 붙이지 말기!)

She is so the starving.

She is so starving.

I want to work.

I want to study in America. O


학교에 입학하다 : get into school.

The recently I tried the lose my weight.

Recently I tried to lose my weight.

I can feel relaxed when I am sleeping.

I was too nervous to eat. (eat 발음할 때 길게 이이이트)

- The animals were left to starve to death. 그 동물들은 굶어 죽도록 내버려졌다.


Q. How are you feeling?

A. I skipped breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. I’m so famished I feel like I could eat horse!

* famished 정말로 굶주리다.

* I could eat a horse. (몹시 배고플 때 ) 돌도 씹어먹을 수 있을 거 같아




You said: Practice to speak to English.

Correct: I want to practice speaking English. 

You said: The sun is not open.

Correct: The sun is not shining yet. 

She's going to have the sportsmatch.

Correct: She's going to have a sportsmatch. 

You said: When I eat delicious food I am full of the energy.

Correct: When I eat delicious food I am full of the energy. 

Correct: I fought with my mom over trivial problem. 

Correct: Cold words are coming out from us.( 냉담한 말들이 우리에게서 나옵니다.)


Q. How are you feeling?

A. I feel rested after fifteen hours of sleep. I am ready to start my day.

A. The warm-up exercise has got my blood pumping. Now I am full of energy and ready for the big match.

A. I am so exhausted from all the traveling! I just want to take a warm bath and dive under my covers!

A. I am feeling very relaxed from the full body massage. My body feels at peace.

*feel rested : 푹 쉰 느낌이다.

*my blood pumping : 피가 펌핑되다, 피가 돌다

*I am full of energy. : 활기가 가득하다

* I am so exhausted from : ~때문에 지치다, 피곤해지다.

* dive under my covers. : 이불 속으로 뛰어들다.

* feeling very relaxed

- Sounds nicebut I don't feel relaxed unless Im at home. 그거 멋지군, 하지만 내가 집에서 쉬지않는한 쉬는 것 같지 않을 거야.

*my body feels at peace : 몸이 안정되다, 편안해지다.




You said: I want to go and study robotics and the science.

Correct: I want to go abroad and study robotics and science.

You said: We can do more like the man.

Correct: We can do more than the men. 

You said: When I was one years ago.

Correct: One year ago _______. 

You said: I have to make creativity.

Correct: I have to be creative. 

You said: I'm not under the pressure.

 Correct: I'm not under pressure now. 

You said: I always go gym because I have to care myself.

 Correct: I always go to the gym , because I have to take care myself.  I need to exercise. 

You said: After the physical so I can feel sore.

Correct: After the physical activity, I can feel my body sore. 

You said: My mother worry my weight.

Correct: My mother was worried about weight. 

You said: Just for my healthy.

Correct: Just for my health.  

You said: One years ago I went to L.A.

Correct: One year ago , I went to L.A.  

Correct sentences you made: 

I am a graduate student and my major is robotics.

I could not live the society's expectation.

I also study the AI and computer coding.

It is headache. After two year I will graduate.

I recently got a throbbing headache.





You said: My feeling also cloudy.

Better way: My feeling is also cloudy. 

You said: I will go my hometown this weekend.

Better way: I will go to my hometown this weekend


Q. How are you feeling?

A. I’m still down with the flu and bedridden. I should have gotten the flu shot last fall

A. I’m feeling nauseous from the oysters I ate yesterday. I think I may have food poisoning.



출처: <https://o365skku-my.sharepoint.com/personal/poplar93_o365_skku_edu/Documents/20190123_영어.docx>

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