티스토리 뷰

make space for

- "Come on, Kitty", I make space for her between my legs, and she climbs in. 

* If the Quarantine limit is reached, the oldest quarantined files will be removed to make space for new infected files. 

검역 제한에 도달하면 가장 오래된 검역 파일이 제거되어 감염된 새 파일을 위한 공간이 확보됩니다.



- "But you never said anything! Not one frigging word, LaLa Jean!"

* 빈둥빈둥[쓸데없이] 시간을 보내다



crack up

(중압감을 못 이기고 정신적으로나 육체적으로) 무너지다   2.마구 웃기 시작하다

- Peter cracks up, and I give him a dirty look.

- You’ll crack up if you carry on working like this.

너 계속 이런 식으로 일을 하다간 쓰러져.


line up

- All the kids are lined up in front of it.


untangle (엉킨 것을) 풀다

- Kitty is already untangling herself from me and bounding out of the car. 

On trying to untangle the time travel conundrum, theoretical physicians at least believe that one day we could travel in time.

- 시간 여행의 수수께끼를 풀려고 시도하면서 이론 물리학자들은 최소한 언젠가는 우리가 시간여행을 할 수 있을 것이라고 믿고 있다.


chauffeur 1.(부자나 중요 인물의 차를 모는) 기사   2.기사를 하다

- She was going to have to find out at some point, with me chauffeuring you and her around town. 

* He was chauffeured to all his meetings. 

- 그는 모든 회의에 기사를 데리고 다녔다.



make a beeline for 곧장 …로 가다(=go directly toward).

- Peter makes a beeline for the table, but at the last second I chicken out 

* chicken out.


blantantly 주제넘게, 뻔뻔스럽게.

- Because, you see, it would be too blatantly jerky of you to bring a girl to the table after you've only been broken up for, like , a minute.



- You're creeping me out.

* creep in something

- As she became more tired, errors began to creep into her work

그녀가 점점 더 지쳐 가면서, 하는 일에 실수가 생기기 시작했다.


morsel (특히 음식의) 작은 양[조각]

- Genevieve is looking at me like I am a tasty morsel.

a tasty morsel of food - 맛있는 음식 약간[한 조각]


snick 냄새를 맡다 

- I snuck champagne on New Year's Eve.


drift off = fall asleep

- I've just drifted off when my phone buzzes. 











  • Tantalizingly  애태우게 하여
    • Kitty pauses tantalizingly
  • Defrost  (특히 식품을) 해동하다
    • Did you cook the chicken I defrosted last night?
    • Make sure you defrost the chicken completely before cooking.
  • Catch up on something (뒤덜어진 일을) 만회하다.
  • Scrapbooking 스크랩북 만들기.
    • I should catch up on my scrapbooking.
    • I have a lot of work to catch up on.
  • Lay out  (보기 쉽게·사용할 수 있도록) ~을 펼치다
    • I've got Motown girl-group music playing, and my supplies are laid out all around me in a semicircle.
  • Dispenser (손잡이·단추 등을 눌러 안에 든 것을 바로 뽑아 쓸수 있는) 기계[용기] 
    • I've cut out of magazines, glue gun, my tape dispenser with all my different colored washi tapes.
    • cut out of : ~에서 제외하다
  • Chunky 두툼한
    • It's thick and chunky and doesn't close all the way.
    • all the way : 내내, 완전히
  • Plaid 격자[타탄(tartan)]무늬 천
    • But I can just do a regular plaid tape instead
  • Rap on …을 톡톡 두드리다.
  • Corsage 코르사주(결혼식 같은 행사 때 여성이 옷에 다는 작은 꽃 장식)
    • I'm carefully gluing a dried rose petal from Margot's corsage when my dad raps on the door.
  • Hover (수줍거나 자신감 없는 태도로 특히 다른 사람 주위를) 맴돌다[서성이다]
    • He just hovers there in the doorway, watching me work.
  • Head over : 목을 길게 빼내다?
    • Text me when you want to head over.
    • head over heels : 홀딱 빠지다 ex) I'm head over heels about her. 나는 그녀에게 홀딱 빠졌어
  • Unbutton  (…의) 단추를 풀다[끄르다]
    • Nigel is unbuttoning Cressida's blouse.
  • Stockinged 양말을 신은
    • Cressida's heart raced as Nigel moved his hand along her stockinged thigh.
  • Crack up 1. (중압감을 못 이기고 정신적으로나 육체적으로) 무너지다[쓰러지다] 2. 마구 웃기 시작하다
    • 1. You'll crack up if you carry on working like this.
    • 2. He walked in and everyone just cracked up.
  • 문장구조
    • They made me wish I had someone to whisper to in the backseat.
  • Hostess  (손님을 초대한) 여[안]주인
    • Appraently, she met some UVA guy at that hostessing job she had.
  • Have dibs on something  소유권이 있다, 자신을 위해 ~을 남겨두다
    • Don't walk around here because I have dibs on this land. 나는 이 땅에 대한 소유권을 가지고 있으니깐 여기서 돌아다니지 마라
    • They'd argue over whose Barbie had dibs on Ken, because there was only one Ken.
  • Petite  (호감) 소녀나 여자 또는 그들의 모습이 자그마한
    • They don't look alike, like at all: Gen is petite with fit arms and sunny blond hair the color of margarine.
  • Peroxide blond 과산화수소로 금발로 만든 여자
    • Chris is blond too, but peroxide blond.







21 ~ 40

  • Puffy  눈·얼굴 등이 부어 있는 (것 같은)
    • peacoat  : 피코트(길이가 짧은 코트)

    • Should I bring my peacoat and my puffy coat or just my peacoat
  • Put + O + around 적재적소에 놔두다
    • Margot makes a face ad puts her arm around me.
  • Lug  (무거운 것을 힘들게) 나르다[끌다]
    • We watch from the bad as the he lugs one of the suitcases downstairs, and then he comes up for the other one.
  • Drill sergeant 훈련 담당 하사관
  • Catch + O + off
    • She catches me off guard; I don't have an answer ready for her.
  • Bend over 몸을 …위로 굽히다
    • We had our heads bent over my page, so close I could smell the soap he's used that morning.
  • Look off …에서 눈을 떼다
    • But then I saw the way he blushed, the way he looked off into space, and I knew it wasn't for me.
  • Shush 쉬, 쉿 (조용히 해)
    • I was about to ask him who when the librarian came over to shush us, and then we went back to doing work and Josh didn’t bring it up again and I didn’t ask.
  • Muddy 진창인, 진흙투성이인
    • Green eyes that go muddy in the center.
  • Sprain (특히 팔목·발목을) 삐다[접지르다]
  • Piggyback (등에) 업기[어부바], 목말 타기
    • I know because I sprained my ankle once by the old baseball field and he piggybacked me all the way home.
  • Freckle  주근깨 
    • He has freckles, which make him look younger than his age.
  • Dimple 보조개를 짓다
    • And a dimple on his left check.
  • Flighty (여자가) 변덕이 심한
  • Flibbertigibbet (비격식) 경박한 사람; 수다쟁이

    • I was the flighty one, the flibbertigibbet,  as my white grandma would say.
  • Unspool (실감개 따위에 감긴 것이) 풀어지다.
    • I remember she was unspooling the scarf from around her neck.
  • Cuddled up (~에게/서로) 바싹 다가앉다[눕다]
    • Kitty's cuddled up next to me.
  • Lump (보통 특정한 형태가 없는) 덩어리, 응어리
    • The lump in my throat is getting bigger, and a few tears leak out of my eyes.
  • Sartorial (특히 남성용) 의류의, 재봉[재단]의
    • I'm proud she's asking for my sartorial advice, and it would be good to get out of the house and not be sad anymore.
  • Ass down
    • Get your ass down here man!  이봐 여기로 내려와!
    • You get your ass down here.
  • Put in direction
    • I would feel silly putting in directions to go to the mall when I've been there a million times.
  • Bop 밥[디스코](팝 음악에 맞춰 추는 춤); 밥[디스코] 파티
    • I'm listening to the radio, bopping along, even driving with just one hand on the wheel.
  • Feign (감정·질병 등을) 가장하다[…인 척하다]
    • I do this to feign confidence, because the more I fake it, the more it's supposed to feel true.
  • Cut through -
    • I cut through the side neighborhood and even as I'm doing it, I'm wondering if this was such a great idea.
  • Clammy  (기분 나쁘게) 축축한
    • My heart is racing; my whole body feels wet and clammy.
    • His skin felt cold and clammy. 그의 피부는 차갑고 축축했다.
  • Furrow  (쟁기질로 생긴) 고랑[골]
    • The irritated furrow of his brow is loosening.
  • Grunty
  • Grunt (동물, 특히 돼지가) 꿀꿀거리다
    • He makes a grunty sound.
  • Wreck 망가뜨리다, 파괴하다
    • I've only had it for two hours and I've already wrecked it.
  • Wobbly (불안정하게) 흔들리는, 기우뚱한
    • My voice comes out so wobbly I'm embarrassed.
  • Crane 무엇을 더 잘 보려고 몸이나 목을) 길게 빼다
    • I crane my neck to look.


  • Roll + O + back up
    • He rolls the window back up.
  • Furtively 몰래, 살그머니, 슬쩍
    • Furtively, I wipe my cheeks with my arm.
  • Eclipse (중요성,권력 등이) 빛을 잃음
    • Genevieve had eclipsed us.
  • Make it to the mall
    • I'm not going to make it to the mall after all.
  • Mull over 숙고하다
    • I'm mulling over the right word choice in my head when Josh says, "So just because Margot and I broke up, you're not going to talk to me anymore either?"
  • Jokingly 농담 삼아, 장난으로
    • Josh sounds jokingly bitter or bitterly joking, if there is such a combination.
  • Pesky 성가신, 귀찮은
    • The part of the pesky little sister.
  • Glum 꿍하다
    • The players sat there with glum looks on their faces.




  1. 1~20
  • Pop popcorn 팝콘을 튀기다.
    • Josh popped a big bowl of popcorn.
  • Wave somebody off (떠나가는) ~에게 가라고 손을 흔들다.
    • I wave her off.
  • Cheekbones 광대뼈
    • I look the most like Mommy, but I think Margot does, with her high cheekbones and dark eyes.
  • Lucid 명쾌한, 명료한
    • That was her lucid interval.
  • Whip in
    • My head whips in Margot's direction.
  • Chicken out 겁을 먹고 (~ 그만두다)
    • I've never known Margot to chicken out before.
  • Stick out 눈에 띄다
    • Sticking out her lower lips, Kitty says, "That was the last regular meet! "
  • Begrudgingly 마지못해, 아까운 듯이, 인색하게
    • Kitty nods begrudgingly.
  • Drain  ( 등을) 빼내가다.
  • dreamy -eyed 몽롱한 눈매
    • She says Kitty drains her and I'm too dreamy -eyed.
  • Beotch = Prostitute
  • Snicker  (남을 얕보는) 낄낄 웃음, 숨죽여 웃는 웃음(giggle)
  • Incisors 앞니(한 개) ɪnˈsaɪzə(r)
    • She has sharp incisors, which make her look always a little bit hungry.
  • Fester 상처가 곪다
    • I don't think she's in any danger of her emotions festering.
  • Hog 독차지하다.
    • But usually Stormy hogged that.
  • Roost (닭새가 올라앉는) 홰
    • She rules the roost
  • Dementia  치매
  • Knit (실로 옷 등을) 뜨다[짜다], 뜨개질[편물]을 하다
    • She might not be so good at conversation due to her dementia, but she taught me how to knit.
  • Begrudgingly  마지못해, 아까운 듯이, 인색하게
    • "I guess Stormy sounds kind of like a badass," , Chris says Begrudgingly


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